
Heretical Articles Nos. 261-275


Many heresies on the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders prospered for decades, and were seldom mentioned or publicly exposed, even since the second school of thought arose in 1973, which advocate that the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders was revealed by the prophet in 1963. Although many message ministers knew that they were wrong and contrary to the Message, they respected the persons of men, their long standing with the prophet and their popularity in the Message world. Many of these false prophets were well fortified and took cover behind a marvelous invention of Satan, which is termed, "The Love Gospel." It is based on the principles that ministers should not preach against each other wrongs and their interpretation of the Message, and all ministers should preach the Message the way that they see it. Such teachings are contrary to Galatians 1:8-9. Our ministers and publication of eleven books regarded none of those great heresies and the persons of men and have successfully exposed most of the major heresies, many based upon the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders.

Major heresies came to our knowledge of recent times, which went unnoticed and unexposed since our publications began. Most important of these heresies are the teachings of Dr. Ewald Frank from Germany. Though many are aware of this Doctor's perversion of the Message and especially the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders, he prospered with his heresies for many years, though he lost some of his influence by reports of his immoral conduct that is well known around the Message world. Our purpose, in this article, is to expose his heresies. Without fear or failure, we are determined to prove his heresies unscriptural and off the Message, which has affected many around the world. Questions from such people concerning the life and ministry of this great Dr. Frank were referred to us therefore; I now take the liberty to itemize his heresies from his own writings, and to disprove them by the written Word of God and the Message of Malachi 4: 5 & 6.

All his heresies are based upon the presumptuous, intellectual, proud and disrespectful act of separating the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders/Third Pull, after God declared to his prophet that they are one revelation and hold the second coming of the Lord.

Doctor Ewald Frank created a third school of thought and has his own program for the revealing of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders. This is abundantly clear from his teachings; especially his book entitled 'The Revelation A Book With Seven Seals", such is absolutely contrary to the program of God. His doctrine states as follows, and is refuted by the teachings of the prophet, Brother Branham:

1. Doctor Frank: The Seventh Seal contains the Seven Trumpets of Revelation Chap 8-9

The prophet: It holds the Seven Thunders and the second coming of the Lord.

2. Doctor Frank: The reason that Heaven was silent on the Seventh Seal is because God cannot receive worship while He pours out His wrath

The prophet: The reason for the silence is that it would give away the secret to Satan

3. Doctor Frank: The Seventh Seal needs no revelation to be understood.

The prophet: The only way that it can be understood is by revelation.

4. Doctor Frank: The contents of the Seventh Seal are clear and sufficient to be understood by reading Revelation chap 8-9.

The prophet: It was a mystery to be revealed.

5. Doctor Frank: The Seventh Seal holds Christ's third coming to the Jews.

The prophet: The Seventh Trumpet holds the third coming of the Lord and the Seventh Seal holds the second coming of the Lord.

6. Doctor Frank: The Seven Thunders do not concern the Bride-Church but it is for the Jews.

The prophet: It is for the Bride and Rapturing faith and the Seventh Trumpet is for the Jews.

7. Doctor Frank: Revelation 10:1, the Lord will put His feet on land and sea after the ministry of the two prophets.

The prophet: That happened at the opening of the seals

8. Doctor Frank: There is no man on the earth who can claim to know the mystery of the Seven Thunders… God will be His own interpreter.

The prophet: It needs a prophetic gift for that revelation.

9. Doctor Frank: The Covenant Angel, Revelation 10:1 is exclusive to Israel.

The prophet: He deals with the Bride church then goes to the Jews.

10. Doctor Frank: Revelation 10:1 sets His feet upon land and sea just before He starts His millennial reign

The prophet: When the Seal was opened, down comes the Mighty Angel setting His feet upon land and sea.

11. Doctor Frank: The Angel of Revelation 10:7 and Revelation 11:15 is the same angel.

The Prophet: The angel of Revelation 10:7 is a man, an earthly messenger, the angel of Revelation 11:15 is a heavenly being.

7th Seal/ 7 Thunders/ 3rd Pull Erroneously Separated

By casual consideration of the above statements of Doctor Frank when compared with the Prophet, they are sufficient for any believer of the Message to readily understand that his teachings are in direct opposition to the major doctrine of the Word and Message of the End time Prophet of Malachi 4:5-6. Therefore, they are heresies. His deception is cunning and crafty

He separated the Seventh Seal from the Seven Thunders and place Revelation 10:1 exclusively for the Jews, standing on land and sea before the millennium

He exempted the third phase -Third Pull of the Prophet's ministry from its scriptural place within the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders.

He separated those subjects to better formulate his heresy and 'third school of thought' on the subject of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders. The Lord, Himself connected those revelations for the Prophet. If this doctor had stayed with such connections he would have exposed himself. Thus we will stay with the subjects as connected by God, to defiantly expose Doctor Frank and his heresy.

Quote W.M.B.: 558-2 {255} "Seven thunders uttered straight together…What is it? It's the thing that Jesus said even the Angels of heaven didn't know nothing about it…Remember, Satan will try to impersonate… but this is one thing he cannot impersonate. There'll be no mimics to this (See?), 'cause he don't know it. There's no way for him to know it. It's the third pull." (The seventh seal 63-0324E).

Quote: 460-6 {24} "If you can understand it, this is that third pull. You should've caught that the other day. (Q.A. on the Seals 63-0324M).

Dr. Frank is using the Message conveniently, without recognition or evaluation of what God said concerning the contents of the Seventh Seal. These are evident fruits of unbelief. Who should we believe; a doctor or a Prophet? The claims of his association with the Prophet since 1955, is disannulled by his heretical statements, because he is not associated with the major revelations of the Prophet, but have used the golden opportunity of being with the Prophet as a platform to propagate such damnable heresies. If compared to the 'second school of thought' with all their deceptions on the Seventh Seal/ Seven Thunders, it will cause some to wonder which is more damnable: his 'third school of thought' or their 'second school of thought', which advocates that it was revealed by the Prophet in 1963.

Doctor Frank, by his great intellectual mind, resources and popularity produced this book with one goal, that is to explain away the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders from the Endtime Church. When Satan succeeds in doing such to individuals, he prevents them from receiving many promises of God and the translation for the Rapture.

This 'third school of thought' on the subject of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders has bewitched people in several countries. Though many have separated from him, they are yet deceived by this great heresy. Remember a doctor was never ordained to interpret the Word, but only a prophet, he is God's divine interpreter of the Word - Amos 3:7.

Was Rev. Pastor Dr. Frank used of God to bring to us the Revelation of the Seals? Or was it Malachi 4: 5-6, William Branham? Indeed, all faithful believers of the Message can boldly proclaim with a loud voice, that Brother Branham was the chosen vessel for that most important work.

We will now examine the heretical statements of Doctor Frank by the Word and the teachings of the Prophet in a more elaborately. Included are Frank's direct statements which he made in opposition to the teachings of the Prophet. I challenge every believer to accept what Brother Branham said on this subject and denounce the Doctor's heresies.


Heretical Article No.#261:

Dr. Frank: Page 37/53 "The Seventh Seal contains the Seven Trumpet judgments which will fall into the time space of the Sixth Seal… Beginning with verse 2 we are actually told about what the Seventh Seal contains and what takes place at that time. The seven angels begin to blow their trumpets".

E.O.D.H. Answer:557 (4) "that's what the mystery is laying behind those seven consecutive thunders rolling out." (The Seventh Seal 24/3/64).

Quote: 567 (1) "Now, what this great secret is that lays beneath this Seal, I do not know… But I know that it was them seven thunders uttering themselves right close together." (The Seventh Seal 24/3/63).

Quote: 568 (2) "One of the mysteries of that Seal… it was seven thunders that uttered their voices. (The Seventh Seal 24/3/63).

Quote: "That Seventh Seal hasn't opened yet, you know; that's His coming." (Feast of the Trumpets 19/7/64).

Quote: 33-3 "Remember, He hid the Seventh Seal from us…It was the coming of the Lord." (Souls In Prison Now 11/11/63).

Quote: 564 (2) And in Sabino Canyon, He said, "This is the third pull." And there's three great things that goes with it, and one unfolded today, or yesterday, the other one unfolded today, and there's one thing that I cannot interpret, because it's in an unknown language." (The Seventh Seal 24/3/64).

It is clear from the above quotations that the Prophet concluded that the Seventh Seal is the Seven Thunders and the Third Pull and they all hold the Coming of the Lord. He compared the Seven Seals in Matthew 24. He made reference to the Seventh Seal in connection to the Second Coming of the Lord and indicated that Jesus was silent about His Second Coming. This fact is evident by the signs that Jesus gave to his Apostles concerning His Second Coming. Doctor Frank misplaced the Second Coming like the Scribes and Pharisees, who misplaced the First Coming of the Lord and missed the Messiah sent to them because he was manifested in a different type of ministry. The coming of the Lord hidden under the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders is the Second Coming of the Lord, which Brother Branham made reference to on many of his messages and more specifically the subject of the Seventh Seal.

Therefore, the Seventh Seal does not contain the Seven Trumpets, as heretically stated by Dr. Frank. How dare can he say different to Almighty God who revealed to the Prophet the sacred connection between the Seventh Seal and Seven Thunders. This doctor can only preach his heresies and be deceptive by separating what God has joined together. What God has joined together let not man put asunder. He has broken the golden rule of the Almighty.

Heretical Article No.#262:

Dr. Frank: Pg. 53/54 "The Throne of Mercy changes into a Throne of Judgment and the wrath breaks forth. God cannot receive worship and praise at the same time He pours out His wrath upon earth - therefore the silence in heaven.

E.O.D.H. Answer:"This is why there was no activity in heaven; it might give away the secret." "(The seventh seal 24/3/63).

Quote: "The Angels, everything shut up. If they made one move it might give something away, so they just shut up, quit harping; everything stopped."(The seventh seal 24/3/63).

How different a heresy is from the truth. Heaven was silent because it may give away one of the greatest secret. But Dr. Frank is saying that God could not receive worship while He was pouring out His wrath. We believe Malachi 4:5-6 and denounce the theology of Dr. Frank. What about the movements that stopped in heaven?

Is Dr. Frank saying that while God poured out His wrath for forty days upon the earth, that Noah's worship was not received of God from inside of the Ark. Or when Abraham praised Him, beholding the fires of Sodom and Gomorrah that God refused to receive his praise while He was in a bodily form with Abraham on the mountains?

When the Lamb leaves the Mercy Seat and takes the Book, God's Throne becomes a Judgment Throne and all heaven worshipped the Almighty. John was heard worshipping God, even under the earth. (Revelation Chapter5).

"And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments." (Revelation 16: 4-7).

That is worship doctor! Angels and the Redeemed no longer needed the Blood sacrifice to worship God, nor through eternity.

Heretical Article No.#263:

Dr. Frank: Page 54 "There is no revelation needed to understand the Seventh Seal."

E.O.D.H. Answer:"557-3 {245} I'm going to tell you my revelation of it." "I had the revelation that revealed... It's in a threefold manner." (The seventh Seal 63-0324E ).

Quote: {392} "it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it's supposed to be revealed in." (The seventh Seal 63-0324E ).

Quote: 574-1 {377} Will be a good thing that he doesn't know anything about it, because if he did, then he would impersonate that. That's his tricks in doing things. So therefore, God has made it so hid to the whole world, even to heaven, that there is no way of understanding it, only as God will reveal it Himself." (The seventh Seal 63-0324E ).

Quote: "There'll be seven voices of these thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time. So I believe, to us who... If we don't know it, and we--we--it won't be knowed till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it's supposed to be revealed in.
So I believe, to us who... If we don't know it, and we--we--it won't be knowed till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it's supposed to be revealed in. So the thing for us to do is to be reverent before God and serve Him, and do all that we know how to do, and live good Christian lives." (The seventh Seal 63-0324E ).

Quote: 78-4 {70} Seal signifies... (Now, this is words I got from the dictionary.) Seal signifies a finished work. And when the Seventh Seal is broken, the mystery of God that's sealed in these mysterious seals is finished; until the day that Seal is broken, then it's revealed what's on the inside of it." (The Breach 63-0317E).

Dr. Frank, without any reserve, declares that the Seventh Seal needs no revelation to understand it. From the Prophet's teaching, it needs the greatest revelation to understand, because it was not even written in the Book and the Prophet held it in great reverence, fear and trembling. This Doctor is treating this subject with total disrespect. The only way that he can be so dishonorable to even God, is by a carnal interpretation, proclaiming that the Trumpets are the Seventh Seal. Can we imagine that a major Prophet missed this grand idea, and a doctor got it? Imagine that it was there all the time and William Marrion Branham did not see that? I must say respectfully to Dr. Frank, that he is advocating capital nonsense, and has brought the greatest shame to the Bible school and theology as a whole. He is presenting to the world a confused Prophet who told lies about the Seventh Seal/ Seven Thunders/Third Pull.

Heretical Article No.#264:

Dr. Frank: Of all the Seals, the Seventh is the most clearly described, not containing any mysterious symbols as the others. The contents pertaining to it are very clear and sufficient.

E.O.D.H. Answer:560-4 {275} "the Seventh Seal, the thing that I've wondered all my life." (The seventh Seal 63-0324E ).

Quote: 576-3 {394} "that Seventh Seal…it's a hidden mystery. No one knows it." (The seventh Seal 63-0324E ).

Quote: 575-4 {390} the opening of this Seventh Seal, it's also in a threefold mystery… The seven thunders in heaven will unfold this mystery. It'll be right at the coming of Christ, because Christ said no one knew when He would return." (The Seventh Seal 63-0324E ).

All mysteries need revelation. Where is the abundance of clarity that Dr. Frank is speaking about? Again, this dumb statement is hinged upon the first error, that the Seventh Seal contains the Seven Trumpets. He is off the bull's-eye by a million miles. Can anyone imagine that the Seventh Seal is so clear, needs no revelation, and a major Prophet, the greatest sent to the Gentiles in the history of the world, wondered about it all his life, and sadly reported that God hid it from him, but the Seven Thunders will reveal it in that day and hour? Is Dr. Frank greater than our Prophet? Absolutely not! He is a blind guide, and is heading for the ditch with all who follow him, except they repent.

Heretical Article No.#265:

Dr. Frank: Page 63 "After the ministry of the two prophets is accomplished, the Lord will put His feet upon Land and sea, and that is the moment when He meets His brethren, the 144, 000, who are standing sealed on Mount Zion (Rev. 14).

E.O.D.H. Answer:3-1 "Exactly the same. Under the Seventh Trumpet is to Israel the same as the Seventh Seal was to the Church." (Feast.of.the.trumpets 64-0719m).

The Trumpet holds the third coming of the Lord. The Seventh Seal holds the second coming of the Lord. The coming of the Lord hidden under the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders is the second coming of the Lord, which Brother Branham made reference to on many of his messages and more specifically the subject of the Seventh Seal, not His third coming.

On Mount Olivet the Lord's disciples asked three questions (Matthew 24). First - when the temple will be destroyed, second - the signs of His Second coming and third - the end of the world which relates to the third coming to the Jews, the destruction of the Roman Empire and the burning of a great part of the earth.


Heretical Article No.#266:

Dr. Frank: Page 63 "What the Seven Thunders uttered… does not concern us… it was not written. Therefore it did not become part of the Holy Scripture… Those who preach are duty bound to stay only with the written Word of God…"

E.O.D.H. Answer:253-2 {182} The Bride hasn't had a revival yet. There's been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet. We're looking for it. It will take those seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again. (The Third Seal 63-0320).

>Quote: 128-2 {75} And then there's coming forth seven mysterious thunders that's not even written at all. And I believe that through those seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith. (The First Seal 18/03/63).

Quote: 51-5 "Is that really them seven thunders fixing to utter out something that the little group that He's gathered together will receive rapturing faith to go in the rapture when He comes." (Sirs is this the time 30/12/62).

Quote: "There'll be a Power put into the Church, and now is coming in, that the Holy Spirit will so anoint the people, till they'll speak the Word and It'll create Itself right there. We haven't seen Power like's coming into the Church now. I know it for a fact. "'Say unto this mountain be moved…The placing of the Church in position, where the Fullness of the Power of the Holy Ghost comes into the Church." (Hear Ye Him, 60-0213, Par. E-38)

I am sure a great Doctor, highly intellectual, a smart man and educated is aware of all these quotations. He is not ignorant of them in this computer age. But because his theology is so dumb, he has chosen to separate the Seventh Seal from the Seven Thunders and the Third Pull, to establish his heresies. He thinks he has a better idea than the seventh grade Prophet, and even God, Himself, who associated these subjects. I call Dr. Frank to repentance. His unbelief is manifested unto all men, and his folly shall soon be made manifest, even like Jannes and Jambres, if he fails to repent.

Heretical Article No.#267:

Dr. Frank: "After the ministry of the two prophets is accomplished, the Lord will put His feet upon land and sea, and that is the moment when He meets His brethren, the 144,000, who are standing on Mount Zion (Rev. 14: 1). That is when the Seven Thunders will utter their voices."

E.O.D.H. Answer:576-7 {398} "the Seventh Seal… that it is a complete mystery, therefore, the hour is not yet for these mystery to be known, therefore, we're this far and the rest of it will be known right around about the time that Jesus appears on earth again for His Bride. (The Seventh Seal 63-0324E ).

Quote: 575-4 {390} "Now, now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal, it's also in a threefold mystery. This one I have--will speak and have spoke, that it is the mystery of the seven thunders. The seven thunders in heaven will unfold this mystery. It'll be right at the coming of Christ... There'll be seven voices of these thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time. So I believe, to us who... If we don't know it, and it won't be knowed till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it's supposed to be revealed in." (The Seventh Seal 63-0324E ).

The above quotations specify the time period of the revealing of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders. It will be about the time that the Bride Church is raptured. Dr. Frank has taken the promise of the Bride and gave it to the Jews. The Seven Seals have to do with the Bride, and the Seven Trumpets have to do with the Jews, although the Fifth Seal reveals the salvation of the Jews. That is why the Prophet said that the Seventh Seal for the Bride is the Seventh Trumpet for the Jews. It is one and the selfsame revelation with different terminologies, speaking of the comings of Christ. The Seventh Seal is the second coming and the Seventh Trumpet is His third coming (Revelation 11:15). There is no need of the Seven Thunders for the Jews on Mount Olives the 144,000 who were already born again by a revelation of Christ and perfected by the Seal of God. It could not be for rapturing faith as they were martyred. When the Bride gets that revelation she will be raptured.

Heretical Article No.#268:

Dr. Frank: Page 64 "There is no man on the earth who can claim to know the mystery of the Seven Thunders… God will be His own interpreter."

E.O.D.H. Answer:466 (6) "Now, we find out the corruption that hits in the seventh church age... But the Seventh Seal doesn't reveal anything, what's going to happen to it (See?), because at the end of that church age is to come a prophetic gift to reveal these things. See? Are you following it? All right. (Q & A on the Seals).

According to Doctor Frank, a prophet is exempted from receiving the revelation of the Thunders, but Christ comes down and pushes it directly into the hearts of the 144, 000.

It came to a prophet once. He was only forbidden to write it. So what is the difference now, that God must bypass Amos 3:7? John is proof that it must utter through a prophet to the Gentiles, and that is not breaking the Scripture. If that was God's unchangeable program for the revealing of the Thunders, then God made a mistake when he let John hear and understand. That does not go only for Frank, but every heretic who propagates that the Seventh Seal is so sacred that it comes to the heart of the elected Bride individually.


Dr. Frank: Page 60 "The Lord is not spoken of even a single time in direct reference to the Church using the terminology of the Angel of the Covenant, but only and exclusively in connection with the people of Israel."

E.O.D.H. Answer:72-1 {29} "Revelations 10 ... I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow... upon his head,...If you notice that's…He's directly coming to the Jews now, for the Church… has been raptured, or fixing to be raptured. He comes for His Church." (The Breach 63-0317E).

Quote: 74-2 {40} And when the Seals are broke and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head. Now remember, this seventh angel is on earth at the time of this coming." (The Breach 63-0317E).

Irregardless of the theology of Dr. Frank, and all His Greek and Hebrew translation of words, the Prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 has spoken, and all doctors need to shut up. "His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark." (Isaiah 56:10). Doctor Frank doesn't know about the seven angels and the opening of the Seals more than God's chosen ordained Prophet, Elijah. Malachi 3:1 - The Covenant Angel is Christ. He was in the church and with the Apostles. When the Gospel was turned over to the Gentiles, the Covenant came to them and also the Covenant Angel. Revelation 10 associates him with the Seals and the End time Bride. Away with the garbage theology of Doctor Frank!

Heretical Article No.#270:

Dr. Frank: Page 61 "The Lord is the owner of Land and sea, therefore He set one foot on land and sea before starting His reign… He comes to claim His possession before commencing His Millennial Reign."

E.O.D.H. Answer:104-2 {247} "They died... Jesus said, "He that believeth on Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live... What'll happen? The trumpet of God shall sound, that last trump will blast forth the same time that the last angel's giving his message and the last Seal is opened, that last trumpet will sound, and the Redeemer comes forth to take His redeemed possessions: His church, blood-washed." (The Breach 63-0317E).

Quote: 105-3 {254} "for the trumpet of God shall sound at that last trumpet, when the last Seal is broke, and when the seventh angel's given his message; the last trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise, and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet Him in the air. He claims... He's come forth now to claim His--His possession." (The Breach 63-0317E).

Quote: "And even those who are alive and remain till His coming shall not hinder them which are asleep, for the trumpet of God shall sound at that last trumpet, when the last Seal is broke, and when the seventh angel's given his message; the last trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise, and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet Him in the air. He claims... He's come forth now to claim His possession." (The Breach 63-0317E).

It is sad that the theology of Dr. Frank has not revealed to him what is the greatest possession of the Lord; it's His Bride. The Prophet said that 'He claims His possession at the Rapture'. The millennium reign is not all together the possession of the Lord, though He possessed the Kingdom, as there will be mortals living on the earth which will be destroyed at the end of the thousand years.

The scripture said that the feet of the Lord will stand upon the Mount Olives (Zechariah 14:4). Dr. Frank is saying that He stands on land and sea, and by such dumb theology hooked in Revelation 10:1, only before the millennium. That is how dumb theology is! We embrace the simplicity of the Prophet that God sent to us and we reject the theology of Dr. Frank. So let it be established in the heart of every elect throughout the world.

Heretical Article No.#271:

Doctor Frank page 65: After this there are the last three and half years of the great tribulation to the end of this present civilization. The reference to the announcement of the sounding of the seventh angel in chapter 10 already points to the moment, when the reign actually is being proclaimed {11:15}. Therefore, it speaks of the "voice" of the seventh angel. The first six trumpets contain only judgement, no announcement, no voice.

E.O.D.H. Answer:323-3 "First of all, that messenger is going to be a prophet. He will have the office of a prophet… The proof that he is a prophet is found in Revelation 10:7… Now this person…is NOT an heavenly being. The sixth trumpeting angel, who is an heavenly being, is in Revelation 9:13, and the seventh of like order is in Revelation 11:15. This one here in Revelation 10:7 is the seventh age messenger and it is a man, and he is to bring a message from God, and his message and ministry is going to finish the mystery of God as declared to His servants, the prophets."(Church age book).

Quote: 74 "In the days of the seventh angel sounding forth his Message..." that's earthly angel now. Because this Angel came down from heaven; and this was on earth. "Angel" is "a messenger," a messenger to the age." (Evening Messenger).

Quote: 23-5 "And remember, in that Sixth Seal, where all Seven Trumpets sounds under that Sixth Seal... When we get to that, you'll see that. Every Seven Trumpet took place in that Sixth Seal." (Souls in prison 63-0116).

From the above Scriptures and Revelation chapters 2 and 3, seven angels are sent to the Seven Church Ages. Revelation 10:7 speaks exclusively about the last church age messenger to finish the mystery. Revelation 11:15 speaks of the last trumpeting angels which is a different group of angels entirely. The first group of seven angels are earthly messengers and the second group of angels are heavenly beings. But this Doctor's theology has connected both angels to be the same. This is a heresy! Revelation chapters 8 and 9 accounted for six angels and their trumpeting, but Revelation 11:15 accounted for the last and seventh angel of that group of trumpeting angels, not Revelation 10: 7, the church age messenger.

Heretical Article No.#272:

"Ewald Frank is a Doctor of theology. He has to be right on his doctrine, since he is better educated in the Message than many ministers, and even William Branham."

E.O.D.H. Answer:For a man who confesses to believe the Message of the hour and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to continue to be called Doctor, Cardinal, Pope or any such man-made titles, after he has left his organization or school of theology is sufficient evidence to prove that he has not left his organization, but carry the same spirit of the Catholic Church, who invented such titles. Men who use such titles are political in spirit, and seek honor more than to serve Christ and His flock. This is contrary to the Message. William Branham blasted that spirit throughout his Message, following this same pattern of our Lord Jesus in the Gospel. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and said that they loved the upper most seats in the Synagogues and greetings in the market place and to be called Rabbis.

It makes me wonder how much of the Message and the Bible Dr. Frank believes. A man who believes just the basic teachings of William Branham and the Bible will refrain from using such titles, which the Prophet condemned many times in most of his messages. He will be totally embarrassed to be introduced to Message believers under such Catholic titles.

There is not a servant of God in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation who carried those titles, preachers license etc. Those who had them in their organization like Brother Paul count them as dung after they came to the message of the hour.

"Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ". {Philippians 3:8}.

Quote W.M.B.: 492-2 {222} "Like Paul said, "I didn't come to you with the polish of an education, but I come to you in the power of the resurrection." It taken God three and one-half years down in Arabia there to knock it out of him--his education. Took Him forty years to get it out of Moses…The wisdom of this world is contrary... Education has been the biggest hindrance that the Gospel's ever had. If we didn't have education, we wouldn't have all these big seminaries and things that we got now, it'd be people simple-minded who'd listen to the Word; but they're so polished and messed up, and tightened up out there with all them organizations, till that they're going to stay with it, that's all. They take on that spirit." (QA. on the seals 63-0324M).

Quote: 15 "Then they bound the church with another cord as Delilah did... Instead of having God-called men, men who were called by the Holy Spirit, maybe didn't know their abc's, but they knowed Christ. Then the church got stylish, and fashioned after the political speakers. And they had to give their preachers doctor's degree, everybody had to be a Doctor of Divinity. That was another cord to bind the church. Men go off and study, each seminary tries to produce a better scholar so that their churches can brag, "Our pastor is a Doctor of Divinity." … that doesn't mean anything in the sight of God." (Deceived.Church.By.The.World 59-0628m).

Quote: E-4 "Someone was trying to give me a doctors degree not long ago. And I said, "I'm too smart for that." I said, "I know better; the people does too." So... If a man knows his limitations and..." Now with my old Kentucky "his," and "hain'ts," and "tote," and "fetch," and "carry," you know people know how I wouldn't be a doctor of divinity. And so I--I'm just Brother Branham, you see." (Hear.Ye.Him 56-0611).

Quote: 268-2 {286} "You doctors of divinity and everything and talking how... And introducing yourself as 'Doctor,' 'Doctor,' 'Doctor.' (The Third Seal 63-0320).

Quote: 185 "Culture, science, beautiful churches, high steeples, fine polished preachers, education: DA., D., Ph.D., LL.D., Doctor of Literature, Doctor of Divinity, Doctors... Every time you pronounce that, it just takes him that much farther from God, just throws him plumb away." (Power of transformation 65-1031).

Quote: 68 "That would qualify Jesus exactly being the Word. He knowed the thoughts that was in their heart: Hebrews 4:12. Now, if we wanted to identify Him, would we expect Him to be some Doctor of Divinity? There is no record of Him ever being in a school." (Jesus Christ the same 63-0627).

Anytime you want to bring under the Message, 'doctor, president, chairman or directors', we are getting like the Catholic Church and the organizations. Now the reason that people want to be called Doctor or President is to receive honor. "Do you know who is standing behind the pulpit there? Doctor, President so and so." Jesus said, "But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren." (Matthew 23:8).

So now, the Catholic Church is responsible for making up all these titles from popes, to cardinals, to bishops, with a different meaning than the Bible and then come right down to priest, the Jesuits, all these kinds of mother superiors and father superiors. And hear the organizations: "Doctor", "Reverend". Hear the priest: "Father". The Bible says, "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." (Matthew 23:9). So there is no room for any of these titles. All that we have in the Bible are Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists, Pastors and we have elders, deacons, helps and a few other things, humble and simple. The Nicolaitans, antichrist spirit, prevalent around the Message, is trying to socialize the ministry. They have made the office of pastor, evangelist etc. equal titles to that of worldly professions: doctors, lawyers, judges and politicians etc. Although such titles such as Popes, cardinals, superintendent etc, are not verbally used, the spirit of organizations and the Catholic Church dominates many ministers

These have proven to be Gentiles in their spirit. The Gentile seeks honor one of another. "But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all." (Mark 10:42-44).

Heretical Article No.#273:

"We follow a great man, Doctor and Pastor, who heard the audible voice of God. That proves that he is a genuine servant of God? You have never heard God's voice, to prove that your teachings are true."

E.O.D.H. Answer:With all due respect to Pastor Dr. and Elder E. Frank and also to his followers, especially to those who communicates with us and respect our publication E.O.D.H. I must give a truthful answer to an honest question because I am duty bound to speak the truth to all men.

The only way that you can discern if a man's doctrine is right is that it must be in accordance with the Word of God and the Message of the Hour. He must teach according to the Word of God and the revelation that the Prophet brought to the Age. The Prophet for our Age is Malachi 4:5&6 Elijah Branham. His life must be according to the Word of God. The Bible said in Mathew 7:14-15, "ye shall know them by their fruits". A good tree cannot bring forth corrupt fruits. A minister must meet the required qualifications set forth in the Scriptures to qualify as a true minister.

Dr. Frank has miserably failed to meet the qualifications of a true minister by his testimony and his teachings on the most important and major subject of the Bible and Message of Malachi 4:5&6. His personal life, is well known around Germany, Europe, and the rest of the world. Even as the wise man, Solomon declared "As dead flies causeth the ointment of the apotocary to stink, so doth the folly of him that is held in high reputation" {Proverbs}.

Many preachers have based their ministry upon the claims of seeing a vision, dreaming a dream, hearing voices or experiencing some sort of sensation or having other bad experiences. We have too much of that in the world. The false anointed ones built their ministries upon such experiences without the Word of God, they try to compare their ministries with that of the Major Prophet, Brother Branham, who genuinely experienced such things of God, but the remarkable difference is that he had the Word. No true servant of God in this hour will advertise and build his ministry upon such experiences, though they are genuine, but they will be established upon the Written Word and the Revelation of Malachi 4:5&6, and especially the Opening of the Seals.

Hearing the voice of God does not necessarily mean that a man is a servant of God. Many in the Scriptures heard the Lord's audible voice and were lost. Cain heard His voice and he was a literal son of the serpent. He was rebellious to God. He was full of hate and jealousy and murdered his brother. God counseled him to do well and he will be accepted. He refused like all other seeds of the serpent will. The Israelites called out of Egypt by Moses, came to Mt. Sinai and all heard the voice of God. Jesus said that they all perished, which means eternally separated from God, likewise there are others who had great experiences of visions, dreams, seen angels, and were blessed by God in many ways and perished.

Dr. Frank, hearing the audible voice of God as he claims is not the absolute proof that he is a servant of God. Servants of God must stay true to the Word of God. They can genuinely hear the voice of God and fail to be obedient to the Word and humble their hearts before God and be lost. Dr. Frank has denied one of the greatest doctrines and promise of the message of William Branham - the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders to come to the Bride for Rapturing faith. This is disobedience, pride and self-will and the evidence of a false teacher.

The greatest voice he has not heard, and that is to hear the Message of the Hour by divine revelation. Jesus said that His sheep will hear His voice. He lacks divine revelation on the Message of the Major Prophet and the Opening of the Seals. To deny that the revelation of the Thunders is coming to the Bride, is to be a tool in the hand of Satan to try and keep the Bride earth bound.

Concerning your statement whether I have heard the voice of God to prove that my teachings on my Books are right, this does not apply if my teachings are right, it is not based upon a testimony that I heard the voice of God, like Dr. Frank, but solemnly upon the basis that I do not deviate from the Scriptures and the Message of the Hour. I have openly challenged the world to prove my teachings wrong. I have not had a preacher to take up such challenge and expose me. I am again sending out another challenge on this book. I also hereby invite Dr. Frank, since I know him to be a famous writer, capable and efficient in handling doctrinal issues, to pick up this challenge. Let him write a book and expose my doctrines. Confirm that my articles are wrong by the Scriptures and the Message of the Hour. I said Message of the Hour even because there was one prophet sent to us for the Seven Church Ages who was ordained to interpret the Scriptures. I am not interested in a Doctor of divinity Ph. D. or LLD or an A.B.C. privately interpreting the Scriptures to me, it comes only by God's ordained plan -Amos 3:7.

Whatever supernatural experiences that I had with God I only speak of them as I feel led of the Spirit and when it is necessary and convenient to confirm the Word of God. I will not at this point try to convince you that my teachings are right, by documenting my several experiences with God, though I have spoken about most of them at Bethel {The House of God}, to the Flock that the Lord have placed under my care. Recently I allowed a couple of these experiences to be heard on tape by our close associates. This is only in support of the truth that I preach and not to build a ministry.

Heretical Article No.#274:

"Exposition of damnable heresies' teachings is exactly like Brother Ewald Frank's on the Seventh Seal. We also believe that the Seventh Seal is not for the Bride."

E.O.D.H. Answer:I have heard about this misconception before, by letters from foreign lands. Several people have embraced our books E.O.D.H. 1-11 because they know and have gathered from our writings that we stand against all false interpretations of the Thunders. They have mistakenly believed that we are saying like Dr. Frank that the Seven Thunders are not for the Bride. God forbid! This is gross error. I categorically deny that I believe, preach or teach this damnable heresy of Dr. Frank. To simplify this misconception, I state as follow; that there are two major schools of thought on the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders. The first school of thought is based upon the teachings and instruction of Brother Branham, that the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders was not revealed to him in 1963 and that the Church should wait for that revelation. I belong to this first school of thought with all who believes our teachings.

The second school of thought advocates that the Thunders were revealed to Brother Branham in 1963, but they found the revelation in 1973. This is antichrist doctrine, which originated from New York through ambition, pride, disobedience, and self-will. Dr. Frank belongs to a third school of thought and does not believe in the first school of thought which Brother Branham belonged to until his departure in 1965. Neither does he cater to the second school of thought, even as all true believers of the first school.

Therefore let it be fully established now and forever in the hearts of all who read our books, or will read them in the future that my denouncement of all false Thunders around the globe should not be understood to mean the Seven Thunders is not for the Bride. I do affirm that the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders hold the revelation of the coming of the Lord and the secret of translating the Bride, which was not revealed to Brother William Branham in 1963, but will be broken only to the Bride by a public ministry and demonstration of the Holy Spirit, with signs wonders and miracles, to confirm the coming of the Lord and the Seven Thunders. This was clearly itemized on E.O.D.H Book 8, "Eight Identifications Of The Ministry Of The Seven Thunders."

I am duty bound and have chosen to speak freely of the most corruptible doctrine of this great man, concerning his version of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders, which is in fact a third school of thought, which declares that the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders are not for the Bride, but for the Jews. This is a heresy, as huge as the heresy from New York, which has established around the world, that the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders were indeed revealed by Brother Branham in 1963 and hidden in the Message until the early seventies, when the most so called fortunate pastor Coleman was caught up into the dimensions of the spirit and received the revelation of the Seven Thunders. Thus the teachings of this gallant, Reverend and Doctor must be exposed for what it is. I have no part or lot with his heresies.

Heretical Article No.#275:

"It is a well known fact that E. Frank is a great man who met Brother Branham has long standing in the Message and has many followers. He made a little mistake and fell in adultery with his secretary. I feel that he is yet qualified to preach the message, but I noticed in your book 10 E.O.D.H. that you believe that all such preachers should not re-enter the pulpit. This does make a difference for our precious Brother Frank."

E.O.D.H. Answer:The Lord is no respecter of persons nor his true servants, because the Word of God is written for both small and great. When the Scripture declares that a man done wrong, it is wrong irregardless of who he is, whatever ministry he holds, even like Moses and other servants of God and the many sacrifices that he made to serve God. You call adultery a little mistake. Is it really a little one or is it huge as all the world problems put together in a unit? One act of adultery in Eden is responsible for all the troubles in the world, but you view that as small according to your teachings which you received from Dr. Frank. He also views this horrible crime as a little one. He took offence in my E.O.D.H. Book 10 and returned it to our distributor in Germany. What is his reason?

To bring a man back behind the pulpit on the grounds of repentance is wrong. A minister or a deacon could fall into sin, he can repent and God could give him grace and save the man as a repentant sinner, but he needs to sit in the congregation and beg and cry for mercy all the days of his life for bringing such a reproach upon the Word of God. Proverbs 6: 32-33. Such sins have proven him to be disqualified. He has proven himself not born again. He has proven himself without the Spirit of God. He has failed his duties, and he should never ascend the pulpit again in his life, because his reproach shall not be wiped away; and according to 1Timothy 3, the Bible said, "a bishop must be blameless; the husband of one wife." He must be blameless. And when a man commits these sins and leads God's children away from the Word of God, he is blameful, and his reproach shall not be wiped away. Such a man should hold his seat. Let us examine any adulterous preacher by the message:


Quote W.M.B.: "And if you still got the things of the world in you, you're not born again... and go right back out and defile a man's wife, break up a man's home…you are not dead to the world yet, you are alive with it…And a man that's born of God, you cannot call him back into that rotten muss of sin anymore. He's dead, and he's born again. He's a new creature." (You must be born again 61-1231).


Quote: E-25 "Unbelief is sin. Why do you do that? It's because you don't believe…You lie, steal, commit adultery because you don't believe…Now, you do that because you're an unbeliever. If you do that, and say you're a believer, you're not a believer. Your own testimony, your fruits prove that you're not. You've got to get rid of that before you're even a believer." (Presuming 62-0408).


Quote: 193 "You've seen people claim to have the Holy Spirit, and live in adultery, drink, and everything else; they haven't got It." (Perseverance 62-0218).


Quote: E-46 "You smoke, lie, steal, drink, commit adultery, because you're not a believer. A believer doesn't do that." ( 59-0407


Quote: "I have nothing against a sinner drinking. I have nothing against a sinner committing adultery, nothing against the sinner doing this. But what I'm talking about is these people who are supposed to be Christians and then doing that." (The Supernatural. 56-0129).

"Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin (Unbelief); for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God" 1 John 3:9. According to the prophet of God, a man that commits adultery, be it a preacher or lay member, he's not born again and does not have one speck of the Holy Ghost in him. He is an unbeliever. Therefore that proves that he never had any divine revelation, that unbelieving nature was still down inside of him, and the prophet of God said that that unbelief is the seed of unholiness. His nature is still corrupt, and Jesus said that it is a total impossibility for that corrupt tree to ever bring forth good fruit. Your fruits prove that you are not a believer. Then if a man is not born again and the world is in him, how could he lead a church? How can he preach salvation? How can he get people born again? If a man is deceived of the devil by a cult, by a heresy, led away with two, three and four different doctrines, how can he lead Gods children down the middle of the road? Such ministers should really be in the scrap heap of ministers. There is a scrap heap of ministers, and when these men fall into such degradation, and when they fail their duties, God has a scrap heap where he throws these ministers into. The prophet of God said that such men belong to the scrap heap. You boneless preacher, sissified preacher, you are saying, without a backbone, say that they belong on the pulpit. The prophet said that they belong to the scrap heap. That's where they belong.


Quote: 23-2 "But so many of us try to do the works of Christ before the reflection of Christ is in us. Now, there's the trouble. We find those things happening. You know it. I know it. We see these stumbles along the road. We find the scrap heaps of ministers, of Christians, piled along the road. Is because they didn't go into it right." (Stature of a perfect man 62-1014).

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