Against Unbelief & Carnal Weapons of War
STANDING AGAINST UNBELIEF & carnal weapons of war
II Timothy 4: 2-4 <Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;>
What causes men to find false teachers and sit under false teachers? Their own lusts. That is the reason.
<…And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.>
The next step is to turn away their ears from the truth. So there are three things we are dealing with: lust, and then, because of lust they find a teacher to suit them, and then thirdly, they reject the truth.
II Corinthians 10: 3-5 <For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.>
May the Lord add the blessing to the reading of his Holy Word.
And after such a great series of meetings, I believe that it has touched somebody, at least to look into our hearts, taking a deeper look into our very souls to see if there are any of these negative elements within. And that is not enough to know that these elements exist within us, but we must be desperate to purge them out. I think that it would be fitting to come out here on Sunday and lay it before the altar. And if peradventure somebody has a little word of testimony or confession and they want to do that, then we could accommodate that too. But I think that we should have a grand prayer meeting and lay all these things on the altar of sacrifice. How many say, “Amen?” [Congregation says, “Amen!”]
So tonight we have come to our final chapter of this book and final message, though there will be several others that are linked to this series. But we do not want to make a very big book. So I feel like if this message tonight is most appropriate in preaching, “Standing Against Unbelief And Carnal Weapons Of War.” So this is very important, seeing the experiences that were related, and it would be very new to many people around the world.
That is only one part of it, to show the antichrist and how he raised up his false prophets and how those demons from the Euphrates worked through these false prophets in times past and are still working up to today. But then I believe that is insufficient. I believe that we ought to show them how to stand against that unbelief and how we stood and how others stood in the past, that when this arises in the churches overseas and even locally here in the Caribbean, they will know how to stand up against unbelief. We are standing as an end-time example, who have many decades of history in following this message and battles that we fought. We faced the devil himself on many occasions. And I speak for the congregation, I speak for the ministers here, I speak for G.C.C., Grace Covenant Church, of New England. They are all in this, and it has been better than four decades that make up this historical lesson that you are hearing.
Everything could not be documented in a small book of about two hundred and fifty pages. You must read between the lines, you must hear the tapes later, on things that pertain to this subject. But I believe that enough was said to give everybody around the world a very good picture of how these demons from the Euphrates work through false prophets and the evil ones, and why such spirits could come and possess people. It used to be a question, which I think is no longer a question: “How brothers and sisters could appear to be so genuine and contend for the faith, live so closely to the Lord that they put you to shame, and then one day rise up and say, ‘I am a prophet’, not only that but support that false prophet, rise up and be evil, and manifest all kinds of things contrary to the Word of God?” That is no longer a question. We now understand the past, and therefore if we understand the past and we understand the present, then we will understand the future, with such uprisings that may take place in the future. It has not yet ended.
These messages have not ended the work of the enemy in causing false prophets to arise and affect the church. It will happen again. And while I am preaching these series of messages here, a little brother, who was a nobody, rose up. And let this be an example to you concerning the stubbornness of men and women who have gone the way of self, pride and ambition, that not even these messages could shake them at times. That little brother is still determined to be Gabriel the archangel and have not responded to me even after his deadline. So this is very important, and what it is doing by me saying these things, it is showing how hard it is to get off a spirit from a man who goes that way. In all my years, I have not seen but one or two, if that much, delivered from that spirit, especially when a man rises up and claims to be the son of man and Christ, it’s a terrible thing, and it has to be the pride of Lucifer himself who wants to be worshipped like God.
So this little message here that will complete this book, and complete this series of messages, the importance of it is to show you and the rest of the world, how to stand up against unbelief and carnal weapons of war. And if that fails then I want to refer you to one of the greatest examples in the scripture of a man who stood against unbelief and knew what he was doing. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. He stood against the unbelief of Satan himself in the wilderness, and all that he used as his weapon to stand against that unbelief was the Word of the Lord, and He said, “It is also written.” So the carnal weapon of war of the devil is to pervert the Word of God. But then, what will always defeat the devil is when you are so knowledgeable on the Word of God that you could say, “It is also written.”
And then we have the examples of the apostles, but especially Brother Paul the Apostle, and we just read from his writings how he stood up against unbelief and how he tutored his son Timothy to stand up against unbelief. The Apostle Paul is answering a question on how to stand up against sin and unbelief when the need arises. I am afraid that many people do not know how to stand up against unbelief and sin, as much as they have heard the Word. As the Christian church, I believe that every one of us should have that understanding.
And the lesson that he gave him, he said:
<Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.>
We are that generation who are living presently on the earth at the fulfillment of that prophecy, that the time is come when they are not enduring sound doctrine, not only in the religious world, but right around the message of Malachi 4:5-6, they are not enduring sound doctrine.
So we have the examples of the apostles and we have the example of Brother Paul the great apostle of the faith. And then that was not sufficient, the Lord sent us a hero of the faith whose name was William Branham, and singlehandedly he stood up against all the unbelief of the world, every organization and every Bible school. Now, that was a great feat.
Now, we grow accustomed with that, well, God sent a prophet. But for a man to come in midnight darkness… That was the time of his appearance: “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh.” And for a man to come in midnight darkness of unbelief and sin and wickedness and stand up as one human being and defy all that darkness and all that unbelief, God had to be with that man. William Branham was a man sent from God. Yes!
And then it did not stop there, but unbelief heaped to the skies after the death of our gracious prophet, William Branham. And the very message that he brought to the world, people refused to believe the promises that are attached to that message, and the great promise was that there will be another outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and unless we have that outpouring of the Holy Spirit there would be no rapture. Then the messages of the seven church ages and the message of William Branham would be in vain if we do not have another outpouring of the Holy Spirit, because that is the power to take us in the rapture, and change our bodies. That was clearly written in Church Age page 377 to 380. It is called the final quickening unto the rapture. Nobody could deny that. But who is preparing for it?
And after the days of Brother Branham everybody arose with unbelief saying, “It is all over, there is nothing more to come, there is no more fivefold ministry to come in the demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost, and besides that, the seven thunders are already revealed and we are waiting for the rapture.” And when that went out they started going downhill and living like the Pentecostal church and living in Sodom, showing you that they were not ready for the rapture. They went back into the world, into sports and immoral dressing and immoralities by the ministers. And in such a time when some of you were little boys and little girls, there arose another man, and his name was Lambert, and singlehandedly, as one man, he challenged that unbelief, and his main message was the highlight message of William Branham, and it was called the token. So he magnified the token’s message which Brother Branham said was the highlight message of his entire ministry, that you will receive the token or you will perish. He challenged the whole world. But moreso he challenged the message-world. Whereas Brother Branham challenged the religious world, Lambert came and challenged the message-world.
He was a hated, despised and rejected man, his name is evil spoken of throughout the world today, but brothers and sisters, he stood up against that unbelief. And you may say, “How do you know that he was successful in standing against that unbelief?” We are the very evident fruit of his ministry. We believe what he spoke. And at G.C.C. there were a handful of people who believed the things that he spoke. And not only that my friends, but the world is now hearing about another outpouring of the Holy Spirit and they have received it in Africa and in India and many other parts of the world. We have prevailed over all unbelief. O Yes!
I am talking about singlehandedly. When all that unbelief and sin crept under the message, there was only one man who stood up and said, “You are wrong, we must receive another outpouring of the Holy Spirit.” The prophet of God speaking about the power coming to the church, he said, “Somebody will catch this vision and take it on.” Lambert caught that vision and took it on, and established it in east America in New England to a handful of people and they stood their grounds. That is the place where the prophet said another revival will break from, right in New England.
Quote W.M.B.: E-3 …and praying that sometime along this way, that something will happen to the people that'll set their hearts afire for God, that an old fashioned revival will break out in New England. It's tried on the west coast; it's tried in the middle east, tried in the south, but seemingly that this is our last place to try: New England. Here's where our forefathers landed for this freedom of religion on Plymouth Rock. It is from these sacred soils here that praying men and women went forth to establish this great spiritual economy that we are privileged to serve today. No American could be ashamed of their forefathers who landed in this country, went to church packing guns, who came here for freedom of religion, went on horseback, covered in old wagons, fought the Indians and so forth, to get to go to church. Those bloods bathed this soil. If we'll be sincere and believe in the God that they believed in and serve Him with the same reverence that they served Him with, we'll see a revival again. And I believe it will start in New England. God's willing to do it if we're willing to carry it. (Tested Faith Produces Goods 58-0518).
So we are happy to be identified with the saints there in New England, G.C.C., because after the days of Lambert there were a handful of people there who stood against unbelief. And you have heard the stories, you have heard the histories, you have heard the things that we went through as a handful of people here in Bethel. You were nowhere around but you are here today. So you have entered into the labours of other people and we are not jealous of you. We are thankful to God that out of a handful of people who stood their grounds, we stood against all unbelief to have the Word in our midst today and to keep the presence of God in our midst. And not only that, but we sent out the Word of God to the rest of the world and challenged that unbelief.
I believe that we are right in place to speak, and I am right in place to preach this message today, after forty two years of standing against unbelief with a handful of people and other people who came after for many years now, to tell my brothers and sisters around the world, elected children of God, how to stand up against unbelief and carnal weapons of war, because the method that we used, the method that the Lord gave to us is proven, because we are here after so many years.
And not because I speak of this handful of people, just a few, that it means that the rest of the people who came in just a few years after, did not do anything or did not stand up against unbelief. No! We are just speaking of the foundation, and because the foundation was laid right then we had others to build upon. Great men seated here today whom the Lord drew from all walks of life, from the Pentecostal circles, from the Baptist circles, from the plain message, and brought them in by His great grace. We are happy to be identified with you and I am happy to show you off around the world. I am not embarrassed in the least to show you off around the world as the people who stood up against unbelief and prevailed, and we are trusting God’s grace to prevail even unto the token and the rapture.
So those from G.C.C. stood up and we here from Bethel stood up against great forces of the enemy which I will label as “Supper table Judases.” When you face a supper table Judas, you just have to go back to the gospel to see what our Lord faced and you will get an idea of supper table Judases, the man of sin versus the son of man. And right today in 2009 we are still standing against unbelief. And the Lord has given us a force, additional people, additional souls who love the Word of God, calling them from every walk of life, even different races, different nations, people with experience, at least for a few years, sitting humbly, learning the Word of God. We make ourselves of no reputation after seeing how people made fools of themselves. It has taught us a lesson that men who could preach the Word of God and go out and carry it without a flaw, have humbled their hearts, because we have seen the deep ditch that people fell into who were exalted through self, and pride and ambition. Therefore, even in 2009, we beat our chests and cry for mercy: “Lord, don’t let us go that way, humble our hearts before you.”
A man has to be a foolish man, who recently came to this revelation for five years or even ten years, meeting different men, stalwart men, who had been seated here for thirty years, and some forty years, and that man could rise up and think that he is someone: a prophet and even Christ and even God. You have to be proud, and more than proud is insane. You have to be insane.
For a man to stand up behind this pulpit where the Word of the Lord comes in such a forceful manner and the presence of the Lord goes through the congregation, and say, “I am Christ, I suffered and died for you, don’t you recognize me? I am the son of man.” Now, that is insanity friends. A man could only talk like that after he goes the way of pride, and self, and ambition, and becomes possessed. And when he becomes possessed, it is no longer him speaking but it is one of those demons from the Euphrates speaking in the personal pronoun. Now, if you give heed to that, that spirit is going to swallow you.
I believe that these messages and the intent of them, in any case, is to help all believers and all elected children and all ministers around the world to identify the antichrist spirit. For that reason the seals were opened, to expose the antichrist spirit. I believe the ministers of God would be better equipped, around the world, to handle these devils and to prevail over them even as we prevailed. I believe the Lord allowed these experiences at G.C.C. and at Bethel, to bless and to edify the elect around the world. God did not allow those things just for nothing. No! I believe with every experience He gave the church, it was to edify the further part of the body, that today a book can be written, after all those years, and messages could go to the internet that will edify hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and moreso message people.
And I feel blessed and more than privileged to show to the world in this short message today, how to stand against unbelief and carnal weapons of war. It is not a great big mystery but it is the same weapon that our Lord Jesus used, and the apostles, and Brother Paul, and Brother Branham, and our precious brother, the revivalist and the first martyr, Robert Lee Lambert. O yes! We praise the living God.
So first of all I will give you a scripture to prove how to stand up against unbelief, and I will give a whole chapter and that is Hebrews 11: “By faith!” By faith every one of those heroes of the faith prevailed. It was said: “And by faith Abraham, and by faith Enoch, and by faith Noah, and by faith the others. And they subdued kingdoms, turned back the forces of the enemy”, and on and on it went. And it said, “Of whom the world was not worthy of.”
Beloved, we are left alone in this end time to stand up against unbelief. The ministry of Brother Paul and all the messengers, they have fulfilled all their tasks and have gone on. Understand what I am telling you. Brother Branham has gone on. He is not here to help us. Brother Lambert with the saints who lived back there have gone on. Brother George has gone on. Brother McGahee has gone on. But you must understand that since that time unbelief has heaped to the skies, and you are those people who will be facing this unbelief as it increases, right in the church, right in the message and coming from the World Council of Churches. So the Lord trained us for many years in order to face the great unbelief and the man of sin.
Do you know what sin is? Unbelief; a man of unbelief who is coming up here to challenge the Bride in the end time. I believe He had been training us and will continue to train us how to face the man of sin, the man of unbelief. Every man who rises up and condemns this Word of God and tries to change it is a man of sin. Not the man of sin but a man of sin. And that is how you have to look at this thing.
So first of all we understand from Hebrews 11 that anybody who will overcome unbelief, will overcome it by faith because it is faith versus unbelief. Isn’t that right? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] And by faith the heroes of the faith overcame. So that’s the first thing.
And when we say unbelief, for the little children, all sins comes out of unbelief. And how do you prove that? Eve disbelieved the Word of God. God told her don’t eat that fruit and the serpent told her, eat it, it’s a good thing to make her wise. So from that unbelief that entered into Eve’s heart, it caused her to eat the fruit and it threw every one of us into death. So the root of sin is unbelief.
So, in order for you to stand against unbelief, which actually is linked to sin, you are standing up against immorality and against sin and against violence and everything that pertains to the breaking of the law of God. So when I say unbelief, it is not a small thing. Unbelief is spiritual darkness. Unbelief is interpretation. Unbelief is heresy. Unbelief is sin. “Men loved darkness rather than light,” Jesus said, “for their deeds are evil (John 3: 19-20).
So now, one of the greatest things that is employed to destroy unbelief, and Jesus set that in order, is the rock revelation of the Son of man. Now, in order for you to stand against unbelief, the important thing is to get a divine revelation. “Upon this rock shall I build my church, and the gates of hell (which are unbelief and all these religions) shall not prevail against it.” There is only one thing the gates of hell would not prevail over, and that is divine revelation. If you do not have a divine revelation you will falter and you will fail.
Brethren, were not for that, Brother Branham could not prevail, Jesus could not prevail, the apostles could not prevail, Brother Lambert could not prevail and we of G.C.C. and Bethel could not prevail. If you get that revelation of the Christ, if you get that revelation of the son of man, the gates of hell cannot prevail over you. So now, you ask, “Why did all those people fall away and become black crows and fell into a dark chasm?” Even because they were not born again, and even because they did not have that faith revelation of the son of man, though now in their slums of sin and sodomite condition, they believe that they are born again, in their pants, and their bobbed hair, and their gambling, and their drinking, and their cussing and their smoking. They are all liars.
Faith is the victory. If you received that faith seed in you, it would give you victory.
I John 5:4 <For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.>
That’s what John said. The thing that gives you the victory over this world is faith. How could people say they have that faith and wallow in sin? No, you are a liar.
All right! So it takes the faith of Christ in the bosom of somebody to prevail. The reason that all those people fell and we are standing is because we have that faith and we employed that faith. We serve God as individuals and then we learned how to detect unbelief when it comes into the congregation and when it comes into the heart of men and women.
Now, first of all you must understand how unbelief is manifested. The underlying factor of a man, woman or the congregation manifesting unbelief, is lust. Why would a man sit down and hear good solid truth and then turn away from that truth? The answer is that there was lust in that individual that as much as he heard the Word of God, he did not want to give up that lust. Jesus said, “This is the condemnation, light is come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light”, because of lust. “Because their deeds are evil.” And when I say lust, I mean all worldly desires. And because of that lust, you will open your ear to the wrong preacher, then he will give you a certain type of doctrine, and then you would turn away from the truth.
I am trying to help you to recognize the manifestations of unbelief. Now, if you could identify unbelief, then you will know how to stand against it. And I am speaking to the ministers of how to identify it and how to stand as a minister. In a little while I will speak to the sheep, of how to stand as a sheep against that unbelief.
I’ll give you one signal of unbelief and that is, we are a happy bunch of people rejoicing in the Word of God and everybody gives their spirit over to the shepherd, to the Spirit of God, to the Word of God and everybody is in support, but then, somebody goes out just like Eve and she received another conception. When you receive that conception, fellowship is broken, your countenance falls, and then the party becomes independent. Nobody should become independent from the truth and independent from Christ, independent from spiritual leadership. Now, that is great sign when people start tolerating unbelief, and that conception could come up in their own hearts by a devil anointing them or they could be listening to a contrary voice like Eve listened to a contrary voice. And when that is accepted, it is going to manifest itself in different things: disfellowship. Somebody could be secretly reading some kind of heretical book right at home and profess that they believe all that the Word says. Now, that is going to break fellowship and it will bring unbelief in the House of God. Somebody could try to take the Bible and make excuses for their lust, and for their pride and for their sins. That is going to break fellowship.
Now that minister must have discernment to know that there is a change in that man, there is a change in that woman, and the congregation will also know that something is wrong with that person. Maybe they are going through a trial, so we will deal with that first. Maybe the brother is a little sad. He needs something in life that he doesn’t have. But then we go to the next step. Everything is all right there but you are still disfellowshipped from us to a certain extent. You don’t come around any longer. You don’t meet the brethren heartily and shake their hands. You don’t rejoice in the Word.
So the first thing, in order to fight against unbelief, as a minister, you must be able to identify unbelief otherwise unbelief will be working right under you, in your wife, in your house, in your children, right in your church and when it surfaces, then it is too big for you to handle. Weigh out these words.
Now, when your vision becomes blurred as a believer, there are a lot of changes that would take place. Because of that lust, you will gain a certain conception. When you accept another conception other than what you had been hearing in the form of the Word, it will change your outlook and it will change you overnight.
Now, how would you have a change of conception? You either meditated on how to make a way out to fulfil your lust, or you had been listening to some preacher, to tickle your ears. Then the regular sacrifices that you used to make for many years and you never complained about, and they were not a problem, now become a problem, and you will attack them because you have a different conception. Your vision gets blurred, you have a different vision entirely and that vision is changed on many things. This is how you identify unbelief. You cannot tell that unbelief is in a man’s heart by just looking at him. No! He would bear certain fruits. When he bears them they manifest what is in the man’s heart. And, if you ask that same man if he believes, he would say, “I believe every word.” Now, when you see those things you do not have to ask any questions. The answer is one, and that is unbelief is in the heart, then you must get prepared to stand up against that unbelief.
Intellectualism takes over. Then those same parties who tolerate unbelief, start searching the message. The Bible says; wresting the scriptures. In other words, because they do not want to give up that lust, they start searching the message for something to try to prove that lust, that desire, that item is nothing. Then they change their attitude and speak very independently. They say; “I am not following a man; you do not have to consult a man about anything; you take the leading of the Lord, brother.” Overnight they become super-spiritual. Overnight the council they used to take and the guidance that they used to receive they start terming as idolatry and man worship, and you could be hearing those remarks: “You all worship that man, that pastor. It is idolatry and man worship.” Now, when they get like that, something is wrong. You watch that. I am speaking from experience. I am speaking by divine revelation. Now, they think that they are qualified to interpret the scripture. They think that they could read this Bible now, search the Scriptures, get the message and guide their families’ lives. I am saying that if you are in a house like that, you have to watch out. That unbelief is contagious. A man does not get spiritual overnight.
We have great examples of how contagious unbelief is, that is why the Bible set regulations about separation.
When a man has swine flu today, there are certain things set in place to isolate that fellow. In Trinidad he is placed outside of the hospital in a tent. Yes!
Unbelief is more contagious today and it is more deadly than AIDS. And there are people who will go and play with that, just like the little white monkey, because they don’t know the danger of it. They are just not sure about the danger of unbelief. That is why the Bible set regulations and laws.
And in our lessons that we went through, you could reflect upon the great Dr. Miriam, super-spiritual woman. She actually thought that she could have lived under that unbelief, where a man pounded unbelief in her mind day and night and stand up there, when the Lord had already shown me that he had turned into a snake, went down in a hole and I burnt him with a firebrand. You think that you are a snake handler. You are not a snake handler.
The recommendation when somebody tries to speak evil in your ear and turn you from the Word of God is to walk away. That’s what Malachi 4 said. He said, “The mistake that Eve made was to stop for a moment and listen.” People actually think that they are spiritual enough to hear unbelief and stand up against it, brethren, or reason with it. And that is what happened to Eve. Eve was positive that she was not going to give in to that serpent. Yes! She started to put up a fuss. She said, “Yea, God said. God told us the day that we touch it we will die.” But then she started to reason and when she reasoned with that, my brother, she did not know that there was a devil inside of that serpent and that anointing was coming from those words and she started coming closer and closer, and then she was captivated by that spirit. People catch one another’s spirit instead of the Holy Spirit,” Malachi 4 said. You could take it for granted, and your son, and your daughter, your wife, your children and your neighbour next to you are full of unbelief.
You know Jesus had the victory because He identified unbelief amongst His apostles. Now, such unbelief that I am talking about was manifested by Judas. He said, “Haven’t I chosen twelve of you and one of you is a devil?” This He spake of Judas Iscariot for he did not believe. “For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not.” (John 6:64). Do you know what the problem with Judas was? Do you know why Judas suffered that faith? From the beginning, he never believed though he sat in the church. Jesus had to fight against that unbelief for three and a half years without saying, “You are an unbeliever,” until the supper table. That was the problem of Judas. He never did believe.
“You mean to say that Judas sat in the House of God and worked signs, and wonders and miracles and carried the money bag and did not believe?” He was always feeling to see if this is truth. “One more day, one more week, one more month, I have to check it out. I know Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.” Now, what was causing this man to behave like that? He was full of lust. He was full of ambition. He was full of pride. He was full of self. And when you have those things down inside of you they block the channel of life to your ear. You have to be emptied out, the channel have to be clear to bring forth the Word. It proves that a man could walk with the greatest men, the greatest prophet and servant of God, and carry that unbelief in his bosom.
When you could hear this Word of God and believe it, friend, and you have no doubt in it, and you are not feeling out this and feeling out that and saying, “I heard a man said down the road to watch Bruce.” Unbelief is haunting you. “I sat here for five years but I just want to check out one or two things again.” That’s unbelief. Do you know what is causing all that scepticism down in the heart? I will tell you right here, you lack of divine revelation and you are not born again. “He that is born again doth not commit unbelief for his seed abideth in him and he cannot sin.” Yes sir! You cannot disbelieve this revelation. That is the thing that kept us.
Some were remarking. They said, “Brother Bruce, I never knew that you all went through so much problems.” It was a joy. Did doubts come in our hearts? Absolutely not! No doubts! “You mean to say against five churches, both foreign and local; every one of them trying to crush you all, you did not doubt a little bit and say, ‘We may be wrong?’” Absolutely not! That caused us to believe that we are right. There was something holding us more that ourselves.
SATAN MOVES WITH A SPIRITUAL MAN – attacks man’s character
Now, when Satan moves to do damage, he will move with a spiritual man. That spiritual man is respected by the congregation. That spirituality actually covered over that unbelief so they could not recognize that unbelief. When the devil moved with Korah, Abiram and Dathan, they were close to Moses, thus the people had a certain amount of confidence. They put them up on a spiritual ladder almost like Moses.
When Satan attacks, the central theme of his move is always to discredit the Word. I am trying to identify unbelief for you. Now firstly, Satan attacks the policy, but he is heading to something. The devil has something at heart and that is, he wants to attack that Word because the Word is what is keeping you alive, keeping you together and giving Eternal Life. In order to get you, he has to come and discredit the Word. You have heard so much of the revelation that He cannot discredit the Word too easily unless you had just been here or unless you are a sceptic or a make believer, then you will grab ahold of the scepticism and the interpretation and the heresies.
Let us say that he comes in here and he cannot discredit the Word. The Word is so strong that it’s a sin to disbelieve it. Now, he has a roundabout way of coming. He comes and makes a little fuss here and there and a little fuss with policy. With all the fuss that Judas was making, he was trying to crucify the Word and send it to the cross. That was his ambition. He cannot discredit the Word after the people heard the Word so greatly. He just cannot come and say that the Word is wrong. There is only one option he has. In order to get you to think that the Word is wrong, he attacks the policy, then attacks the man of God who set that policy in order. Beloved, the next option is to attack the character of the servant of God. Now, that is why the devils attacked William Branham, his character and nastied up his name around the world. And that is what caused so-called Pentecost to reject Brother Branham, because they actually discredited the man by lies saying to the world that he believes that he is God. Do you see the trap of the enemy? The enemy uses carnal weapons of war. Because he cannot discredit the Word, it is so strong, now he has to come and interfere with the man’s character. So now in order to interfere with that man’s character, if his life is correct, which Brother Branham’s life was correct, Brother Lambert’s life was correct, our lives are correct, brothers and sisters, he has to come and lie. So one of the greatest weapons of the devil is a lie. So he used that lie to discredit the prophet of God. So then, he cannot come and discredit the Word of the Lord so quickly, he comes there and discredits the man, pointing out certain things. Did you see how Judas attacked Jesus? “This ointment could have been sold and be given to the poor.” He attacked the character of that man. He could not say the gospel was wrong. My, don’t you see the tricks of the enemy?
Now, do you see what Korah, Abiram and Dathan did? They could not attack the message of Moses. They attacked the person. They attacked the character of Moses. Do you see what Miriam and Aaron did? They attacked the man’s family. But what they were really trying to attack was that message. Yes, and he finally succeeded. Two million people died in the wilderness and ended up in hell from that old generation. And only two people went over into the Promised Land. Imagine the power of a heresy and unbelief. The Bible said, “They entered not in because of unbelief.” That is the power of unbelief. Unbelief is the greatest force that the devil has.
Now, another thing the devil will attack is the policies that the man of God set over the church. Now, the gospel is one thing but the policies are hundreds: bylaws, and that is left to the discretion of the ministry, the ministers. Policies are: to have two microphones here. That is not in the Bible. Our policy is that ministers must not sit down behind the preacher’s back, because the man of God, when he came down here in 1972, he said, “Move my enemies from behind my back and put them in front where I could see them, because I am feeling those unbelieving devils behind me.” He said, “Put them in front let me preach to them.” I said, “All ministers go down in front”, including Brother Bruce. Policies! So now, those things are questionable. “Why this and why that and why when he is preaching that I cannot get up and go outside and drink some water?” Policies! Now, but all those policies contribute to bringing the presence of God here. I could not have people walking up and down here and taking away my attention and still have the Spirit of God, or they disturbing somebody who is listening to the Word of God. Now, check that and you will see how many thousands of policies that are established here, and they were established for the past thirty years. Leave this as you met it here. All that is set in the House of God is for a reason.
Somebody might say, “I don’t like it because they should have somebody singing every night here, and I noticed that nobody has not sung for many services.” That fellow has a problem. He wants to sign and he is not getting to come up here. All these things are to expose those spirits and to chain those spirits.
Anytime the devil moves, you will find that a bunch of women are going to be in support of that. Now, those women will be used to attack the other women in the church. They will speak evil of the ministry; they will have long tongues in their mouths. They will go from house to house. Yes, they will cause contentions. They will be private preachers to different women in the church to cause divisions. Now, knowing these things, my intention tonight is to edify the ministers and the sheep of how to stand up against such unbelief. That was the general pattern of Satan in forty-two years of my preaching and all the battles that we have fought and won. And with just over a dozen people in 1974, who stood with the Word of God and the way that I told them to stand against unbelief, we were able to stand up against all the unbelief in this country, all the unbelief that arose from America and all the unbelief that came from Guyana and Suriname. We stayed as a little body and fought every one of them with the Word of God and we lived to see their downfall. The way that we fought those devils and how we stood against them, is what I am trying to give to the entire message-world. And how to stand against unbelief is first to understand the Word of God by divine revelation, otherwise when you come in contact with the serpent and the tongue of the serpent, you will be confused.
You cannot receive divine revelation until you apply yourself and get before the Lord and ask him for revelation.
James 1:5 <If any of you lack wisdom (Revelation), let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not (He isn’t going to reproach you for that); and it shall be given him.>
Yes, get down in prayer and ask. But people wants revelation and they want to put their minds on the Word of God for five minutes or ten minutes and sit in the House of God and think about their business while the Word is being preached, and think about what they have to say to somebody after the service is over. Let me tell you something friend, that is not going to work. You have to make time for God. You will be desperate or perish! You must come before the Lord and dedicate yourself, pray, fast, read your Bible, have a quiet moment with the Lord for at least one hour, and what you are hearing today will start reflecting, it will start going around in your mind. But if you go out there and you are living right in the midst of music, the human being is made up in such a way, though you are a Christian, and you keep on hearing that a few times, you will see that song starts singing in your mind. You are ashamed and you want to know why that is happening. Your system is made up like that. You have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. And then your conscious mind was hearing that while you were working, while you were in that taxi, and while you were in that certain environment, and that information is being fed into the sub conscience. The sub conscience is the spirit, and it revolves and revolves, and it songs as though you are singing the song. You say, “Lord, forgive me for singing that.” You are not singing anything. That is the way that this old man is made up, this devil-body, this sex-body; that is how it is made up there Brother Watkins. It is made up that way. If you hear certain things, if you hear slangs, watch your mouth, you are going to start speaking those same slangs, before you know it. But what about if you hear the gospel? What about if you hear music of Christ? What about if you are in a positive environment? What about if you read your Bible? What about if you listen to the tapes? What about if you are humming a tune in your heart? There is no room for the world. That is going to revolve. Yes:
Psalms 1:2-3 <But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.>
That is what the Psalmist said. That is the way to draw closer to God. Every little time you have, beloved, keep your mind on the Word of the Lord. O yes!
So it is not something that I am suggesting, but I am talking about a proven weapon. I am talking about experience. I am talking about something that we went through.
Now, in standing against unbelief, you have to study the carnal weapons of war that the enemy is going to attack you with. Yes, the devil uses carnal weapons of war.
We are engaged in a spiritual warfare between right and wrong. And the great battle in the Christian Church is for the cause of righteousness (“In righteousness he doth judge and make war”) and for the right cause we have the right weapon, and the weapons are faith and the Word of God; revelation from Almighty God.
Ephesians 6:10-13 <Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.>
Satan and his children represent evil. Satan fights to defend evil, and the Bible is declaring that his weapons are carnal weapons. But in this great warfare, as much as we want to win every battle and have victory in the end, we are told here by the chief apostle Paul to not take up carnal weapons of war, but our enemy delights in using carnal weapons of war.
In all these characters that we pointed out and in all the battles we came through, we never took up carnal weapons. The Lord Jesus never took up a carnal weapon. You never heard about Him taking up a sword. And when Peter took up that sword He said, “Put up thy sword in thy sheath, for he that taketh the sword shall perish with the sword. You never heard of Him using violence because He got angry with a man while debating the Word of God. Look at the apostles. They never used carnal weapons. That is why Brother Paul could say, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. In all these years we never fought a carnal battle. Whatever is said on those books are the truth. There is not one lie to bring down anybody. We tell the truth just as it is. And those are the great offences, because we speak the truth.
The true children of God fight with God’s weapon, but always remember that when you have people full of unbelief, when you have evil ones, when you have false prophets and false christs, they will take up carnal weapons of war. From the Garden of Eden, carnal weapons of war were used against the children of God; and the carnal weapon of war that Cain used in the beginning was malice, hatred, jealousy and unbelief. And he had to go a little further, and no doubt took up a rock and bashed his brother’s head.
I will tell you why the enemy cannot use anything but carnal weapons of war. No matter how good the sister or brother is, no matter how long they had been under the Word of God, when the enemy gets upon them, the very reason that carnal weapons of war are used against God’s children is because men who fight the children of God have carnal minds. (Romans 8:5-9). So the carnal mind will always take up a carnal weapon.
Anytime there arises a fuss between brothers; between the people who are supposed to be the people of God, and you see one man runs off and picks up carnal weapons of war to fight, be certain that his mind is yet carnal. When he goes around speaking evil, and the very thing that he blessed one time, praised one time and he lifted up as God and righteousness, he would turn around and speak evil of it and condemn it as antichrist, condemn it as the devil; be certain of one thing, that man is carnal. And to be carnally minded is death. So that man is abiding in death. He is not born again, he is not regenerated. No, he is not saved yet.
Now, the most powerful weapon that the enemy could ever use against the Church of God is the power of the tongue. “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Now, death laid in the power of the tongue of the serpent, and he destroyed the whole world with it. But Jesus said, I have come that ye might have life and have it more abundantly. In John 6: 63, He said, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” The tongue that speaks to you today, is either administering to you life or administering death. But “a wholesome tongue is a tree of life.” (Proverbs 15: 4). If I speak the words of our Lord Jesus by divine revelation, I am ministering life. And if I twists that Word of God like the serpent I am ministering death. So life and death are in the power of the tongue. What kind of tongue is speaking to you outside? What kind of tongue is speaking to you at home? What kind of tongue is speaking to you on the job? What kind of tongue is speaking to you on the telephone? Is it a tongue of life or is it a tongue of death? When you find a man who speaks the truth and preach the Word of God to you and preach the revelation and preach the purity of the message, it is a tree of life. But when you find a man who puts heresies and interpretations and he is trying to preach to you, he has a breach of the spirit. He is not born again. So the most powerful weapon that the enemy could use against a child of God, against a minister, against the church, against a generation is in the tongue. That is why we expose all heresies through E.O.D.H. without respect of persons. And God’s great weapon is also in the tongue. And His sword also went out of His mouth and slew His enemy.
Now the enemy knows the power that lies in the power of speech. Do you realize that it was the tongue of the serpent in the Garden of Eden that caused all the trouble? So that is the most powerful weapon. So now, what I am trying to show you here is that you don’t take it easy when people rise up and start speaking perverse things to draw away a member after them. So the tongue is one of the chief weapons of the enemy to express his unbelief, and that unbelief is death. “They entered not into the promise land because of unbelief.” But notice that there was a weapon being used, and the devil was using men with that weapon. And you might think that you are strong enough to hear that unbelief. But we have the example through this book, we had this example through the messages that people are not strong enough if they are not born again, to hear any of that unbelief. There is a power that goes with it! And people who thought that they were strong went down and heard the brawling preacher, and they were mocking him, and the devil leaped right out of that man and possessed them, and they themselves started preaching, and condemning and lying! And the carnal weapon of war that the enemy uses, is by making false accusations against the children of God; lies. When Satan could lie against a child of God, if it be God’s will, he could finally take him to jail and finally get him killed. The devil lied against Joseph; put him in prison, and were not for the mercy of God, he would have died there. So now false accusations are the devil’s most powerful weapons of war.
Let me point out a weapon of the devil to you. After a man of God preached the Word of God into such a place, where it ties the enemy in a knot that he cannot move amongst the children of God, he must find other weapons. And this tongue is so powerful that the devil employs the tongue as one of his chief carnal weapons of war. I want to show you in Scripture where a carnal weapon of accusations to the servant of God, what it did to Moses the servant of God and to the people of God. There is a final attack that the enemy makes.
When he knows that he cannot tell the people that the Word is wrong, there is only one thing that he could go back to, and that is, he goes back and tries to attack the servant of God, because that is the human flesh; he could find some mistakes in it. And then, if he could attack the servant of God, my beloved, and discredit the servant of God in the eyes of the people, then he could cause them to disbelieve the Word.
Ministers, I want you to understand here, if you are engaged in a war and you are carrying the Word of God, you are the enemy’s target. Why would the enemy come to smite the shepherd? .
Mark 14:27 <…smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered.>
If he could smite the shepherd then he could get to the sheep. His real interest is to devour the sheep, but he cannot do that until he destroys the shepherd. So now his main target is the shepherd.
Beloved, let me put it in these words: “Every time an evil tongue raises up against your shepherd, do you know what that is? Satan is indicating that he wants to eat some sheep.”
Anytime you see a waggling tongue start raising up against the pastor, against the ministry, and against whatever gift that is set in the House of God, brakes for your life! It is an indication that Satan is walking around seeking whom he may devour. He is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour; and you brakes for your life when you see that. It’s an indication, it’s a sign, that Satan is interested in taking your soul to Hell.
So now, the devil’s man, because he wants that position and wants to be exalted, he is literally jealous of the man whom God is using. And that was played out in Abiram, Korah and Dathan.
The target of the enemy will always be the ministry, and the enemy would come up with false accusations. “What are the chief accusations that the enemy will use by carnal men, Brother Bruce?” Now, after the minister of God, apostle, prophet, whoever he is, preaches the Word of God to a congregation, there exists a divine fellowship. There exist confidence, there exist trust, there exist love; there exist honour.
“Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.” (1 Timothy 5:17).
And not only single honour, but double honour.
People come to the place where they trust that man of God, because of the Word that he preaches. They trust that man of God with their money, they trust him with their house, they trust him with their family, and they trust him with their very soul. And Beloved, that confidence and that honour, that respect, that reverence get so great, that if it were possible they would have taken out their own eyes and give it to Brother Paul. He said:
“…for I bear you record, that, if it had been possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me.” (Galatians 4: 15).
Now, that expresses the confidence in a true servant of God. There exists a divine fellowship. Now, in that trust and confidence and divine fellowship, advice is given out, counsel is given out, guidance is given out, and leadership is given out, in that frame of mind of fellowship, love and respect. Not in a legalistic form.
Now hear me in the name of the Lord, church. When the minister comes and ties the enemy in a knot, and that enemy cannot move to devour the sheep and to lead them astray by unbelief, beloved, the devil takes that honour and respect that the sheep have for the minister and he employs it as a carnal weapon of war to put a tag upon that honour that the church has for that man and turn it into a weapon of war by putting a label upon it; “Idolatry and man-worship.” Like the people in Pentecost; they honoured the prophet. But the devil is now going to attack to turn that honour that millions had towards the prophet and call it idolatry.
Now, the man who he uses, at one time had that same honour and respect. He and testified and boasted about the man of God. But when the devil jumps upon him, he would swallow his conscience. Although he understands the relationship between shepherd and sheep, and that honour does not go to the flesh, but to the gift that God placed in the bosom of that man and the Word that he preaches, that same man; deceitful hypocrite, seed of Cain and Judas, is going to rise up and accuse the man of God of idolatry.
How many believe that Moses preached the people into a place that they should worship God and him only? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] He even got The Ten Commandments, and the very first one says: Thou shall have no other Gods before me, and Moses believed that, and he established that. My beloved there was no way for the devil to attack Moses. Moses never took one cattle, he never took a sheep from them; he said that he never took any goods from them, they could not put a finger on his life where he committed adultery, where he stole. So now, the life of the man, the enemy cannot attack it, the Word that he preach he cannot attack it. Then he must find another weapon.
Numbers 16:1-2 <Now Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben, took [men]:
And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown:>
These were not strangers. You are talking about people rising up in the assembly under the message of Moses, in the church. They could not say that those miracles were of the devil, they could not say the Message was wrong. No! No! No! The only thing that they could have gone to was to accuse Moses of idolatry.
Numbers 16:3 <And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD [is] among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?>
Now, people fell in love with Moses so much, honoured Moses so much, that the idea of idolatry had to be projected to the people in order to win them, because the people wanted to worship God and him only.
Moses preached them into that.
Now, the idea that was projected is that Moses was not giving the glory to God, not only that but Moses was not giving everybody their rightful positions. He lifted up himself above the congregation and whereas all the congregation should be preaching, he has them down.
Numbers 16:13 <Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a prince over us?>
That’s the accusation: “Thou hast made thyself altogether a prince over us.” When people get so deceitful and could turn divine fellowship between pastor and saints, communication between pastor, sheep and almighty God, into such a place, and turn it so carnally into such a way to say that the pastor made himself a God, that pastor made himself a prince, he lifted up himself, he elevated himself, my beloved, that’s the devil working. Don’t trust a mouth like that, that’s the devil in person. You are talking about deceit. You are talking about when the devil jumps upon a man, the deceit that comes out of that heart.
I want you to tell me where the attacks against that man called William Branham fell short in any way, when compared with the attacks against Moses. What was the report that went out about Brother Branham? Not that he made himself God? “The people worshipped him.” It’s a lie of the Devil! Did he not suffer the same accusation that he exalted himself and as a result of exalting himself God had to take him away in an accident? Is that the same accusation? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] But they cannot point you to the man’s life, where he ever committed adultery, where he ever lived in sin. They cannot point out where the man is off the Word of God.
Now, is that the same devil that was in Korah, Abiram and Dathan, that jumped into Oral Roberts, and Billy Graham and T. L. Osborne, and all those dogs on the radio, and on the television, and all those Pentecostal preachers who are wetting their tongues against William Branham? God would cut your filthy tongue out from your mouth, you hypocrite you, you bastard, coming against the prophet of God!
When people hear such lies they start thinking; “We praise Moses too much, especially when he gets off the pulpit, we go and tell him how great the message was. I have to stop that.” You are getting anointed by the devil. “You see how the people get around him, and they want to sit and have a little talk; I believe that is idolatry, I believe that God is jealous, God wants that honour.” You want that honour, you devil!
Now, let us look into the hearts of these men; Korah, Abiram and Dathan. Anytime you see a man coming up against the ministry and gets bold enough to say evil things against a servant of God who is held in admiration and respect, there is a selfish motive in that heart. Now, but that selfish motive is unspoken, it is in the back part of that man’s mind. Now, these fellows had a problem in speaking so, and that is they desired a position that God never gave to them. Now, these men, Moses discerned them and said, “You have an office in the church but you want the priesthood too.”
Now, there was something that was causing these men to speak in that fashion, but they were not saying that. Did they ever come up and tell Moses they wanted the priesthood? No, they never admitted that. Hear the tricks they came with. They spoke in a roundabout way and said, “Moses, you are taking too much upon yourself. You ought to share. This ministry ought to be shared amongst the people. You take too much upon yourself, you and Aaron especially.” They never said they wanted the priesthood. Now, hear the trick. They came pleading on behalf of the congregation, like if the congregation was dissatisfied and the congregation felt that it is about time that they are used of the Lord, but they are not bringing out their real motive for approaching Moses. The real motive was that they wanted the priesthood, one of them. I believe it was Korah, he wanted that office. But in order to get that office, he never came directly. He said, get your censers and come out here, and I will show you who God has chosen to come nigh unto him and who He did not choose. You take too much upon yourselves. Get your censers and come here in the morning. And the earth opened up and swallowed Korah and his company.
Do you know what is going to happen to all of these false prophets and all of these proud ones and all these evil ones? Not only is the earth going to open up. They are going through the tribulation to be burnt with fire. You say, “Brother Bruce, burnt with fire?”
Malachi 4: 1 <For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it
shall leave them neither root nor branch.>
You are talking about God coming to burn this generation. The proudest generation that ever lived upon the face of the earth. And people sit under this revelation and would not give up that pride and self, and we have the example in Parham, we have the example in Roy Lewis, we have the example in Miriam, we have the example in Dale sitting in jail, we have the example in Jim Rosenberry, that demon possessed fellow who led those people astray and now on their way to the tribulation. The whole things is that Moses said, “I will show you who could come into the presence of God and who cannot come.” They were longing to sit in the presence of God.
Friends, besides the Word that we preach, let me tell the whole world that the presence of the Lord that comes and back up the Word of God is an evident proof that we are right and the whole world is wrong. [Congregation says, “Amen!”] Don’t matter what they say, don’t matter what they accuse us of, they are jealous over your righteous life; that presence of the Lord is unexplainable. I speak for G.C.C., I speak for the churches in the Caribbean and I speak for the people who are in India and Africa and the rest of the world where the Spirit of the Lord is now visiting.
As long as you follow this revelation and the truth, the Spirit of the Lord will meet you wherever you are, and wherever you are, in whatever part of the world, when that outpouring comes, it is coming to you. Have no fear. You say, “Would that really come to me Brother Bruce?” My beloved, the outpouring is coming to the born again experience. Wherever that faith is, wherever the born again seed is that is where the outpouring is coming. It is not coming to a man, it is not coming to a church, it is coming to the seed of God. Of course, there is a first place where it will be outpoured.
Quote W.M.B. 109-3 See now, why I have been so zealous of the kind of seed that I have planted for the body? The rain's going to fall pretty soon; I mean the real rain. And it's got to have Seed to fall on. I hope I live to see it. Do you understand now? It will be the living Word as it was at the beginning, the spoken Word of God, have His power; for it is in Him in His own body, working His own way. Look to the promises that God gave this body. ((Spoken Word Original Seed 62-0318e).
Now, I am asking you here, did the devil fall short of his accusation against Brother Bob? Did he not say that as a result of idolatry God had to kill him? I am asking you if the devil fell short in accusing your pastor. Did he blame him for psychology? Did he blame me and say that the people worship me and the people honour me too much and the people have too much confidence in me? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] Sure. Did they blame me for claiming to be a prophet? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] Carnal weapons of war.
Why because they cannot touch my life and they cannot touch the Word that I preach, so the devil has to come in a roundabout way, and try to show that the congregation is giving Bruce too much honour and that they actually worship that man. Now, hear how dumb that is; Bruce is getting the honour from the people but the presence of God comes and backs up the Word every time he preaches, and blesses the congregation, and the presence of God is so powerful that you could hardly open your mouths at times.
In their opinion, God is not too smart after all, because here is a man pulling worship to himself, here is a man who is pretending to be the Christ, here is a man that is pretending to be a prophet, here is a man preaching in a certain way by psychology, to get the people to himself and God does not have the sense to withdraw His Spirit from that man for more than forty two years. In their opinion, God had been compromising with Bruce.
Now, I am saying, in order for the devil to devour the sheep, he attacks the minister’s character. If he cannot touch the man’s life, cannot touch the Word that he preaches, knowing the sincerity of the hearts of the people, he projects a doctrine calling honour “idolatry.” He tries to convince the people that they are just giving too much praises to Moses.
The people without divine revelation of their God are caught up in that lie. If you have a revelation of God, you don’t ever have to be afraid that you worship a man. What is the matter with such people? If you have a revelation of your God, you know God. How come that you can worship Brother John, if you know who God is? If I have a revelation of my God, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Jesus said, we know whom we worship, but you Samaritans don’t know whom you worship.
Respect to god’s servants
And I charge this congregation, after hearing this message today, stand in defence of all the preachers in this tabernacle. Any mouth that opens up against anyone of these preachers is the devil talking to you. Defend the characters of these men. Yes! Defend the characters of your deacons. Defend the character of your pastor. Anything that rises up and speaks evil against the ministry is the devil. I don’t care if you eat with me, sleep with me, if you carry the money bag like Judas, I don’t care if you smile with your whole mouth, I don’t care how long you belonged to this tabernacle, you open up your mouth against the Word and against God’s servants, a devil is upon you! How many believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] A devil is upon you.
Do you know when these messages were preached? In the arising of Absalom. Way back down there in 1997, and these things could not move those devils at all. They have crossed over the line. Those blasphemers of the Holy Ghost have sealed their doom, because they heard all of these things that I am borrowing here now to close this book. They heard it and they are without excuse.
We don’t have long again, but the Holy Spirit is so wonderful. I can feel the tranquillity of the holy Ghost. So wonderful! And the evidence that this revelation is true, is how that presence of the Lord comes and backs that up wherever. We are not trying to pump up something. And it is not only witnessed by us, but people from foreign lands stand in awe, fear and trembling, and right over the streaming, they know that it is different, they know that the gift that ministers to them comes from heaven and they know that the presence that they feel is very God. They cannot doubt it.
Alright, how to stand as a minister against sin and unbelief in a time of trouble and disturbance when the devil wants to bring unbelief and heresy into the House of God. First of all, you want to recognize that unbelief for what it is. Now, if you just have a casual understanding of unbelief and do not know the detriment
of that unbelief and sin, you have lost that battle already. You have to see that unbelief for what it is. That is very important. You don’t just play around with it. Unbelief is a serpent. Unbelief is a devil.
When a man or a woman starts speaking unbelief against the things that you sat and heard, and he said, “Amen” and you said, “Amen” to, and you both rejoiced in it, and that fellow would rise up and call that the devil, against his own conscience, watch that devil! There is unbelief, there is a serpent down in him. I don’t care if it is your father, your mother, your brother or your sister. I don’t care if it is your pastor, your wife, your children, your best fried, whoever that is, there is a devil inside of them.
After you sit and hear the Word of God that could move a man from sin, move him to righteousness, sanctify the man, move him to a holy and a righteous life, bring joy in his heart, bring peace in the man’s heart, and rejoice in that for years, even ten years or fifteen years, and then you would rise up like a devil and start criticizing that minister and start criticizing the people, you are a devil that came from hell and is going to hell, just like Judas criticizing Jesus. He came from hell and went back to hell.
From the time you see people manifest unbelief in that respect, there is only one name for it and that is “antichrist”, and death will follow. And that is going to guide you a long way. Now, if you just treat that as: a brother making a mistake and ‘by and by’ we will come back together, he did not mean that, and we are all one, the devil has you whipped already, friend. By the time you wake up to find out that it is antichrist and death, the church is gone. So that is the first thing you have to recognize, wherever it arises, be it in your house, from your neighbour’s, your wife’s, husband’s, a preacher’s or deacon’s tongue. Don’t let any position fool you.
Anytime you see someone manifest unbelief in that Word of God, that is the antichrist and it is death. That is the way you must treat it. Now, it does not matter where that unbelief is, regardless of who that unbelief is in, it does not matter how many years he has been around the Word or how spiritual he claims to be. You do not recognize the office. You don’t let the person of a man blind your eyes from seeing the antichrist. It doesn’t matter how close he is to the pastor, how close he is to the prophet, antichrist is antichrist, and death is death. And regardless of an office, just like Brother Paul told Timothy, he said, “Reprove, rebuke with all longsuffering and doctrine.” You chastise that spirit with the Word. Chastise that spirit with everything, and if that spirit retaliates, give it some more, because it proves that it is bastard born. (Hebrews 12:8).
Now, if that spirit came from heaven and is born of the Holy Ghost and you are quoting the Word of God and trying to correct that spirit, it will humble itself. A child of God will humble down under correction. If a spirit is of God, it will humble down and repent. So chastisement does not make a child of God retaliate more, jump up and skip out of the church and go out and behave in an unscriptural manner. No!
Now, do not hold back for anybody. Ministers when you chastise a spirit and it retaliates, don’t back up and start saying, “Well, I think I hit a little too hard. They may leave the church. I noticed that they did not come to church for a few days. I better go down there and tell them that I did not mean to hit so hard and I am a little sorry.” Beloved, when the Word casts anybody out of the House of God and they get offended at the Word of God, as ministers, do not go and look for them and bring them back. You don’t stand up against unbelief like that. You don’t stand up against carnal weapons like that. You don’t be sissified ministers like that and try to keep membership. That is not the way to fight. If that is a child of God and that spirit came from heaven he is going to come right back to the House of God.
Out of shame sometimes, a person might stay away a couple days, but they are not retaliating against the Word of God. Give them a chance. They will come back if they are a child of God, and they will humble themselves to the pastor and the ministry, and will do anything in this world to get right. But anytime you see that spirit retaliates and it goes about arguing for its rights, watch out, the person is not born again and you could be dealing with a Cain seed, just like Cain was rebellious towards God after killing his brother.
Watch out ministers, he will begin arguing for his rights and accuse you for preaching by news and false reports and for lying, because it is trying to gain support. Anybody who is corrected by the Word and launches a campaign against the ministry to try to get support, it’s an evil spirit. It is bastard born, it’s a Cain seed.
Now ministers, let me give you a good lesson and warning. Whenever war arises against heresies and the Word of God, watch your words! Bethel, G.C.C., Caribbean, India, Africa, when battles start rising in the House of God with false prophets and with the evil ones watch your words! The devil is trying to catch you in your words to make confusion to destroy many souls. Did they try to catch Jesus in his Words? Was that a nasty spirit in the Pharisees? Was that unbelief?
So you must watch your words carefully. When you are hitting heresies, hit solid blows. Be conscious of what you are saying, just don’t say things to appease your anger, do not get vex. Watch your words and do not ever get wrathful in a time of battle when heresies try to enter the church.
Now, some people get their nature into it and something starts moving in the church, and they get emotional as ministers and start saying all kinds of hurtful things thinking that they are putting down that spirit. You are fighting a losing battle. You have to keep calm. Why?
James 1:20 <For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.>
That is the reason. You don’t get vex behind the pulpit and say all kinds of unwise things because a man say something about you. Recognize it as the devil. Recognize it as unbelief. There is plenty wisdom in what I am saying. You see, in that anger you will say the wrong words and deal with the problem in the wrong way. You must have a balance. Don’t get angry. Get angry at the devil, get angry at sin, but don’t get angry with the man. Don’t start getting bitter and ‘riled up’ in your spirit. The wrath of man cannot work the righteousness of God. That is why Brother Paul said, “Reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”
Brother Paul said, fight that devil with doctrine, make sure what you are saying is in the scriptures, because that’s the time the devil is trying to catch every word that you speak and wants to get you angry. So give due consideration for all souls and minister with the hope of deliverance until you see the fulfilment of Hebrews 6: 4-6. This is what I mean; with all your exposure of unbelief, heretics, heresies and wrong that will come in the House of God, always have down in your very heart, one consciousness and that is minister with the hope of delivering those souls from bondage. You have seen that example in this message here. In dealing with a man who we fought with, Pastor McGahee tried to woo that man to repentance for thirty six years, and even right now we are still throwing out the line to him: “Repent”, although it looks dim. But when a man would hold on to a lie with all the witnesses that he got from Bethel and G.C.C. and my own confession, and cannot prove it in my tapes and books, then it looks bad. You don’t have to ask which way that tree is going to fall. The prophet said the way the tree leans that is the way it falls.
Some ministers are so emotional that from the time a man comes against them and says something about their wife and say something against them or say something contrary like if they want to break the church, they go to pieces, and after they go to pieces they get so emotional, they get so angry, they come to the pulpit and start talking about this man. What they are trying to do is to get equal with that man for speaking evil against them and against their wife and against their children. That is not the gospel! The wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. And God could allow that man to say that to give you a trial as a minister, though he be a seed of the serpent, just to test your temperance. You have to love a soul more than that, that don’t matter what that man does, don’t matter what he says, don’t matter how he comes against your family, you still have a place down in your heart: “I wish he would repent. I don’t hate the man, I have no bitterness against the man. All that I am saying and the way that I am preaching is only if that man could repent.”
Brethren, it is a terrible thing knowing that soul is ushering into a lost eternity, to suffer in hell for millions of years. Don’t matter what that man does, you minister with a hope until a certain time.
“Why Brother Bruce?” There would be genuine people who get caught up under false teachers and heresies when they start moving, and you cannot put everything in the same category and just beat it down to death, into a hopeless case because God’s children will be caught up under that false teacher and you have to be very considerate of a soul. Always be conscious of that.
Ministers, don’t matter how wrong a man is, the Holy Spirit will not come upon you, unless you open up your heart in the interest of his salvation. Don’t matter what you say and how hard you say that, you minister with the desire to turn that man from his unbelief, his sin, turn that family from their error, save that family, yes sir, save that brother, save that sister from her error. So now, that is the attitude with which you actually expose sin, chastise wrong and preach against all heresies. You are hoping and you are trusting for that soul. It doesn’t matter how hard you coin your words and what your face looks like, but when you preach the Word of God, you are looking with the blessed hope that this message tonight might turn that brother, might turn that sister. Now, that’s the only way that the Holy Ghost could really work through you as ministers.
Now, there is a limit. There is a boundary. You cannot go on all the days of your life just hoping and hoping. Now, the limit is after you have done your best with all godliness, all desire, all love in your heart to save those people and you see that they are getting worse, calling the ministry of Christ “the devil”, which they themselves confessed that it was God, it was the presence of God, it was the Spirit of God, it is the truth, and there is no other truth outside of it, and then because of malice, because of hatred, because of wickedness and offences, say, it’s the devil. Now, when they say that, down in their hearts they know better than what they said. That’s the condemnation. This is the condemnation Jesus said, right there you are condemned (John 3:19).
You are ministering to turn that man from his unbelief until you see he commits the sin unto death. The Bible said in 1 John 5: 16-17:
< If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.
All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death.>
What is the sin unto death? It is the unpardonable sin. It is the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost that Jesus said cannot be forgiven, and that is you knowing that to be the truth, harden your conscience and get so angry and you become so wicked to call it a lie. That is the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. And when you call that a lie, that means that you call the truth that you sat under, “a lie.” You call the presence of God, “devil power.” You call that man of God who brought the Word to you, and he had been so kind to you, because you got angry or because he exposed you, you call it “the devil”, you knowing and you being conscious that that is God, conscious that that man is a servant of God, you are conscious that that man is not an adulterer, you are conscious that that man loves the Lord and preaches the true Word of God, and because you get angry or because you get vex, you say, “It’s the devil!” You are finished!
If you do that in your ignorance, now coming from organisation or the world, and you say, “That man preaching there, I tell you I don’t like him, he is the devil!” Nothing would happen to you. You did that in your ignorance, without seeing the Word, before being enlightened by the Word, and you were not a partaker of the Holy Ghost. But if ever you saw what that man was saying, though you be a sinner, though you be an organisational member, and you heard him say, “A woman should not preach”, and he turns in that Bible and shows you that, and you see it, but to be nasty now, you say, “That water baptism, it is the devil!” You say, “That man is the devil!” But you looked at it in the Word and you know that the Word really said that. Right there you are finished, just on that water baptism, just on that woman should not preach.
Now friend, that’s your flashing red light of Hebrews 6: 4-6. Now, after he says that so many times, what happens is that God causes him to believe what he is saying. He is given over to a strong delusion and then he will believe that delusion and then he would be damned by that lie. Now, that is the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.
Now ministers, your authority is to preach in three ways and attack unbelief in three ways. That is, you preach by true reports and no man can despise you, you preach by discernment and you preach by experience, and above all, pin that thing down by the Word. All your corrections and all your doctrines in the time of battle, must be pinned down tight in the Word of God, just like you see me do for all those years. That is in order not to give any space to the devil, that he could come and say, “Where is the Word?” Hit solid blows and pin it down in the Word of God and that devil must be defeated. After that, who wants to go let them go. Don’t spend any restless nights after you preached the Word of God. Lay back preachers, listen to me, this will save you from the insane asylum, save you many heartaches and save you your health. Listen to Brother Bruce.
The foundation of the Lord standeth sure and all that Father hath given will come and none can pluck them out of His hand (II Timothy 2:19, John 6:37, John 10:29). In other words, there is a certain number whose names are on the Lamb’s Book of Life. Beloved, not one will be lost. So when people arise and turn their backs on the Word of God, after you have done what you are supposed to do, commit them to God. As a minister, you would come under a burden because you are concerned for people. All that is in predestination and they will have to answer for that burden that you came under.
You, as a minister, and the people will come under burden. They will pray, and after that prayer goes forth, that burden is going to leave you. When that burden leaves you, it is going to be for the better or for the worse. When that burden leaves you my friend, you go on eat your meals, rejoice in the Lord, giving the Lord glory that you have done your part. And don’t you ever forget this, preachers, that right under the Word of God there are the wheat and the tares, and the tares are the ones who will give you the trouble and you cannot do one single thing in this life to turn the tare into a wheat. You cannot change a goat into a sheep. You cannot put anybody’s name in the Lamb’s Book of Life if it is not there.
Matthew 6:27 <Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?>
In other words, you are a short man and you are going to worry about that every time you look in the mirror. Jesus said, if you worry from now until you die, you are not going to put on any more height. And because your faces are not pretty sisters, and every time you look in the mirror you say, “But I am ugly!” That is not doing you any good. You have not gotten prettier. You will get uglier, because you are worrying. God made you like that, accept it. Accept the thing! Some people worry about stupidness in this life. They look into the mirror and say, “Boy, I am really black, yes!” What is that? “Well, my nose is really long.” You are living in an imaginative world. Accept the thing: black, white, blue or yellow, pretty, ugly, short or fat, that is the way that the Lord designed you, well accept the thing. That is how I know life.
Watch out for false repentance and acknowledgement of the Word. Now, after they are exposed they fake repentance many times, but you as the minister have to stand up and divide whether that is faked or true repentance. So now, the devil sends people with fake repentance in order to work upon the hearts of the loved ones or the church and say, “That minister should give the man a chance.” You leave that to the minister. Now, that is to create confusion in the House of God. Such things are determined by the test of the Word and the fruits that they bear. “Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance.”
Ministers, watch out for Esau seeking repentance with tears and cannot find it. He went to the very prophet with tears, and there are people who will come with tears in their eyes, scream at the top of their voices, begging for mercy and cannot have a repentant heart. They will go out and do the very same things. Another thing, look out for Judas repenting with reconciliation. Judas came back, repented and brought back the money that he received and said he was wrong and that he betrayed the innocent blood. It is a terrible thing to sit down and hear truth and know that it is the truth and because of some other reason in life you turn down that truth. There comes a time when the Lord cuts you off, and although you have tears in your eyes that don’t mean that you are getting repentance. Ministers, tears and reconciliation don’t mean to say that a person repented. No!
We have many battles ahead, this is the way to stand against unbelief. Yes sir! Stay with the Word as ministers, chasten everything that is against the Word of God, and when it retaliates give it more licks. When it puts its head up again give it more licks. Don’t you ever go and beg people back to the church. That’s the worse thing for you to ever do. We are not interested in membership; we are interested in people correcting their lives. Watch out for traitors; watch out for deceit by some in the church. Whenever you have a vital statement to make put it on paper ministers, read it right out of your book like you see me do here. They would come back and say, “You said this, you said that and you said that”, and they will make confusion.
Avoid foolish questions. Don’t engage in arguments. They either believe what you preach or they don’t want it. Don’t stand up and argue by their houses or by the church gate, don’t engage them in any kind of battle. They either want the Word or they don’t want it. And tell them plain, that “You either want the Word or you don’t want it. This is the way that I believe and this is the way that I am standing. If you don’t want it, leave.”
Let me come to you sheep. How should the sheep stand in a time of battle, standing against unbelief? The Bible said, “Contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints.” Contend means to do battle, to stand up firmly against all unbelief, all sin and every unbelieving tongue. From the time a man speaks unbelief shut him up and let him know where you stand immediately. That is the way to stand against unbelief as a sheep. From the time he brings unbelief to you, immediately put a backbone in your back and let him know: “I believe what I believe and don’t want to hear anything from you. Both of us sat down and heard. What can you tell me now? You testified.” Don’t play the part of a hypocrite. Be firm, be kind and to the point. Avoid arguments, and above all, stand with the man or men who have the Word of God. That is the first requirement of the sheep in standing against unbelief. Your shepherd is ordained to lead you to safe grounds. You cannot make it alone in a time when such spirits arise, you need a shepherd to lead you through.
India, Africa, when these spirits arise in your church or anywhere they attack from, you cannot make it alone. You would need somebody with experience to guide you.
Keep your eyes on that shepherd when trouble arises, if heresies arise, if confusion arises in the House of God, wherever you are; when the world council of churches squeezes you, when the government comes against the church to close it down, you need somebody to lead you, as much as you have heard, you will want to know what to do. Some of you have learned enough because of certain battles, you know what to do in certain situations, but there are situations that you have never faced as yet. You have never faced the World Council of Churches. You still need leadership. There are spirits that will arise that are not in this book that I am publishing. It takes God to lead us through.
Congregation, do not get up and run out and start doing the wrong things and get nasty in your spirit. No! Do not start handling the problem and start doing this and that. You are going to end up in confusion. Yes, see what your shepherd is doing, wait on him. That is why God has a leader in everything, wait and see what your leader is doing. Communicate with him. “Let him that is taught in the Word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.” Yes! Listen for instructions and act accordingly. Some things the shepherd would not be able to tell you plainly in a time of trouble and disturbances. You will have to get it by divine revelation. Do you understand why I say, “Sando?” [Congregation says, “Amen!”] Do you understand why I say, “Mr. Parham and why I say Miriam? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] I do not have money for lawsuits. But does the congregation understand? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] Well, the gospel is preached. They cannot stop this gospel. Like Brother Mitchell, our lawyer here, told me: “They cannot stop this gospel Brother Bruce.
Some things cannot be spoken plainly because there will be traitors right there to catch it and misconstrue it and carry it to the enemy to cause more confusion, so you have to catch these things as the Holy Spirit brings them to you. You have to be listening.
Ministers in India, Africa, Trinidad, Guyana, be careful. You will have traitors like Judas sitting around the supper table (“Supper table Judases”) to pick up your words and go and betray you to the police, to the World Council of Churches.” We are preparing for later too. Be careful! Yes!
Romans16:17 <Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.>
This is one of the weapons that my little group employed in 1974. There was a certain time when we tried to win those heretics and those grey birds that turned into black crows. But there came a time that I went to the pulpit and said, “We draw our lines, we would not fellowship”, and that took us a long way. We marked them. Mark means to observe critically. All who come up with anything to disturb the House of God; sin or doctrine, you should critically observe them, watch and see what they are doing, and all who you see speaking unbelief and trying to cause problems in the House of God avoid them. If they are contrary to the Word and the Doctrine which you are taught, avoid them. “Avoid them” means you are not going to eat or drink or buddy-up with them. If they are not walking right, acknowledge them; “How are you brother? Hello, etc”, because they are still in the House of God. Don’t stand up and listen to what they have to tell you, unless they want to repent.
Stand with the Word. Stand against every unbeliever who will come up against that Word. Don’t give them an ear. Minister to such a man to a certain degree, with the hope of winning his soul, because you do not know who he is as yet. He has not fully manifested who he is as yet, and you cannot call him a seed of a serpent, a Cain’s seed or say that he has blasphemed. He has to reach to a certain place and you as the minister and congregation have to know when to stop praying for him, and that is when he commits the sin unto death. You don’t count him as an enemy as yet, he is around the House of God but he is contrary to the Word of God and is saying the wrong things and living contrary to the Word. The Bible said, don’t count him as an enemy, but note that man and have no company with him. (1 Corinthians 5:11).
Alright here is your dividing line. Such people who are changing doctrines, living in sin and doing contrary to the Word, they are in and out of the congregation. You have a certain relationship with them but yet you are watching them carefully, you are not listening to what they say and if ever they say something contrary, you oppose them. When they are expelled Jesus said, “Let him be unto thee as a heathen and a publican.” The church looses the man, then he is a heathen and a publican, have no fellowship with him, you do not bless him because II John 1: 10-11 says, do not receive him neither say God bless you because you are partaker of his evil deeds. Let that be father, mother, brother, sister, best friend, rich man, poor man, soldier, king or monarch, the Bible said don’t tell him God bless him and don’t receive him into your house. John had known those devils and what that devil could do to a whole house. Don’t pray for such a man, don’t eat with him, and don’t drink with him. That’s the Bible!
I Corinthians 5:1-2, 11, 13 says to have no company with him, no, not to eat with such a man who claims to be a brother and then he is an adulterer, fornicator, liar, thief, has bad temper, he is a brawler or any such thing. Have nothing to do with him.
I Corinthians 5:11, 13 <...But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.>
II Thessalonians 3: 14-15 said, admonish him as a brother and don’t count him as an enemy but have no company with him.
II Thessalonians 3: 14-15 <And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.
Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.>
Romans 16: 17 <Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.>
Did the Bible say to go and hug them up? [Congregation says, “No!”] My brothers and sisters, there is a reason why the Bible is telling you that. There is a reason why the Bible is telling you to do that. It is not me that is making separation. No, it is the Bible that is telling you, the apostles who are telling you how they stood. The Bible tells you how the early church stood. Yes! They stood up against these spirits. It is not the men, it is the devil that is inside of them.
II Corinthians 6:14-18 <Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.>
Matthew 18: 17-18. Jesus our Lord speaking:
<And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell [it] unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.
Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.>
Are these the word of God? [Congregation says, “Amen! Yes it is!”] Then why do people in our very midst think that they are snake handlers and they could go and fellowship with family and friends and who they consider as their own, and backsliders and everything and boast about it and try to say that it is nobody’s business? Don’t you know that when your daughter or son backslides, live like a dog and live outside there, and you take them and have them in your house, don’t you know that they will pervert the other children? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] Don’t you know that is an example for the other girls and boys in your house? And don’t you know that one by one your children would get that spirit of fornication and adultery in them and go out from your house?
What about if I take those people and bring them back here like nothing had happened, would they not contaminate this church? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] And if I turn a blind eye to it, would they not pervert your sons and your daughters? Would they not interfere with the smooth running of this church? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] Well, that is the reason that Brother Paul said to put out such a one from the House of God.
Dale, that blind guide, cannot understand that. He is crying for his mother like a little baby, because his mother applied these scriptures and stood up against him. He cannot see in the Bible where we should separate. The Bible said to separate. And when a man has that kind of spirit that is why he cannot separate from Sodom too. He doesn’t see the reason for separation from Sodom.
Galatians 1:8-9 say, let him be accursed. Now, it is getting real tough here now. Let him be accursed!
This man here, who has gone this far has become your deadly enemy because he has turned against Christ. Anything that is anti-Christ is against Christ. In such a moment, you as believers, draw closer together in fellowship. I quote Brother Branham. On “Christ the mystery of God revealed” he said, “Draw the buckles tighter, and if that person is being used by the devil, he will go out.”
Now, avoid rehearsing to each other, negative actions and negative statements by the opposition party. Don’t sit down and just talk about what the man said and what he did. No, that is not going to do you any good; talk about the Lord, talk about healthy things, positive things, otherwise you become a mouthpiece to spread the rumours that man is bringing out. When you hear that and tell everybody, you become a preacher and a messenger for that man. If you think the minister needs to know it then tell the minister. Contend for the faith.
Now, report to the ministry of Christ every attack of unbelief that anybody makes upon you. Anyone who arises and speaks unbelief, you must report that to the ministry, that is contending for the faith. If you hear things that are contrary to the gospel, ask questions about them. You should report all unbelieving persons to the church, the ministry. Now, that is standing against unbelief. How many believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen!”] Yes, this is what has led us thus far. What I taught to you tonight is the way that the believers stood and this is the way that the ministry stood in order that you might have the pure Word of God preached unto you tonight. Yes, that’s the way.
I want to humbly thank you brothers and sisters for bearing patience with me; sitting and listening for more than five weeks, to the Word of the Lord, that other people around the world can benefit. May the Lord bless your hearts. May we stand as men and women against all unbelief, carnal weapons of war. It doesn’t matter from what quarters they arise, it could be your neighbour, it could be your friend, it could be a brother sitting right here today who is listening to this and would later rise up with unbelief, immorality and sin. It could be your husband, it could be your wife, it could be who, these scriptures you must apply if you are going to stand. Off course, some people are penned up. It is their very husband, it is their very wife, it is their very child in the house, then there is a different measure for that. Yes! We understand that. I am talking generally. And that is the way you should stand up in India, that is the way you should stand up in Africa, that is the way you should stand up around the world. So we say, “The Lord bless you there on the streaming at G.C.C., down in “Bethel Guyayna”, Grenada and over in America there, the rest of you who are streaming, even unto Arizona and different places over there, in Malaysia, my precious brother, and over there in the Philippines you will get the tapes, and over there in Australia, my precious Brother Blessing. And if you are there in Kenya, my precious Brother Ibobo, and Brother Mutwa and the different ones: Brother Timothy Asare, Brother Gamado and the different brothers throughout Africa and the others who will get these tapes; may they be a blessing to you all. We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord. Yes, and I know that these messages will live on to help the churches throughout the world in the days to come. May the Lord bless them who are streaming over there in Canada. May the Lord bless each one whom I have even forgotten, and we will give them a little wave now. Say, the Lord bless you. [Congregation says, “The Lord bless you!”] The Lord bless you. [Congregation says, “The Lord bless you!”] The Lord bless you. [Congregation says, “The Lord bless you!”] Yes, that makes a lot of difference to them to know that there are people holding the fort on this side of the world. Yes my beloved. We will bow our heads.
Father and our God, we give you the praises and the honour and the glory. From the depths of our hearts Lord. Not in hypocrisy and insincerity, but from the depths of our hearts we give you the praise for delivering us from bondage of sin, bondage of religion, bondages of interpretations, bondage of interpretation in our own minds O Lord. I know father that your people have benefitted, and bless your people everywhere, in India and Africa, overseas, at G.C.C. Father, bless your children who have suffered and listened to the words of God for the past weeks, Lord and I know that they will be better people. Bless and undertake for each one of them. Go with us and be with us. We commit our lives into your hands. In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray with thanksgiving, and the congregation say, “Amen!” [Congregation says, “Amen!”] Amen means so let it be. Give us a song still Brother Chandler.
[Congregation sings, “Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.”]