Answer:The officiating minister must ensure that the marriage is scriptural, observing all objections of the word and message, which hinder couples from being joined in Holy Matrimony. Unequal yokes are mixed marriages, bigamy, polygamy, believers to infidels and unscriptural remarriages. Couples should be advised that if they know of any unlawful reasons why they should not be married, that they should declare it. Pastors should guide them in a scriptural manner to settle such issues before the date of marriage, since they will be reminded of such before taking their vows. In most countries the minister must be a registered marriage officer through a registered religious body, and be issued a license to perform lawful marriages. If he does not hold such a license, registration of marriages can be done at a government facility, warden's office, or justice of peace. Such marriage of a couple is not recognized by God until a religious ceremony of taking marriage vows is officiated by a minister. Message believers should always have a message preacher to officiate, who can bless them in the name of Jesus Christ and not by a Trinitarian concept of God. Some ministers may be requested to perform more than one marriage at a single service, especially in poorer countries. This is perfectly scriptural and acceptable. Certain countries requires by law that all signing of marriages by the couple be done before 6:00 Pm and other legal requirement. Such seldom interferes with the wedding service ceremony and reception.
Answer:Simple vows should be taken in simplicity, for after all, it takes God to join the couple, not the music, pump, pride and show-off of dress, music, songs, dances and other unchristian-like behavior. Observe the simplicity that the prophet employed in conducting a wedding ceremony.
Marriage vows are basically the same in content and in many churches and message assemblies. However, they may vary in customs, and pattern of phrasing vows, since there are no set scriptural phrases that ministers are bound too, but they are required to keep marriage vows within the scripture of marriage requirements. Other vows are phrased as follows: Bridegroom's Declaration: I {Name of Bridegroom} do solemnly declare before God and these witnesses, that I know not of any unscriptural reasons why I should not be joined in Holy Matrimony to {Name of Bride}. Bride's Declarations: I (Name of Bride) do solemnly declare before God and these witnesses, that I know not of any unscriptural reasons why I should not be joined in Holy Matrimony to {Name of Bridegroom}. Bridegroom's Vow: Do you take this lady {name of bride} who is now at thy side, to be your lawful wedded wife? I do or Accent, don't. Bridegroom's Vow: Do you promise to love her, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live? I do or I don't. Bride's Vow: Do you take this man {name of bridegroom} who is now at thy side, to be your lawful wedded husband? I do or don't. Bride's Vow: Do you promise to love him, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live? I do or don't. Declaration of Marriage: After rings are blessed and exchanged between the couple, the minister states: Having taken these pledges of your affection and vows of fidelity, I do therefore, as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, pronounce you {Bridegroom's name}……and {Bride's name}……Husband and wife, in the name of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
Amen! Top
Answer:Jesus spoke of the children of the bride chamber, but this little boy and girl pretending to be husband and wife in a wedding, and are five or six years, old and the little boy escorting the little girl, my spirit don't bear record with that. I never found that in the Bible, and to me, that is rude. And I believe that is sex suggestive to the little boy and the little girl. I don't believe in that rottenness. For a little boy to be pretending that he is the bridegroom, holding the little girl's hand, and she is fluffing her feathers, and make belief that she is a bride; don't you know you are sowing a corrupted seed in that child's mind. We ought to plant the right seeds in our children. A little boy goes out there playing a bridegroom, and escorting a little girl, and treating her like a bride? What kind of nonsense is that? Don't you know that you put a certain seed and imagination in that child's mind when he sees the bride and bridegroom go home? You figure out the rest. That is not Christianity and don't bring that in here at all. You keep a wedding simple- bride, bridegroom and the bridesmaids. They look very nice. If you don't have a wedding dress, marry with the dress that you have. If you don't have money to feed the whole congregation, do a home reception. Love in a marriage is the binding factor. ![]() Wedding at Bethel
Answer:Unsaved friends and relatives should not take leading roles in such a service, unless it is absolutely necessary, should not be allowed to come into the church auditorium half dressed, women in pants, drunk and disorderly and smoking on the compound, especially if some of those people are supposed to be seated in front. As witnessed in many churches, the minister looks down and can observe the underclothes of some ungodly women and be disturbed by a drunk relative, or friends sometimes demanding to give a speech. This takes away the sacredness of the church service, and if it engages the service of the deacons, it causes a commotion. Camera men should not be irreverently parading around the sacred desk, and the auditorium with a proud look, ungodly, sodomite and hippy looking. Because marriage is a sacred affair. The Spirit of the Lord must be attendant and should be felt even amongst the unsaved. All Hollywood showmanship and perverted practices should not be allowed. It's a disgrace to see how Christians change from their sacred behavior to resemble the conduct of the Israelites at the Moabitish feast which Balaam orchestrated. Hirelings allow members to act that way. Top
In weddings or other functions, people who are not born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, are anointed by a spirit of society. They are changed automatically from Christians to worldly persons, and endeavor to fit their functions into society with pump and pride, church dance parties, with hugging and twisting. Such ungodliness are expressed by the women, by semi-Christian dresses, shoes and hairstyles, change of accents, in verbal addresses, insomuch that some of them are unrecognizable as the same people who come to church from service to service. Such practices are hypocritical and unscriptural. As regards hiring a musical band with semi-Christian music, rock, jazz or any other worldly songs and music, it's ridiculous and a reflection of a worldly appetite. Such should not be done at the reception venue and definitely not at the church.
Receptions: many times, parents and couples cannot afford to entertain the entire church if they are many in number. They should be given the option to have a reception to suit their financial capability and invite those whom they have chosen. The rest of the congregation should accept and respect such a decision, even if the wedding ceremony included the entire church as witnesses. In other cases, parents and couples are much wealthier, and entertain the entire church and also unsaved relatives and friends. This is also acceptable. There should not be worldly misconduct at the venue, because it is not the church. Top
Answer:This is indeed a horrible act, it's a terrible act of Whoredom described in this question! It has broken scriptures in several respects. It reminds us of Joseph and Mary and his first impression when she was conceived of the Holy Ghost, he was mindful to put her away. This expressed to us the O.T. system that engagement was recognized even as marriage. Were not that the Holy Spirit revealed to Joseph the truth he would have put away his wife Mary. By all means this young man has the right to put away this young lady, especially after she went out and became the wife of another man. Please notice the following scriptures:
One important thing, which must be taken into consideration in this marital scruple, is that this was not done under the message, but in religion and organization, and now both parties are desirous of coming to the message, and they are already reunited by a minister. God has provided a way in this age through Elijah the prophet for people in such situations who desire to correct their lives and serve the Lord. Such provisions were not for the handful of people who belonged to the Branham Tabernacle but for all message believers and those who will come in later. I quote as follows:
Yes Precious pastor Elijah, in my humble opinion the parties, should repent and confess their sins before the Lord and be re-baptized. I do not think that answering new marriage vows are necessary, but they should be allowed the opportunity to continue in the message and serve the Lord, and see that such things are not repeated in the woman's life. Marriage and divorce message would be very appropriate for them. Top
Answer:Before baptism, all believers' marital status must be fully investigated, thus, the ministry does not have to find a solution for several problems after baptism, Eg.: Common law union, adultery or polygamy, double marriages, engagements with unsaved etc. If such things are overlooked, it is hard to find a solution for some, while a rare item may be worked out because of the minister's oversight. In certain cases, the only solution is separation or forgiveness through the pardon that Brother Branham received for believers of the message worldwide (Ref. Marriage and Divorce or see questions and answers Book 9, Exposition of Damnable Heresies). When a boy or girl is to be baptized, and they are committed to a partner by vows of promise, they should be given the privilege to marry before their baptism, if they so please. It is not an unequal yoke. But it will be an unequal yoke for either party to be married if one is baptized and the other is not. Any good thinking Christian will count the cost of marrying in relationship to their Christian life that they are about to embrace. The Bible said: "Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh."(I Corinthians 6:15 - 16).
Brother Branham specified that such vows should be under good faith, parties are fully conscious of what they were doing, the girl had nothing to confess, must not be mixed married, and other important details. The opposite party involved should be given the opportunity to accept the new faith of the other party. If she chooses to be a harlot, a man should not be yoked with that. Only after a person is clear on such things, should they seek Christian partners. Top
Answer:Any vow that a Christian takes with an unsaved partner is null and void, since it is unscriptural and contrary to the message. They should repent to the party involved and to the church, if it comes to the knowledge of the congregation. If they are married by the law of the land, such marriage is not recognized by the Lord.
Under the law, Nehemiah commanded the Jews to be separated from their Babylonian wives, and pulled out their beards etc. Under grace, the Lord has more mercy. Both parties are not truly married. It's whoredom and the same as fornication and adultery, because they had a knowledge of the truth concerning marriage and willfully violated the scriptures. Such parties should be dismissed. If they are allowed to sit in the House of God and continue in fellowship, others will follow that pattern, and the minister is under obligation to allow it for others, then he will be guilty before the Lord.
In consideration of the offender's repentance, there are a few options. Time should be allowed to establish disciplinary actions after dismissal for such sin, while the party leads their Christian life at home, and the opposite, unsaved party, given the option to embrace the faith in water baptism. Both parties should be separated temporarily from all intimacy, living separately and not in the same house, and at the appointed time, a marriage is initiated at the church when they take new vows. It is then recognized by the Lord. If repentance is genuine by the offender, he or she will adhere to these simple instructions. Very few offenders are fortunate enough to have their unsaved marriage partners saved, but at length, they may still desire to repent and serve the Lord. After disciplinary action is established in the congregation, the pastor may want to show mercy and bring back the offender. He should repent before the congregation, acknowledge his wrong and the pastor confirm the same and commit him to the Lord, but should not be permitted to take any active role or office in the House of God. The pastor may want to stop him from communion, as a further disciplinary action, and as an example to the congregation. No, they should not be divorced and remarry Christian partners. The marriage is already established by the law of the land. Top
Answer:You see, people come from heathen religions, and they have a funeral for two or three hours; all kind of water that they throw, mango leaf that they tie up, all kinds of fire that they are burning. So this might sound very simple to you, but here a man came from a heathen religion, all kinds of a ceremony by the priest and everything like that, he wants to know if to do some of that? Top
Answer:Christian funerals are a long ways from heathen funerals and ceremonies. They are performed, based upon much superstition. We have no scriptures that permit cremation of the dead. The Bible advocates and gave accounts of burials and some embalming were done, as in the case of Joseph (Genesis 50:2). Some Christians have hangovers from their old religions as regards ceremonial rights at funerals: fruits, flowers, oils, grains, bells and incense are used. Certain prayers are uttered by the priest and chosen ones dress in their peculiar uniforms. Such are followed by three days, nine days and forty days observances. After a Christian dies, there is no prayer, ceremony or special burial which can benefit his soul. Thus, a decent Christian burial is very simple and humble. As much as possible, the deceased is brought to the church for the last time. If this is not convenient, the minister is sent to any available venue. The minister, who officiates, if he is led of the Lord, thinks more about the living than the dead. The minister delivers his message of salvation in a desperate effort to convince the living that they will one day come to the place of the deceased, that they should surrender their lives to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ and seek eternal life above all the natural things of life. And all funerals don't have to take place at the House of God. It can take place at your home or another venue, according to the convenience. And in my case, if you have a mixed home where you have a backslider from the Word of God who cannot attend the service here in the House of God. I would not compromise to bring such hypocrites here. I will tell you to choose a venue that will suit your backslidden family and your Christian family, and we will not mind attending at that venue. Now that is what happened in the last funeral. There are some traitors and blasphemers who belong to that house. On account of that, we could not bring the funeral here, because they are friends of Miriam and the two false prophets. They are not going to mash foot on these grounds in death or in life until they repent. So I asked them to take a neutral venue where we could be gathered, and their friends could be gathered and bury the dead. So that is the way it stands. Certain things are done for certain reasons in the House of God. If you want your friends and relatives there, I cannot tell your excommunicated backslidden hypocrite father brother or sister not to come to the funeral. No! To avoid all of this stupidness and confusion I said, "Choose a neutral venue." How many think that's right? [Congregation says, "Amen!] If you have your false prophets friends, a Dr. Miriam friend, a brawler friend, an Absalom friend, and a backslidden hypocrite living in your house, and a Judas who is causing trouble for the church with the police, do you expect me to compromise with them, who are like devils, and let them walk into Bethel as angels? Some scriptures suitable for the occasion are:
These scriptures tell of the state of the dead, both the righteous and unrighteous. A eulogy is allowed, to give to strangers a brief account of the person's character and life that they led. Christian songs and music are employed with the preached Word. The minister commits the soul of the departed unto the Lord in an official prayer, along with the bereaved. There is a graveside ceremony.
The minister may choose to read a scripture and comment briefly, after which, he takes in his hand three particles of dirt and reads from Genesis 3:19: "Till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.", and cast a pebble into the grave when he repeats each phrase.
The custom of Wake, as it is commonly phrased in U.S.A. and many other nations; it varies from nation to nation. In the Caribbean, people gather on the first night at the deceased home. They drink coffee, eat biscuits, play cards, gamble, cuss, drink and smoke. Such gatherings continue each night until the burial. These things are practiced by the unsaved. In the case of so-called religious people, certain religious rites are included. Christians-message believers should have no such customs, and may even have to contend with the neighborhood, and relatives to avoid such practices, since it is totally unscriptural to allow such conduct in a Christian home. All religious superstitions and ceremonies of any other culture must be avoided. In the United States, a wake for the dead occurs after the funeral takes place, when friends and relatives are gathered together to eat and drink. This is not done by many other nations. Nevertheless, there is nothing unscriptural about this, only that it should be done decently and in Christian order. Ministers must be reminded that in certain countries and states a license is required to burry the dead and also a death certificate. They should keep these documents while they are performing their duties in events of questions from the relevant authorities. The kingdom of Satan loves to embarrass citizens of God's kingdom.
Christians must have bowels of mercy and compassion towards the poor and needy saints of the church. Brother Paul advised some in 1 Corinthians: 16:1-2: "Now concerning the collection for the saints… Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come." One reason was to stir up the love and pity of the hearts of believers. Jesus commanded in many places to give. James also stressed this fact that our works express our faith. "If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?" (James 2:15-16). "But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?" (1 John 3:17). Hirelings employ those scriptures to defraud people of their money, misinterpreting such scriptures to mean, that the people should give their money to them. The important emphasis by the Lord and his servants were for the believer and saints to exercise bowels of compassion, one toward the other. However, it is the church's responsibility to meet the needs of poor saints as much as it is in its power. This should not be interpreted to mean that the pastor should take up the full responsibility and take care of all their needs and that members should become dependents of the church. Any church that advocates such system, will have many bread and fish disciples after a short time. Jesus exposed such people. This proves that he did not advocate such a system, but discouraged it. Brother Branham said that tithes should not go to the widow, for it's the Lord's money:
But this does not mean that believers should shut up their bowels of mercy from giving to widows. Apostle Paul gave the necessary guidelines as follow: "Honour widows that are widows indeed. But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to shew piety at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God. Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day. But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth. And these things give in charge, that they may be blameless. But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. Let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore years old, having been the wife of one man, Well reported of for good works; if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints' feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work. But the younger widows refuse: for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry; Having damnation, because they have cast off their first faith. And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. (I Timothy 5:3-13). From the scripture, it is clear concerning the support of widows in the early church. They were a chosen class who must be qualified to be in that group and to be financially supported by the church. Their duties were mainly prayer and supplication, Secondly, relatives: (sons, daughters, nephews etc.) were advised by Brother Paul, to take the responsibility of supporting widows who did not qualify for support by the church, and thirdly, advised that the younger widows be married and not join that special widow group, as they will wax wanton and cast off their first faith. This verifies that certain widows were in a special order. ![]() Pastor Roy Deo {Deceased} and Nancy Bruce |