
Heretical Articles Nos. 276-284


The great Oak of Germany fell and the sheep were scattered. Many were separated from Doctor E. Frank and some opened their own churches. They innocently continued to preach and establish that the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders are not for the Gentile church, not understanding that such doctrine is wrong and heretical in its nature, even as huge as all the false thunders around the world. Both are trying to take away the promises for the Bride. If Satan can succeed in giving a substitute or explaining away the promises of God, then he can send many people through the Tribulation by causing them to miss the Rapture. The Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders is God's chosen way to reveal His secret of total redemption to the Endtime Bride. Any man who tries to explain away that promise, is working in the hands of Satan and that is no simple thing. Such a one needs to repent before the Lord and I trust and hope that this gallant Doctor who is much older than when I first met him will come to his senses in time. I am not against him or dislike him in any way, but his doctrine is wrong! I am sure that he studied enough of the messages of Brother William Branham and also our books E.O.D.H. to understand that something is wrong with his teachings on that major subject of the Seventh Seal."

I am not too acquainted with many who separated from this doctor and what they teach and preach. I believe that there is some sincerity amongst the people who separated from him when they became disenchanted with his manner of life and doctrines. If they yet hold that conception that the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders is not for the Bride, then they also are contrary to the Message and in particular, the teachings of Brother William Branham upon the subject of Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders. We must bear in mind that false doctrines affect many in such a great manner, that even when they abandon their false teachers, certain seeds are only plucked up after many years. They take certain teachings for granted, because they sound so convincing and never considered such doctrines in the Scriptures and the Message of the Hour, even because they are so sure about what they heard. Each one of the reformers coming out of their old organizational system brought over some seeds of discrepancy; most of them died without coming to the knowledge that they were wrong on certain doctrines. The last day messenger Malachi 4:5& 6 pointed out gross errors, which the reformers preached in their respective ages. They are excusable, but all ministers are accountable to God now that the Seven Seals Book is opened.

I greatly sympathize with ministers and lay-members who were influenced by Dr. Frank's heresy of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders. I trust that somehow that this work would be of edification to them if the good Lord will guide this exposition of the 'third school of thought' to them. My sincere advice to such gallant souls is that they should prayerfully and sincerely consider the statements of Brother Branham on that most important subject for the End time Bride and quickly denounce Dr. Frank's heresy and his 'third school of thought'. Doctor Frank's great fall sent a clear signal that he lacked revelation on the Son of Man and coming of Christ, because the gates of Hell prevailed against him - Matthew 16.

We will now consider the heresies of a main off-spring of Doctor Frank's, ministry to better understand how sincere souls who love the Lord and His Word can separate from their former religions, organizations, message assemblies, false prophets, false teachers and pastors, but carry their seeds of discrepancy. The Lord cursed the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were separated from him, but Eve carried the seed of the serpent, a seed of sin and unbelief; it was born, grew and matured after some time and slew Abel, the righteous seed.

In the same manner Doctor Frank seeds of discrepancy traveled through his off-shoots, grew and matured. It has the potentials and power to destroy many more souls. We would observe in the following document the same seeds of discrepancy and major foundation of all the heresies of Doctor Frank. I repeat that this major heresy is to separate the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders/Third Pull, after the Lord declared to His Prophet that it is one revelation, which holds the Second Coming of the Lord. This offspring has also separated such items with total disregard for all that the Prophet said concerning them for the Bride. He regards them as separate mysteries and upon such false conception has projected the same heresies with a more cunning twist. Such documentations are as follows:


E.O.D.H Answer: Dear Brother X Greetings to you from all the Saints and Ministers of Bethel, Trinidad and the Caribbean. Thank you for sending to me your 27-page open letter on the subject of the "Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders not for the Bride." I take the liberty to respond according to the Word and Message of Malachi 4:5-6. I quote from your letter as follow:

Introduction Bro. X:

I herewith freely declare that the following passage is according to the best of my knowledge on what I have read and understood from the Word of God and the Message. I do not claim that what I am writing is in any way perfect nor complete.

I in no way ever think… that there is anything untrue in the Message, but if what we understand about it does not compare with the written Word of God, then our understanding is wrong.

Heretical Article No. 276: 

Open letter to all my brethren in the Lord that do follow this Message and believe that the Seventh Seal has been revealed... intention to bring light into the doctrinal darkness that has surrounded the people concerning the question of the Seventh Seal.

E.O.D.H Answer: Your above declaration is in conflict with your former declaration to me of not holding an office gift. I quote from your reply letter to me: "Now for your question, which office I have. All I can say is that I never claimed to have an office. I think that I am a brother in Christ. I also do not claim to have any special revelation. However I believe that it is the Spirit of God that is guiding my life."

With all respect to you as a brother and a friend, who said that you do not believe anything is untrue in the Message, permit me to quote the prophet and to ask you; by what authority do you breakdown the Word on this most vital and important subject - the Seventh Seal- which baffled the prophet all his life, and even at the opening of the Seals?

Without an office gift to handle the Word and Message, it has already discredited your efforts to bring needed light in the midst of spiritual darkness on the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders to all in the Message. Added to that is your statement that declares that you do not have a perfect revelation on the subject nor is it complete. All revelations from God are perfect. All revelations that came by Malachi 4:5-6 are perfect, though they may not be complete, and other revelations may follow, according to God's program - Amos 3:7, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16).

There are no scriptural grounds for your explanation of this subject matter or any other. It does not fit under the terminologies of testimony, exhorter, writer, nor one led of the Spirit. None of these justify the position which you have assumed. Holy men wrote as they were moved of the Holy Ghost, but they all had office gifts both in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Quote W.M.B.: 31-5 "Nothing but a Levite was supposed to touch that Ark, and here the Ark was coming right back for a revival, and one outside of that tried to handle the Word. That goes to show that only the anointed of God is to touch that Word. These creeds and denominations got no business tampering with It. Just the Holy Spirit is got a right to that Word; and its death for any other to touch It." (Wisdom Versus Faith 62-0401).

Quote: 70 "Those businessmen was trying to preach the Gospel. He's out of his place. We preachers have hard enough time to keep it level… And they use every little influence they can find, and every little technique this way and that way, and it keeps it so scrupled up you don't know what to do… You fellows are businessmen… You don't understand the approach to the ministry, because the ministry is a God-called gift… Businessmen should testify… don't try to preach now until God, you know calls you… you'll mess up everything. And it doesn't please God at all." (Influence of Another 62-1013).

Quote: 50 "You men, which are just businessmen, are trying to preach the Gospel. You ain't got no business doing that." (Influences 64-0215).

Based upon the Word and the above quotations, I am left without an option to believe that your explanation of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders subject is a private interpretation based upon borrowed theology. I will proceed to correct the first error stated on page one, quote: "Bro. Branham never ever said in no place in the Message" quote: "... the Bride will know the revelation of the Seventh Seal". I will now quote your presentation.

Bro. X : Original quote as Br. Branham preached it:


576-5 {397} Now, we have in the completion here now, by the grace of God, all the mysteries of the six Seals that's been sealed up, and we understand and know here that the Seventh Seal is not to be known to the publi

Many Ministers version:


576-5 {397} Now, we have in the completion here now, by the grace of God, all the mysteries of the six Seals that's been sealed up, and we understand and know here that the Seventh Seal is not to be known to the public, but the bride will know.

Heretical Article No. 277: 

This my dear brethren is already not only an interpretation, but a total distortion of what Bro. Branham said, and by the way (Bro. Branham never ever said in no place in the Message quote: ".. The bride will know the revelation of the Seventh Seal.")

E.O.D.H Answer: The following quotations disprove the meaning of your above statement. I am not careful to make your statement fit the Message, as much as I endeavour to disprove it. Your erroneous statement is based upon the fact of isolating the Seventh Seal from the Seven Thunders and the Third Pull, which the Lord himself connected together for the prophet when he was baffled about the Seventh Seal in 1963. If you had not isolated the Seventh Seal from the Seven Thunders, you would have the same answers that the Prophet received, and which I will use to expose this error for your edification and others that may read this article. He said "the Seventh Seal was for the Church."

Quote W.M.B.: 3-1 "Exactly the same. Under the Seventh Trumpet is to Israel the same as the Seventh Seal was to the Church." (Feast. of. the. trumpets 64-0719m).

Quote W.M.B.: 558-2 {255}"All the host of heaven was silent for this half hour, when this Seventh Seal mystery in the Book of Redemption was broke open… that's what the mystery is laying behind those seven consecutive thunders rolling out …What is it? It's the thing that Jesus said even the Angels of heaven didn't know nothing about it… There'll be no mimics to this… It's the Third Pull." (The Seventh Seal 63-0324E).

Quote: 128-2 {75} "And then there's coming forth seven mysterious thunders that's not even written at all. And I believe that through those seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith." (The First Seal 18/03/63).

Quote: 253-2 {182} "The Bride hasn't had a revival yet. There's been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet. We're looking for it. It will take those seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again." (The Third Seal 63-0320).

Quote: 51-5 "Is that really them seven thunders fixing to utter out something that the little group that He's gathered together will receive a rapturing faith to go in the rapture when He comes." (Is this the sign of the end sir 62-1230E).

Quote: 7-4 "Watch the third pull then. It'll be absolutely to the total lost, but it will be for the Bride and the church." (Look Away to Jesus, 63-1229E).

In the light of all the above statements on the Seven Thunders, and Third Pull which are directly connected to the Seventh Seal, your statement is proven wrong to what the Lord revealed to his Prophet. Therefore, with full assurance, I declare that the Seventh Seal is for the Bride, she will know that revelation and it will produce in her rapturing faith. No one knows more about the Seals than God's chosen ordained Prophet vessel, William Marrion Branham. Any interpretation outside of his teachings is a private interpretation and heresy.

Heretical Article No. 278: Bro. X "The Coming Of The Lord." 1.

As some people are still confused about this matter and as it is important for understanding what the Seventh Seal is and where it is to take place, I feel that it is important to understand that there are three and only three comings of the Lord.

a.) 1st coming Golgotha
b.) 2nd coming Rapture
c.) 3rd coming Millennium Reign

E.O.D.H: Answer:

· About what the Seventh Seal is and where it takes place. To understand the three comings of the Lord cannot clarify such questions. The prophet had that knowledge of the three comings of the Lord and yet his understanding was veiled to the facts of how and when the Lord is coming? If the major prophet humbled himself to say that God never revealed it, a man without an office gift will be certainly out of place to try to explain such a great subject. He will certainly scruple up and mislead many souls.

· I believe that there are three physical comings of the Lord.

· There was no physical coming of the Lord at the loosing of the Seals in 1963.

· There are not four comings of the Lord.

· I believe all the quotations of Brother Branham from your open letter, from 1954 to 1964 and beyond.

· I also believe the prophet's teachings as follow:

Quote W.M.B.: 130 "Three things happen, a shout, a voice, a trumpet, has to happen before Jesus appears. Now, a shout. Jesus does all three of them when He's descending. A "shout," what is a "shout"? It's the Message going forth first, the living Bread of Life bringing forth the Bride.
Now, God has a way of doing things, and He never changes His policy. He never changes... He's the unchanging God. In Amos 3:7 He said He would do nothing on the earth until first He revealed it to His servants the prophets. And just as certain as He promised it, He'll do it." (The Rapture 65-1204).

Quote: 74-2 {40} "And when the Seals are broke and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head. Now remember, this seventh angel is on earth at the time of this coming." (The Breach 63-0317E).

Quote: 17-3 057 Jesus, when He was on earth, they wanted to know when He would come. He said, " Even the Son Himself don't know when it's going to happen." See, God has this all to Himself. It's a secret. And that's the reason there was silence in heaven for a space of a half hour. And Seven Thunders uttered their voices, and John was even forbidden to write it (See?)--the coming of the Lord. That's one thing He hasn't revealed yet, of how He will come, and when He will come. It's a good thing that He doesn't. No. He has showed or revealed it in every type that's in the Bible. (Christ is the mystery 28/7/63).

Heretical Article No. 279: Bro. X "Seventh Seal is it the second or third coming?" 2.

"Then the sixth seal takes place which covers a period of 3 ½ years under which the seven trumpets sound and the ministry of Moses and Elijah takes place. Then when the seventh trumpet sounds under the sixth seal, the mystery of God is finished and the seventh seal brings him down to earth.

Now then, seeing that the bride is raptured at the end of the Fourth Seal and the Seventh only takes place after Moses and Elijah have been on earth and finished their ministry, there is only one way and that is that the Seventh Seal is the third coming.

I think that by now it is clear that the Seventh Seal is the third coming of Christ which is after the Sixth Seal which includes the Trumpets, the ministry of Moses and Elijah and the sealing of the 144.000. Also it is the ending of time and the starting of the millennium. So there is no way how you can apply the Seventh Seal to the second coming (rapture) or even worse 1963."

E.O.D.H. Answer: The answer to this question is an absolute "No"! There is not a single quotation to support this heresy. It is unscriptural! This is borrowed theology.

Again this gross error is based upon the fact of isolating the Seventh Seal from the Seven Thunders and Third Pull, which the Lord connected for His prophet for the understanding of the Seventh Seal. It is abundantly clear by the teachings of the prophet that the Seventh Seal holds the second coming of the Lord for the rapture of the Bride. It is the Seven Thunders and the Third Pull or third phase of the prophet's ministry.

This heresy is based upon misunderstood quotations of the prophet, which were given on your document. Highlighted from each quotation is Brother Branham's statement that the 144,000 are called between the Sixth and Seventh Seal. Because of disregard for other statements of Brother Branham which place the Seventh Seal at the time of the Rapture and second coming of the Lord, the Seventh Seal is placed in the third coming of the Lord to the Jews. This is ridiculous! The Jews are called between the Sixth and Seventh Seal, because the Bride was caught away by the mystery of the Seventh Seal, and the Jews are called by the Seven Trumpets which were under the Sixth Seal. Some of the prophet's statements seems to be saying that the Seventh Seal comes after the Sixth Seal, but such does not permit any private interpreter to heretically assume that the Seventh Seal is the third coming to the Jews, especially in the light of the following quotations.

Quote W.M.B.: 39-4 :And at the same time... Now, as soon as this Church, the Bride is drawed together, she's taken up; in that mystery of the Seventh Seal." (Feast. of. the. trumpets 64-0719m).

Quote: E-3 "We're nearing the coming of our Lord Jesus, the second time in glory, to catch away His waiting Bride." (Do you now believe? 52-0817).

Quote: 104-2 {247} "The trumpet of God shall sound, that last trump will blast forth the same time that the last angel's giving his message and the last Seal is opened, that last trumpet will sound, and the Redeemer comes forth to take His redeemed possessions: His church, blood-washed."(The Breach 63-0317E).

Quote: 576-7 {398} "the Seventh Seal… that it is a complete mystery, therefore, the hour is not yet for these mystery to be known, therefore, we're this far and the rest of it will be known right around about the time that Jesus appears on earth again for His Bride. (The seventh Seal 63-0324E ).

Quote: 575-4 {390} "Now, now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal, it's also in a threefold mystery. This one I have--will speak and have spoke, that it is the mystery of the seven thunders. The seven thunders in heaven will unfold this mystery. It'll be right at the coming of Christ... There'll be seven voices of these thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time. So I believe, to us who... If we don't know it, and it won't be knowed till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it's supposed to be revealed in." (The seventh seal 24/3/63).

Heretical Article No. 280: Bro. X "The Seventh Seal - Now is it opened and revealed? And if it isn't then why is it not?" 3.

"I think that to answer this question, one would have to take very close look at the Message "The Seventh Seal", because if not in there where would we find the answer. I have taken my time to go through this Message as I think every believer should and I have found that it answers exactly the questions raised above. Below you will find all quotes where in that message the Seventh Seal is mentioned. I have made a list of what is said about the Seventh Seal below the quotes.

omitted the Seventh
omitted revealing even any symbol of the Seventh
It's a perfect secret with God
Seventh Seal where nothing else is revealed
Now, nothing is not revealed in the Seventh Seal
when it gets to that Seventh Seal, she cuts off
when He got to Seventh, He stopped
He mentioned the six Seals as we have seen, but not the Seventh Seal
He don't say nothing about the Seventh Seal here
He's revealed all the six Seals, but it don't say nothing about the Seventh
One of the mystery of that Seal, the reason it wasn't revealed, it was seven thunders that uttered their voices
and there it is perfectly, because nothing knows anything about it; wasn't even written
here with Matthew 24 with the six Seals, the Seventh Seal was left out
Christ said only God Himself knowed, not even the Angels
that this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour arrives
But you see, it's a hidden mystery. No one knows it.
He opened that Seventh Seal. But you see, it's a hidden mystery. No one knows it.
He said: no one would know His coming; they also would not know about this seven thunder mystery
all the mysteries of the six Seals that's been sealed up, and we understand and know here that the Seventh Seal is not to be known to the public
He omitted the revelation of this Seventh Seal
here when the Seventh Seal, when He opened it, He also omitted it again
So we see that it is a complete mystery
We don't know what it is as yet, because it's not permitted to be broken

E.O.D.H: Answer: The Seventh Seal was not opened in 1963 to the Prophet. I am in full agreement with all the quotations supplied concerning the Seventh Seal. But these quotations are highlighted with the desperate effort to make them sound like they would never be revealed to the Bride-Church forever, although the Prophet gave a time period for its revealing, and said that it would be about the time of the Rapture.

Quote W.M.B.: 39-4 And at the same time... Now, as soon as this Church, the Bride is drawed together, she's taken up; in that mystery of the Seventh Seal." (Feast of the Trumpets 64-0719m).

Quote: 567 (1) "Now, notice. So help me, by God I tell the truth, that these are spiritually discerned to me (See?), discerned by the Holy Spirit. And by every one of them, has identified his place in the Bible. Now, what this great secret is that lays beneath this Seal, I do not know. I don't know it. I couldn't make it out. I couldn't tell it, just what it said. But I know that it was them seven thunders uttering themselves right close together, just banging seven different times, and it unfolded into something else that I seen." (The seventh seal 24/3/63).

Heretical Article No. 281: Bro. X "The Seventh Seal will remain a Myserty."

So far the quotes just from the Message the Seventh Seal. They do not need any comment to be added because they are so obviously plain. Check yourself if those comments that we here so often like: "The Bride will know" or "If it wasn't open we all be lost" is ever found anywhere in the Message. These statements are nothing but private interpretations and have nothing to do with the teaching of the Message at all."

"Can you now understand. The whole scripture reveals that the mystery of the seventh seal will remain a mystery. If it is revealed, then we and Satan would know when Jesus will come to earth for the third time. Do not be fooled. If a man tells you that the seventh seal is revealed, let him tell you the day and the hour when Jesus will return for the third time".

Now Bro. Branham also gives the reason why the Seventh Seal will not be revealed: 1.It wasn't written in the scripture 2. Jesus didn't preach about it 3. John was forbidden to write what he saw 4.If Satan can get a hold of it he would do much damage.

E.O.D.H: Answer:

· Yes, the Seventh Seal is for the Bride; enough quotations were supplied to prove this fact.

· It has to do with the Message.

· No, I do not understand that it will remain a mystery. That understanding is wrong and contrary to the message because it is for rapturing faith.

· No, Satan cannot know it, he cannot receive revelation.

· Yes, we, the Bride church can receive it by revelation without Satan getting it, like God revealed to Peter about His first coming and Satan missed it. What is so incredible about God revealing the second or third coming of the Lord to the Bride? 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5. She will know the time and season, that day shall not take her unaware.

· Jesus said that no man knoweth the day or the hour, but never said that no man cannot know it at the right time and season and by the revelation of God. Jesus the Son of man never knew the day or the hour at the time he made that statement. After his resurrection it was revealed to him. No where in the Scriptures said that it will never be revealed to the Bride.

If the Seventh Seal mystery is ordained of God to remain a mystery, why did God reveal to the prophet that it's in a three-fold manner and revealed two-folds to him, and he in turn told the church about the first fold, kept the second fold to himself and said that the third fold is the seven thunders, it was in an unknown language which he could not interpret, but it will be revealed to the bride for rapturing faith and the new name? Did God make a mistake? Absolutely not! You are greatly mistaken, brother.

Quote W.M.B.: 557 (4)"And now, as certain as I stand in the platform tonight, I had the revelation that revealed-it's in a threefold manner. That, I will speak to you by God's help of a fold of it." (The seventh seal 24/3/1963).

Quote: 564 (2) "And there's three great things that goes with it, and one unfolded today, or yesterday, the other one unfolded today, and there's one thing that I cannot interpret, because it's in an unknown language." (The seventh seal 24/3/1963).

Quote: 575 (5) "Now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal…The seven thunders in heaven will unfold this mystery. It'll be right at the coming of Christ." (The Seventh Seal 24/3/1963).

Quote: 575 (6) "Angels don't know it; nobody knows when He's coming. But there'll be…seven voices of these thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time." (The Seventh Seal 24/3/1963).

Your reasons supplied for God not revealing the seventh seal mystery through his prophet is incomplete. Other statements and reasons are as follow:

Quote W.M.B.: 567 (2) "this great secret... beneath this Seal.. The hour isn't quite yet for it." (The Seventh Seal 24/3/1963).

Quote: 576 (7) "the hour is not yet for this mystery to be known, therefore, we're this far and the rest of it will be known right around about the time that Jesus appears on earth again for His Bride, or whatever takes place at that time. " (The Seventh Seal 24/3/1963).

Quote: 576 (1) "it won't be known 'til that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it's supposed to be revealed in. " (The Seventh Seal 24/3/1963).

Quote: 576 (2)"this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour arrives. " (The Seventh Seal 24/3/1963).

Quote: 558 (1) "… it's kept secret from the Angels. Now, why? If Satan should get a hold of it, he might do great damage... he can interpret anything he wants to, and impersonate any kind of a gift... but he can't know this. " (The Seventh Seal 24/3/1963).

Quote: 576-7 {398} "the Seventh Seal... He... promising us that it would be opened, but to this time, it isn't opened. " (The Seventh Seal 24/3/1963).

Heretical Article No. 282: Bro. X "Now here you find out exactly that Revelations 10:7 does not only apply to Bro. Branham, but it applies to Moses and Elijah just as well. Same as Malachi 4." 4.

"My friends, can't you see that Rev. 10:7 is like a coin has two sides. Think back in time when Jesus was here on earth, the people asked him about Malachi 4 if not Elijah should come first. And he replied to them: "He has already come"… it is true that John fulfilled Malachi 4, but there is still some more to happen before all that Scripture is fulfilled.

So it is with Rev. 10:7. Bro. Branham fulfilled the part for the Gentiles. Moses and Elijah are still to come to fulfil the part for the Jews, and only when they are done the Seventh Trumpet will sound and bring about the Seventh Seal - the third coming.

Once again, the seventh angel of Rev.10:7 do not sound the seventh trumpet in Rev.10:7, but his voice (which is Bro. Branham, Moses and Elijah) is heard on earth. And only when they are finished then the seventh angel sound the seventh trumpet in Rev.11:15.

Still there is no contradiction. As Bro. Branham is the Seventh Church Age Angel (The VOICE), whenever he mentions that the angel of Rev.10:7 is an earthly angel he is speaking of the Voice. He blows a trumpet. However the seventh angel of Rev.10:7 blows the trumpet in Rev.11:15."

E.O.D.H: Answer:

Quote W.M.B.: 323-3 "First of all, that messenger is going to be a prophet. He will have the office of a prophet… The proof that he is a prophet is found in Revelation 10:7… Now this person…is NOT an heavenly being. The sixth trumpeting angel, who is an heavenly being, is in Revelation 9:13, and the seventh of like order is in Revelation 11:15. This one here in Revelation 10:7 is the seventh age messenger and it is a man, and he is to bring a message from God, and his message and ministry is going to finish the mystery of God as declared to His servants, the prophets."(Church Age Book).

Quote: 74 "In the days of the seventh angel sounding forth his Message..." that's earthly angel now. Because this Angel came down from heaven; and this was on earth. "Angel" is "a messenger," a messenger to the age." (Evening Messenger 63-0116).

From the above quotations and Revelation chapters 2 and 3, seven angels are sent to the Seven Church Ages. Revelation 10:7 speaks exclusively about the last church age messenger to finish the mystery. Revelation 11:15 speaks of the last trumpeting angel which is from a different group of angels entirely. The first group of seven angels are earthly messengers and the second group of angels are heavenly beings. But this projection has connected both angels to be the same. This is a heresy! Revelation chapters 8 and 9 accounted for six angels and their trumpeting, but Revelation 11:15 accounted for the last and seventh angel of that group of trumpeting angels, not Revelation 10: 7, the church age messenger. There is not a single quotation of Brother Branham to verify that revelation 10:7 is the angel of revelation 11:15 and that ministry is to be carried over to Moses and Elijah

My precious brother and friend, God knows that in answering your open letter that I took great precaution in using my words in a manner not to offend you. However, it is in me by the gift of God and the Holy Spirit to hit the nail on the head hard enough to make it clench. Permit me to speak truthfully in an effort to bring deliverance to your soul from such errors, which I condemned on your letter.

I could not avoid taking notice of the similarity of heresies between yours and Doctor E. Frank of Germany. Some were so identical that I borrowed from my writings on his document to correct several of your errors. May I suggest that your relationship with him influenced you from a tender age and have sowed such seeds of error in your heart, insomuch that you don't realize that you are based upon borrowed theology and not the Message of Malachi 4:5&6. If my suggestion is wrong, I apologize. Then, the only option and conclusion that's available are that you both heard and were inspired by the same spirit of error.

I have just completed a sizeable document challenging and exposing the heresies of Doctor Ewald Frank. Several questions from foreign lands were answered concerning him and his doctrine. Your open letter came to me at the same season; it fell right in place, and the similarity of doctrines urged me desperately to answer it. Although there exist some variation in doctrines, major doctrines on the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders blend in perfectly. The approach of propagating such heresies is similar.

Doctor E. Frank believes like you: He separated the subjects of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders and ignored the Third Pull in his projections. He contends that the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders have nothing to do with the Bride of Christ. The Seventh Seal is the third coming of the Lord, and it contains the Seven Trumpets. It needs no revelation to be understood. The Seven Thunders would be revealed to the Jews 144,000 before the millennium. Revelation 10:7 will continue to sound through Moses and Elijah it's the same angel of Revelation 11:15. The Covenant Angel of Revelation 10:1 is exclusively to Israel. All such heresies can be found on his book entitled "The Revelation A Book With Seven Seals" from page 52.

Having corrected the errors of your open letter and pointed out to you that without an office gift that you are in danger of propagating private interpretations based upon borrowed theology, I take this liberty to speak to you as a friend and brother to desist from propagating such heresies. They are contrary to your calling, the Word and the Message. To continue in that path is to sow the wrong seeds into the hearts of innocent people and you will be held responsible for their souls. Consider my corrections carefully, prayerfully, sincerely and honestly and may you find grace in your heart to repent for such heresies. You will certainly find mercy at the cross of Christ. You may assess these words as an insult and very humiliating, but they are not meant that way. Please take it in the spirit by which it is written. Peace be unto you!

Your Servant for Christ's sake, Dalton Bruce


Dear Brother X

E.O.D.H Answer: Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your last response letter dated 24-09-04, to my corrections of your "open letter". This is my final reply on the issue of the "Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders not for the Bride", since you do not recognize the connections of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders/Third Pull which God, Himself connected for the Prophet, you have totally ignored the quotations that I used to correct your Seventh Seal heresy. I believe in such connections. Therefore we should not waste time because you have a contrary vision to Malachi 4:5&6. I will also take the liberty to include my reply to your letter on the issue of singling out heretics, and identifying them with their heresies.

My precious brother it is regrettable that you have spurned my admonishment to repent for your borrowed theology from Doctor Frank. I pity you as a brother who is a victim of circumstances, theological and otherwise. You are much confused both about your calling and doctrine. Which one of your statements is true, that you have no office and special revelation or what you now state that you have a gift and met the Pillar of Fire? One of them is a lie! Now be truthful brother, did I constantly press you or did I ask you once about your office and you gave me the answer and I responded accordingly in my reply? I was surprise to hear your accusation and have lost much confidence in your words.

Quote your first letter: "Now for your question, which office I have. All I can say is that I never claimed to have an office. I think that I am a brother in Christ. I also do not claim to have any special revelation. However I believe that it is the Spirit of God that is guiding my life."

Quote your last letter: "Let me ask you freely: "Did you ever in your life meet the Pillar of Fire in a visible form hanging just before you? Again, I did, and by the gift that God gave me since ever I was a child, I was able to detect wrong doctrines as the Holy Spirit would reveal it to me."

Quote W.M.B.: 24-5 "No man has a right to preach the Gospel until he's met God back on the backside of the desert in that Burning Bush, to where there's no ecclesiastical system in the world can explain it away from you."(Birth pains 65-0124).

Your claims of seeing a pillar of fire may be true. I do not make public my encounters with the Lord and having seen the Pillar of Fire on many occasions. However I do not believe that you met the same Pillar of Fire that Brother Branham met and your gift is questionable. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." {James 1:17}. If that is a gift and the Holy Spirit, how did it fail to detect that Frank's theology is wrong?

God the Holy Spirit, by a gift through the Pillar of Fire directed the prophet to link the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders/Third Pull together as one revelation. You have separated it.

· Your gift and pillar of fire borrowed the theology of Doctor Frank which has separated it. Thus you have evaded my statements and question on that subject of separating those items. You have a very special reason for not defending that issue; it will prove how much of the Message you believe, since it is absolutely clear in the Message and Seven Seals Book. Both you and Frank have different beliefs than the Prophet. Thus you have totally disregarded quotations concerning the Seven Thunders to the Bride for rapturing faith, though I have plainly documented them to prove that the Seventh Seal and Seven Thunders is for the Bride.

· You have misused quotations to give a reason why the Seventh Seal is not revealed. I have proven it wrong, and you are silent on that.

· I proved to you, that you and E. Frank believe the same heresies in contradiction to what the Pillar of Fire revealed to Brother Branham. You refused to touch it.

· I asked you for one quotation of the Prophet to prove that the Seventh Seal holds the third coming of the Lord. You fail to quote it.

· You have totally ignored the statement on Seals page 72-74 that at the opening of the Seals Revelation 10:1 came down to the Church.

· You have borrowed your theology based upon a few statements of Brother Branham, saying that the Jews are called between the 6th and 7th seal, and asked if God has lost his ability to count, you ridicule God and the Prophet by totally twisting out of context the evident statement of the Prophet that the Seventh Seal is before the Rapture by the word "uncertainty".

Quote W.M.B.: 576-7 {398} "the Seventh Seal… that it is a complete mystery, therefore, the hour is not yet for these mystery to be known, therefore, we're this far and the rest of it will be known right around about the time that Jesus appears on earth again for His Bride. (The Seventh Seal 63-0324E ).

If the prophet was uncertain on the subject of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders, why should anybody believe that you are certain, about the subject? Is your gift greater than the Prophet's, or your borrowed theology more truthful than the Message? Was Doctor E. Frank sent to interpret the unknown language which veiled the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders from Elijah the prophet? Certainly not my brother!

Neither you nor Doctor Frank was ordained of God to reveal: "How, when and where" the Lord is coming. Your own theology advocate that the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders were not revealed. When did you get it? Don't forget you said your revelation 'is not perfect nor complete'. Yet your projections have automatically claimed that you both are the only ones in the whole Message-world with the truth concerning the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders. Revelation 10: 1

My teachings are based upon the written Word and Message of Malachi 4:5& 6. Any man is free to single me out and identify me with my teachings if they think that I am in error. Your open erroneous letter has found its rightful place in the scrap heap of Doctor E. Frank's heresies. The corrections and exposition of his damnable heresies also fits your writing. You both should not be ashamed to be identified with your heretical teachings, since you are determined to edify and indoctrinate all ministers and believers under the Message. I believe that you should be thrilled to have both yours and Doctor Frank's teachings published on my Book. If you are ashamed please notify me before my next publication in October, 2004.

Doctor E. Frank's teachings have gone far and wide and yours follow behind to many sincere and humble people of God who are bewitched by Frank's doctrine. This great injustice done to the people of God makes it necessary for your teachings and my exposition to reach them. False teachings arose in the Early Church. Paul the Apostle wrote epistles exposing such damnable heresies. He had an E.O.D.H. program and this is nonetheless.

Don't you understand brother that Doctor Ewald Frank has born evident fruits by his gross misconduct that his theology is satanic, antichrist and damnable heresies? I am sure that you are aware and fully conscious of all that he has done, yet you found it fit to borrow his theology which is corrupt and without foundation. This is a challenge to your sincerity and honesty to God and his Word.

His corrupt life and testimony has gone out into the world. It stinks around the globe and has destroyed much of his influence and many souls. Do not make yourself a tool to continue the propagation of such heresies, it is not of God and all that follows such shall not enter the Kingdom of God. I admonish you again to repent and turn from such borrowed theology. If you had the Holy Spirit and was gifted of God, you could not follow borrowed theology from Doctor Frank. "When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth."(John 16:13). You stated:

Heretical Article No. 283: Bro. X "You as a man who is trying to correct all ministers and lay members that utter an opinion about any matter in the message, need some serious correction yourself. However, I do not see it as my duty or office to do so."

E.O.D.H Answer: I preach a perfect revelation which needs no correction. I await the complete revelation of the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders and Third Pull which is promised to the Bride before the Rapture takes place. Yes, you have well spoken- a heresy can't correct Truth. No, I don't correct all. I expose heresies.

Heretical Article No. 284: Bro. X "How can a man like you, claiming to have a gift to set things in order, be so wrong about 'message basics.' Also denying the 'Thus Saith The Lord" on this point… If a man has a wrong doctrine I still call him a brother… I just pray that God would spare the brother's life." So who are you to place the Seventh Seal between the Fourth Seal and the Fifth Seal where the Rapture will take place. "THUS SAITH THE LORD".

E.O.D.H Answer:

· Make sure to call the pope a brother and all his cardinals! Where is your scripture for that? Did the Lord "brother" the Pharisees? Matthew 23.

· Where did I claim to be a man gifted to set things in order? I never said I have a ministry to set things in order. You injected that into my writings.

· You are off-balanced on your understanding. I have denied your understanding of the "THUS SAITH THE LORD" which allowed you to place the Seventh Seal in the third coming of the Lord to the Jews when Brother Branham plainly said "that it will be known right around the time that Jesus appears on earth again for His Bride". Is your "THUS SAITH THE LORD understanding" putting the Bride in the Tribulation under the Sixth Seal?

· No man can change that statement! It's the Prophet who placed the Seventh Seal and also the Seven Thunders for Rapturing faith before the Sixth Seal by divine revelation and he lived two years after that. Are you saying that the Lord took his life because he done that? Because you don't believe those quotations, you blame me. You place the Thunders before the 1000 year reign.

· Who are you to separate Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders/Third Pull from each other? Maybe the anointing has caused you to do that, if not your pillar of fire or positively your borrowed theology from E. Frank.

· You are smart enough to evade that major issue or it will confirm to all who reads your "open letter" how much "THUS SAITH THE LORD" you believe. Now who has the cow on top the roof? I believe you have it on Doctor Frank's roof!

· Though you try to act like a gentleman with the fruits of the Spirit, you cannot stand Apostolic standards of correction, reproof and rebuke to your heresies and those of the heretic Roberts. This is fully manifested in your last letter. I can see unbelief manifested with retaliation to the Word of God and Message quotations, especially those on the Seven Thunders and Third Pull.

Question: Bro. X "I John 2:27 Anointing…ye need not that any man teach you: …anointing teacheth you of all things… Only apply to ministers…or does it apply to all children of God."

E.O.D.H Answer: Yes, it is for all believers, men and women as is it written in Scriptures, that they shall all be taught of God. It is not saying that they will be teachers, including women, but they have already come to perfection by the five-fold ministry, Ephesians 4:11-15 and received the super anointing, the fullness of God. This does not bear out and give any man the authority to break down the scripture but to understand what is right and wrong by divine revelation. How do you apply that scripture? I am sure that you are off-balanced on it; seeing how you have wrongly applied all the other scriptures you quoted. That scripture does not authorized you in the least to break down the Word of God on the most vital subject of the Message, the Seventh Seal/Seven Thunders and the coming of the Lord.

An experience of Brother Branham showed nice people behind ten-inch thick bars with a Message believer with cancer over his eyes, who could not grasp his deliverance. Many people belong to that category, but I desist from following their crazy theologies and heresies. Heresies like Doctor Frank's have such good people behind ten-inch thick bars. It will soon be broken by another Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the breaking of the Seventh Seal to the public backed up by Third Pull, Spoken-Word Power. No man can change the promises of God! There will be an hour of deliverance. I trust that you will be included in it, if you turn down this my last plea to turn from such heresies now! Amen.

Your Servant for Christ's sake Dalton Bruce
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