We greet all
in the name of the Lord Jesus. We are happy to be gathered again. I thought I
would let our precious Brother Duncan from St. Vincent greet you and read these
questions that were not answered. But there are several more that I do not know
if we will get to. But we are hoping by the help of the Lord to deal with these
that he read. I feel that these are simple questions that several of the
ministers can answer. So if you want to approach these questions that were read just now, we
will give you a chance to come up and address them. We will address them one by one.
And if you think that you have a contribution; not only the senior ministers,
but others are included because they are simple, basic questions to us,
although they mean something to somebody. They are lovely questions. So now we
will take the first question in line, then the second, third, fourth and so on,
and those who are concerned with them will come forward. So the Brothers will
come and identify themselves. Now, Brother Barrow would come.
Question # 757: Since I read your EODH publications and
believe all the promises of God, would you please guide me how long one should
pray in a day and how to wait upon the Lord and how to go for fasting and
prayers and how long one should go on fasting?Ó
Contribution: I am Brother Roy Barrow
of Trinidad, West Indies. My scriptures to support waiting on the Lord are:
Psalms 27:14 <Wait on the LORD: be of
good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the
40:31 <But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they
shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they
shall walk, and not faint.>
are the two scriptures that support Ôwaiting on the LordÕ. As a minister or a
Christian, it is imperative that you wait on the Lord. The result is that Ôthey shall mount
up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk,
and not faint.Ó
That is the primary reason for
waiting on the Lord.
long should he pray? As long as you feel led of the Lord. As long as you feel
satisfied in your heart that you have prayed and you have the assurance that
God has answered your prayers. If you are not satisfied, continue to hold right
in there until you feel the nod of the Holy Spirit.
long should one fast? We are taught by the prophet that one should not go over
three days, and that is what we here at Bethel and elsewhere stick with; we
stick with the instruction of our prophet. He is right and we are wrong. If the
prophet says three days, we stick with three days.
Quote: 12 ÒA few weeks ago, there was a circular
letter put up here in Memphis, Tennessee, had my name signed to it, photostat
copy, and said I had been with this person for thirty days on a fast. Three days is
the longest I
ever fasted in my life.Ó (Go wake Jesus 63-1130E).
How long
should one really pray for? I am saying that one should pray as he feels led in
his heart. But let me simplify this. Jesus speaking to His disciples, He told
Matthew 26:40 <And he cometh unto the
disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not
watch with me one hour?>
We ought to tarry at least for
one hour.
often in the day should one pray? As often as possible. As a matter of fact,
throughout the day, my experience is, I always whisper a little prayer or a
little thanksgiving because I might have gotten away from an accident, so I
say, ÒThank you Jesus.Ó So you ought to always have an attitude of prayer and
thanksgiving before the Lord.
I Timothy 2:8 <I will therefore that
men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.>
We see in the Book of Daniel
that he used to pray three times a day. So I am saying to pray as often as it
is practicable or possible.
Question # 758: ÒA minister said he ordained an evangelist whose wife and sons
are not under the message of Malachi 4;5-6. The minister is allowed to preach
in the churches which stand for EODH. Some of the EODH followers donÕt agree
and they quoted this passage from EODH book 10, Page 128, Question # 163. What
action should be taken on this minister if he doesnÕt correct himself in this
particular matter?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: My name is Phillip Ramkumar of Trinidad, West
Indies. I want to answer this question by first reading a scripture. I believe
that a minister, evangelist or whoever he be, his family should be in the faith
before he could really preach the gospel.
I Timothy 3:1-6 <This is a true saying, If a
man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of
one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to
Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of
filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
One that ruleth well his own house, having his
children in subjection with all gravity;
(For if a man know not how to rule his own
house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he
fall into the condemnation of the devil.>
So we see here the
qualification of a bishop, according to the scripture, and there are other
scriptures which say the same thing, that his family must be in the faith. They
must believe the Word of God. In this case, they must be believers of Brother
BranhamÕs message, and they must also be believers of E.O.D.H., because if his
family is not in the faith it disqualifies this minister or evangelist from
preaching the message because he is not ruling his house. And Brother Branham
said that if a man cannot rule his own house how can he be a tender in the
House of God?
Quote W.M.B.: 76 How can you be a tender at the house of God when you
can't even control your own house? That's exactly right. (Position In Christ 60-0522m).
So they must be in the faith. Therefore, I believe that this evangelist is
disqualified from preaching on the pulpit until his family believes this
message. He could be believing the message, but until then he has to sit down
until his family can be convinced enough to become Christians. Therefore, as
Brother Branham said that if he cannot rule his own home, then he should not be
a tender in the House of God. Or he has to separate himself from that family
and live by himself if he wants to preach the gospel, then that is going to
qualify him to be a tender in the House of God.
Question # 759: ÒMinistersÕ houses are ruled by their wives
and this has been noticed by the followers of EODH. Ministers have to obey
their wives, even if they have to disobey the EODH holiness message and blame
the brother who truly stands for the EODH.Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: I am Phillip Peniston of Guyana, South America.
I will read from the book of 1 Timothy 3:4, for it speaks concerning a bishop
and the qualifications of a bishop. One of the qualifications is this:
I Timothy 3:4-5 <One that ruleth well his own
house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
(For if a man know not how to rule his own
house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)>
Brother Paul is asking if a
man cannot rule his own house, then how is he going to take care of the House
of God. Ruling your house naturally is just like taking care of the House of
God. If that minister cannot rule his house, he will not be able to rule the
church. And as Brother Branham said in the book called Adoption, that the
minister who cannot rule his house, how can he be a tender in the House of GOD.
Quote W.M.B.: 76 Do you know It's wrong for you not to be the
husband of your house, your wife get a little temper spell and kick you out the door,
and you say, "Yes, bless your heart, honey, I'll come right back"? Do
you know you... How can you be a tender at the house of God when you can't even
control your own house? That's exactly right. Do you know, sister, that your
husband is not only your husband, but he is your ruler? God said so. Because
that the husband was not deceived, the woman was deceived. And you preachers
will continue to make women pastors and preachers in your churches, knowing
that the Word of God condemns it. (Position In Christ 60-0522m).
So this minister that has
his wife ruling him, he is disqualified according to the scripture, from being a bishop in the
House of God. Man was made to rule in the beginning. In Genesis 3:16 the Lord told the woman:
<Éthy desire shall be to thy husband, and he
shall rule over thee.> Every man, not just a minister, is called upon to rule his house
and rule his children, much more a
minister who is the example of the congregation.
My name is Brother Philmore Duncan
from St. Vincent and the Grenadines. I want to further answer this question
that Brother Patrick answered.
I Timothy 3:1-3, 5. Brother Paul was instructing a young minister
called Timothy, and he was showing him the qualifications of being a tender or
minister in the House of God; and he laid down these guidelines, and they must
be kept, especially ruling his house. He must begin at his home. He has to set
the example at home and then he would be respected by people and by God. And
the scripture said,
1 Timothy 3:5 <For if a man know not how to
rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?>
So ruling his house is in
the natural. That is a common thing. Much more to the spiritual, because to
lead the House of God he has to seek God to get GodÕs guidance, and he ought to
be anointed and inspired by God to lead the children of God. And if he cannot
do the simpler things how can he do the weightier things by leading the House
of God?
I Peter 5:3 <Neither as being lords over
God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.>
God would not put trust in that leadership. That ministry, that church would go astray. You see, people look at your character, your attitude and your family. And we as ministers, have to consider our ways, take the scripture for what it says and rule our homes in the right manner, then we can be able to be leaders or rulers of the church of God. As Brother Patrick quoted from the book of Genesis 3:16:
<Unto the woman
he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou
shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he
shall rule over thee.>
Now this is a
scripture, this is a condition set by God from the very start. As we know, they
were co-equal
until the devil came in, in the serpent and beguiled the woman, and the Lord
set this standard from the very beginning. It said that your husband shall be
ruler over you. And I heard many people quarrel about the man being the ruler
over the woman or the leader of the home.
There are women who are looking
for equality in the world, outside of the church, inside of the church and
there is where we see women want to be preachers, breaking the scriptures. A
woman should be in subjection and she should not teach or preach. So a woman
who is ruling around her husband is out of place and is breaking the
So the Lord bless you. I
support Brother Patrick and I support the Word of God. A man should be the ruler of
his own home and then he can be the leader or the ruler of the children of God,
the church of God. May the Lord bless you.
Question # 760: ÒShould an EODH minister who stands for and
believes EODH continue with a minister who has a compromising nature with the
other ministers under the message of Malachi 4:5-6, and absolutely disbelieve
and disagree with the EODH ministry? What should we do in this crucial
E.O.D.H. Contribution: My name is Brother Samuel Jones. I am a believer of
holiness and righteousness and a believer in the ministry of Brother Branham
and the ministry of Christ.
I believe that if a man is
buddying up with other ministers who believe contrary to E.O.D.H. or Malachi
4&5 that we should disassociate ourselves from him. I donÕt believe that we
should associate with anybody who has a spirit of compromise because if you
look at the scriptures with Ahab and Jezebel you would see what a compromising
spirit could do. I believe E.O.D.H. is ordained of God and any man that is
coming against E.O.D.H., we should separate ourselves from such a one and have no
association or company with him. I donÕt think that we should compromise with
any spirit that is contrary to the Word of God, because if you go through the
Bible you would see what the
spirit of compromise could do.
On many occasions in the
Bible, for example in the book of 1 Kings, when Ahab compromised with his wife,
Jezebel, we see that it brought death to a lot of the Israelites. What I am
saying is that the spirit of compromise should be discouraged and we should
separate ourselves from all unbelief. The prophet said to separate yourself
from all unbelief, because if a man is not supporting E.O.D.H. he is against
God, He is against the message and this would bring death.
We see all the heresies that
are throughout the world now and are causing people to go into that kind of
darkness and is sowing that seed of death is because of the spirit of
compromise; going away from the prophetÕs message. And anytime you go away from
the prophetÕs message you compromise. The prophet left a pure seed for us and
itÕs because men want to be in good graces and maintain that kind of
association in society they would compromise. A compromising spirit is a bad
That spirit that is coming
against this ministry or the ministry of E.O.D.H. is a deceptive spirit, it is a
spirit of compromise and we donÕt want any thing to do with it. I was reading
today from an E.O.D.H. book where Brother Branham said that the seventh seal
was not opened, and people went on to talk about Òit is opened.Ó and they are
seeing and hearing the prophet, they are coming in contact with E.O.D.H. books
now and they still maintain that, that seal is open. Brothers, what I am saying
today is, that, because of that compromising spirit this heresy is going on and
on and on and on. So, I hope that answered the question.
I am Brother Sookdeo
Ramnarine. I would just like to add a scripture to this because this
compromising against the Word and the standard is heresy.
Titus 3:10 <A man that is an heretick
after the first and second admonition reject. >
Question # 761:
ÒA minister has a
television in his bedroom. He disagrees with the minister who once instructed
him to sell his television. But instead he heard his wifeÕs commandment and
still keeps the one eyed monster in his bedroom. Should we continue with this
Contribution: I am Brother Rogers Richardson. We are on the business of the Lord. IÕm
an old man (90 years) and my memory is fading away. But for a minister having a
television in his bedroom it is contrary to the message of Brother William
Branham. I can remember he was speaking about this television and he talked
about blowing it out with his shotgun.
Quote W.M.B.: 168 We rent from a woman that has the television in her house. I never intend
to have one in my house. No, sir. I don't want that thing in my house. I'd blow it out with my shotgun. I don't want nothing to do with that evil thing. No,
sir. (GodÕs Power to transform
And besides that the scripture
I John 2:16 < For all that is in the
world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyesÉ>
So television is the lust of
the world., and a minister having that in his bedroom, he is wrong because that
is against the message and the message is against that. So a minister having
that in his bedroom is wrong. It is the pride of life and he should not have it
and Brother Branham spoke about it and he said he would blow the television out
with his shotgun. So itÕs against the message, itÕs contrary to the message and
the ministers that has that, he is wrong to be doing that.
Question # 762: ÒI am a minister under the message of Malachi
4:5-6. I have committed many mistakes but not sins like adultery and
fornication etc, but I was taking alcohol and smoking cigarettes some times.
After I started to read EODH books, I respected those books and gave up all my
bad habits and I believe I am born again now and I humble myself to EODH books
and the EODH ministers. Should I continue in serving the Lord? I want
your instruction.Ó
Contribution: My name is Brother Greg Heath from the State of Connecticut
and the U.S.A. First of all I would say that a man who would be going out
calling himself a Christian and is smoking, drinking and doing things like
that, his very salvation is in question. And as for being a minister and living
that way, once again weÕll turn to 1 Timothy chapter 3, which speaks about a
man who is desiring the office of a bishop. It says, Òhe must be blameless,Ó Surely a man that is out
smoking, drinking and living in the things of the world is not blameless. <Not given to
wineÉ> I Timothy 3:3 All that disqualifies him again. And then a little
further down it said,
I Timothy 3:7 <Éhe must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall
into reproach and the snare of the devil.>
So surely those things that he
is doing disqualify
him from being a minister.
he says that now he has come to E.O.D.H. and that he is born again. But I
should think that because of his past life as a minister that he should find
himself a man that he could trust, sit down under that man and be taught (for
the scriptures says to study to show yourself approved) until that he could
come to a place that people can have confidence in him, because he has destroyed
whatever confidence that anybody would have in him. For a man to be out
preaching where his own salvation is in question, how can he possibly impart
salvation to others? So, I hope that that would be of help.
Question # 763: ÒA brother doesnÕt attend the church services and
he remains absent for long periods. He often comes and requests the EODH books.
Should I distribute EODH to him?Ó
Contribution: My name is, ÒAnthony TrotmanÓ of Bethel, Trinidad, West
Indies. I am answering the question whether this man who doesnÕt come to church
and the question is whether he should be given E.O.D.H. books. He only comes to
church to borrow the E.O.D.H. books. Now for him to come to church, wherever
that church is, to borrow the E.O.D.H. books, it means that they are supporters
of E.O.D.H. So therefore if this church is supporting E.O.D.H. I think that he
should be in church. The scriptures said,
Hebrews 10: 25 <Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner
of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day
If this man does not have any
good and justified reasons for lacking confidence in the ministry in that
church, then by all means this man should be in church, and if the church
supports E.O.D.H., he should support the church, and therefore under such
conditions he should not be given E.O.D.H. books until he sees about coming to
church. It is good that he supports E.O.D.H., but the church supports E.O.D.H.,
so he should be in support of the church by coming to church in accordance to
Hebrews 10:25. So until he fulfills Hebrews 10:25, I would withhold giving him
E.O.D.H. books because E.O.D.H. supports Hebrews 10:25.
Another thing that we must
consider is that it could be that he is lacking confidence in the minister. If he has
good reasons for lacking confidence in the ministry, then I would say that he
should still be given the E.O.D.H. books.
My name is Kenneth Bynoe and I
am from Trinidad, Bethel Tabernacle, and I was considering this question and I
was thinking that there might be a possibility that this brother just goes to
this assembly that preaches E.O.D.H. could probably be testing out and trying
to prove all things and trying to make up his mind. His mind is not made up
whether what we teach in E.O.D.H. is the truth or not. I think that is an
important thing that could be considered.
Question # 764: ÒShould we associate with the ministers who
donÕt want to adjust their lives to the EODH & Message of WMB? Should we
preach in their churches? Please answer us.Ó
Contribution: My name is Peter Soon, and I have been a follower of this
message for many years, and I am a firm believer in the message of Brother William
Branham and the teachings of the E.O.D.H. books.
I want to say that in Amos 3:3 there is a scripture that says, ÒCan two walk
together, except they be agreed?Ó And if I want to look at the word
ÒAssociateÓ, I would take that word to understand also as to ÒfellowshipÓ and
so on. How can two walk together except they be agreed? If someone does not
want to adjust his life to the teachings of the E.O.D.H. Books, it may be that
they do not believe the message of the E.O.D.H. books and he does not really
believe the message of Brother William Marrion Branham. So how can light
fellowship with darkness?
is another scripture in Romans 16: 17-18 which says:
<Now I beseech you, brethren, mark
them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have
learned; and avoid them.
For they that are such serve not our
Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches
deceive the hearts of the simple.>
Also in II Thessalonians 3:14-15: <And if any man
obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him,
that he may be ashamed.
Yet count him not as an enemy, but
admonish him as a brother.>
II John 1:10 <If there come any unto
you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid
him God speed.>
I believe that we should not fellowship or associate with anyone who is aware
of the message of E.O.D.H. and do not want to adjust their lives to the
doctrines of E.O.D.H. But we should admonish them that they should turn their
lives and follow the truth.
ÒShould we preach in their
churches?Ó I believe that if they invite a minister that believes the message
of E.O.D.H. to preach in their churches, I believe ÒYesÓ we can preach at their
pulpits because our sole purpose of ministering the Word is to save a soul. And
if by preaching in their churches you can win the soul of some member of the
congregation or even the minister who does not want to adjust his life, then I
believe that would be okay.
Question # 765: ÒHow does a man come to know his soul is in danger? Will you
please give us certain symptoms of the souls which are already in danger and
ready to go to hell? This is a very important one. And I want some of the
quotations of Brother WMB & from the Bible.Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: My name is
Joseph Nedd from Point Fortin. The symptoms of death in the soul is Ôunbelief in
the Word of God.Ó That is number one. As long as you donÕt believe the Word,
the message and E.O.D.H., that is the symptom of death in your soul. The
attributes are: committing fornication and adultery. That is the symptoms of
death in the soul: unbelief in the Word of God. The danger of hell is unbelief
in the Word of God and unbelief in E.O.D.H., which is the purity of the
John 3:18
<Ébut he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not
believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.>
10:26-27 <For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of
the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
But a certain fearful looking for of
judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.>
Quote W.M.B.: 134 If you know what is the Gospel truth, and it's
laid out to you, and God has revealed It to you, and you know it's the truth;
but just to satisfy some congregation or some petty preacher, or to be popular,
that you want to hold onto the things that you want to hold onto instead of
taking God's Word; Paul said, "He that sins, or disbelieves, wilfully
after he has received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more
sacrifice for sin." There's your unpardonable sin, is to know what is the
truth and refuse to walk in it. Amen. Now, you believe that's right? That's
what the Bible said. "He that sins." Sin is "unbelief." (The Unpardonable Sin 54-1024).
Quote: E-52 Hebrews
10 saidÉ He that sins willfully, after receiving the knowledge of the truth,
there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin. Ébut a fearful looking for the fire,
to the judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the
Now, he that what willfully? "He
that sins." And what is sin? Unbelief. He that will turn his back on
truth, when it's presented to him, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sinÉHe
that disbelieves willfully, after truth has been present to him because his
church believes different. (Divine
Healing 54-0620e).
Question # 766: ÒMost of the followers of Malachi 4:5-6,
initially they show their good spirit on the message but later they become
cold, even for the EODH. Why does this happen? Are they not born again?Ó
Contribution: My name is Sookdeo Ramnarine of Bethel, Trinidad. I just want
to read Matthew 13; the parable of the sower.
13:3-6 <And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a
sower went forth to sow;
And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the
fowls came and devoured them up:
Some fell upon stony places, where they
had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness
of earth: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no
root, they withered away. >
interpreting that in verse 20 said:
< But he that received the seed into
stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth
Yet hath he not root in himself, but
dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the
word, by and by he is offended.>(Matthew 13:20-21).
So definitely, that is the situation with this
minister. This does not only apply to a minister but every believer that hears
this Word, this applies to them. And you have people who respond to the Word,
they are excited, but after a while they become cold, even because of either persecution
or tribulation because of the Word, they become offended, Jesus said. Are they
born again? No! Because Jesus said, ÒThey had no root.Ó So they never were born
Question # 767: ÒBrother Branham seen the women with paints and lipstick in hell
when he had a hell experience. I want to know if all these women with lipstick
and painted faces are from hell?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: I am Neville Titis from South America, Guyana. Brother Branham did
see a vision where he saw some women in hell with mascara over their eyes,
lipstick, rouge, and no doubt they shaved off their eyebrows, and they were
making a sound as if they were going through terrible torment: ÒHmm!Ó ÒHmm!Ó
ÒHmm!Ó As if they were feeling fire; heat. And after coming out from that
vision, some years after he entered into a store and saw some women attired in
the same way with lipstick, rouge and mascara on their faces and he shook
himself and wanted to know: ÒWhat is going on here. Have I gone to hell?Ó
Because he saw that same thing in hell. So
no doubt they were people who died before and went on in that attire. So, lipstick, rouge
on the face, shaving off your eyebrows, earrings in your ears and all these
things are articles of Hell. The person wants to find out if a woman attires
herself in that way, if that person comes from hell?
cannot judge
just like that, because no doubt the person is not a Christian. Maybe she is a
raw heathen. When the gospel came to the gentiles, Brother Paul counted down
that we were fornicators etc. (I Corinthians 6:9-11), and the women no doubt attired themselves
in that kind of way to look attractive and lustful. But when the person comes
to the gospel, that is something else, because the gospel will be calling for
holiness and righteousness. Not attiring yourself like the heathens. And if
that person does not want to give up that style and fights the Word and fights
the TruthÉ The truth said to them not to shave your eyebrows, take off the
lipstick, donÕt attire yourself like Jezebel, take off the earring, clean up
your face; and that person hears the holiness standard of the gospel, fights
it, stomp her feet, call it a devil and walks out after she was convinced that
what the preacher was preaching is the Word of God. He quoted the Word of God
and she was convinced that it was in the Bible, but she doesnÕt want to hear
that or she wants to be a Christian and still live her own type of lifestyle,
then she is lost. When a person becomes a Christian she has to cut herself to
suit the Word.
remember that the prophet of God once went into a restaurant and saw a woman
with mascara, rouge, lipstick and she was half drunk. And when the prophet of
God saw her he started to condemn her and the Holy Spirit convicted the
prophet, and no doubt showed him his past life, that if the Lord did not have
mercy on him. He would have been in hell. And the prophet of God was convicted
and he drew nigh to that woman that was attired like the women in hell and
witnessed to her and she repented and became a Christian.
Quote W.M.B.: E-21 We were eating at a little Dunkard
restaurantÉAnd as I turned to look, there was an old grandmaÉAnd she had on
that manicure
on her lipsÉand a pair of these little old ungodly clothes on, setting with two
old menÉI thought, "God, how can You stand to look upon sin?... and a
vision came before me. I seen the world, and around the world was a spray. And
it looked red. And then all of a sudden, I seen through the vision, the Lord
Jesus, and sins were catching against Him, and it was my sins. And it was beat
her from one side to the other, like a bumper on a car. And every time I'd do
something, it would strike Him. And He looked at me with weary looking eyes; I
said, "My, God, have I caused that?" I looked. Laying there was my
book open, my name at the top, all kinds of dark streaks in it. And I said,
"Lord Jesus, forgive me."ÉHe said, "Now, I forgive you your
sins, but you want to blow her up."
É I come from the vision; I walked over to her,
and I said, "How do you do?"É And I told her about the visionÉI said,
"I'm sorry that I said that, or thought that in my heart." And she
started weeping, and then she caught me by the hand; she said, "PreacherÉI
was raised up in a Christian homeÉbut she took the road that's wrong, and she
said, "I guess I'm finished."
I said, "No. As long as you've got life, you've got hope,
because the Blood of the Lord Jesus has this world encircled, and God can't see
your sins. But someday when your life passes beyond that circle of Blood, then
you've already judged yourself." And there on the floor in that little old
place, I had the privilege of leading that precious soul to the Lord Jesus,
sent her back home rejoicingÉNow, she's living, and will live forever, because
she has Eternal Life, from death unto Life.Ó (Life 58-0512).
So when we see these women
on the road with these kinds of things on their faces, we cannot say that they
are from
hell. But what has happened is that they are influenced from hell. A person
that is not a Christian, the only life that person knows is a life of sin and
they would be influenced from hell. To wear lipstick is an influence from hell.
To wear mascara is an influence from hell. But the thing is, when that woman hears
the good news and she is convinced that what the gospel is saying is against
her lifestyle of how she attires herself, and she fights it, calls it a devil
and calls it a lie, then she has fulfilled Hebrew 6. She has blasphemed her
way, after she was convinced that what that preacher is preaching is the truth:
ÒYou should not attire yourself like that.Ó What has happened there is that she
has blasphemed her way, and that soul comes from hell and she is going back to
Word is the thing to judge. That person has to first come in contact with the
gospel, and after she hears the gospel and turns it down and blasphemes her
way, then you have all authority to say: ÒThat person came from hell.Ó And we
have an example in scripture: Judas. He did not attire himself with lipstick
and all these things, but he had a certain article from hell that was
influencing him to do what he did. And the Bible told us that he came from hell
and went back to hell. And the truth is that there are some people who are
destined for hell. But the thing is that we do not know, and the only guideline
is the Word of God. Present the Word of God to that person and see what he does
with it. Present the Word of God to that woman who attires herself in that
attire, because, no doubt, she doesnÕt know any better. And if she comes in
contact with the gospel and turn it down and call it a lie, she has blasphemed
her way after she was convinced that it was the truth that the minister was
preaching, then and only then, no doubt, that person came from hell.
Brother Dalton Bruce: We have answered Questions 1 to 12. How many say that we are all in agreement with the answers? [All ministers and elders put their hands up and say, ÒAmen!Ó] We have one hundred percent. We are in agreement with the answers to those twelve questions.
Question # 768: ÒI had horrible experiences when I was not in
full sleep like a nightmare, that I was in such a horrible place. I wanted to
shout for my life, but I could not. It went on for a while and suddenly I got
up. Is this the nervous trouble as the doctor told me? But these horrible
experiences occur sometimes in the night. Will you please tell me why I am
troubled like this? What is the remedy for this horrible nightmare?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: My name is Brother Roy Barrow of Trinidad, West
Indies. This is a question on nightmares. A nightmare is a very scary and
frightening event or happening. I have had several nightmares in my life. Many,
many nightmares. Up to recently, after preaching the Seals I had a nightmare on
the Sunday or Monday night, and I tell you it is the worst that ever happened
to me. The devil was mad vexed. And let me tell you something, from ten p.m. to
four a.m. on the hour, every hour I was being oppressed by demon power, but I
let them know that I not afraid of anyone of them.
Psalms 91:2<ÉHe is my refuge and my fortress: my
God; in him will I trust.>
is a very scary thing. A nightmare is something that is between sleep and wake.
And you can see those dark shadows coming at you; you could never make out
their faces. And you will see them when they enter the room, even the building,
even your house. And from the time they enter your room your spirit alerts you
because you can sense demon power. Let me tell you the truth, if the angels of
God are not dispatched right away to release you, you are a dead person in your
sleep. It is a horrifying experience. You want to speak sometimes and you
cannot speak, but my experience is I usually call on the name of the Lord from
within: ÒJesus, Jesus, Jesus, In the name of JesusÓ, and sometimes I just burst
loose and come out of that demon oppression.
Let me say this, a person who has
experienced nightmares, I put it in two categories: One - He can have a nervous
problem; he can have a medical problem. And I think that Brother Bob taught
that a person with a nervous condition, demon power comes close to that person.
And the other aspect of it, it is just pure demon power. And the scriptures
Ephesians 6:12 <For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood, but against principalities and powersÉ>
So, I am saying that a nervous
condition can contribute to your nightmare or your medical problem can
contribute to your nightmare, but donÕt forget nightmares are as a result of
demon power, generally. And IÕm saying that the way to ward off demon power is
by prayer. Sometimes I get so angry, I get down in prayer and start praying and
rebuking those demonic forces in the name of the Lord Jesus. The scriptures
Proverbs 18:10 <The name of the Lord is a strong
tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.>
So, I run to the Lord in prayer; and let
me advise, donÕt you ever bow down to demon oppression. YouÕre a son of God,
youÕre a daughter of God, and let me tell you something, take your stand in the
Word of God and every demon power will back off.
Question # 769: ÒBrother
Branham said that when a sinner dies he will be in a state like a NIGHTMARE. So
if I have this kind of experience is my soul in danger of hell? If so will you please
guide me to the Lord so that I may not be lost?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: The person says that they donÕt want to go to hell
because of this nightmare. It is only a nightmare. Those demons really come to terrorize
you and to bring a fearful spirit, a spirit of fear upon you. So I make them
know in no uncertain terms, ÒI am not afraid of youÓ. Jesus says,
Matthew 14:27<Ébe not afraid.>
So that person who is caught
up in these nightmares and he thinks he is going to hell, that is not really
so. It is fear, and the Bible says,
1John 4:18 <Éfear hath torment.>
So I want to assure you my
brother or sister who might have been going through this experience, that
nightmare does
not mean that youÕre going to hell. The devil is trying to anoint you with
the spirit of fear and is trying to take away your faith in God.
So the only way that you will go to hell
and you are going to be in that oppressive condition is if you rudely break the
Word of God, live in fornication, adultery and you donÕt care about obeying the
gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and turn down the Word of God, certainly you
would be in this nightmare condition and you will go to hell. But just having a
nightmare as a Christian and youÕre living a Christian life, you are not going
to hell; you cannot go to hell. The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ takes care
of your sins.
And let me tell you, demon power is not a
nice thing. Let me tell this church here and my minister brethren, anytime I
try to get close to God the devil gives me a very hard fight. He does not like
that. And I tell you, Brother Bruce, itÕs the worst in my fifty-eight years living on
the earth. I tell you, on one occasion, on Monday night, my wife actually hit
me and woke me. The devil had been giving me a rough time from ten p.m. until
four a.m. in the morning, but the Lord has given me the victory. Thank God for
the victory over nightmares, demon power and these spooky, black spirits. I
have the victory over them. as I said, the Lord is my refuge and my fortress,
in him will I trust.
[Ed. Bother Bruce says, ÒImagine a person going down
to hell Bother Barrow, to meet millions of those things.Ó]
Exactly so! ItÕs a frightening thing. If I
were you, I would never take a chance on my soulÕs salvation and enter that
place. ItÕs gloomy, itÕs dark, pitch dark. You see those dark spirits just come
in there, and before you know it you are covered with these spirits and you are
under oppression. If God donÕt come to you, youÕre a dead man. But I believe
the Lord has
allowed me to experience these things from my early Christian life for a
purpose in the ministry of Christ that is to come upon the earth.
Question # 770: ÒI have met with a sister who came to the
message. She is very spiritual, sings prays, and respects the ministers
whenever they visit her home. But later we found that she had an illicit
relation with a man and committed adultery. Now she repented for her sins and
is asking us whether she will be forgiven for her nasty kind of life?Ó
Contribution: I am Brother Patrick
from Guyana, South America. First of all, what are you considering to be
spiritual? A sister singing or doing any kind of a spiritual activities or
manifestations are not signs of spirituality. What you are judging as
spirituality is not right. 1Peter 3:4 says that a woman must be adorned in Òthe ornament of a meek and quiet spiritÓ.
That is a spiritual woman.
Galatians 5:16 <Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall
not fulfill the lust of the flesh.>
This woman is not walking in the Spirit,
thatÕs the reason she is fulfilling the lust of the flesh and living in
adultery. ItÕs a sign that she is not born again, she is not spiritual and if she
continues living such a life she will go to hell. If she repents and turns
around she has <Éan advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteousÉ> (1 John
2:1), <and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son
cleanseth us from all sin.> (1John 1:7). So this woman is in no way spiritual, she is carnal and she
has a dirty spirit upon her.
Can she be forgiven? Yes! The Lord is
merciful, His grace is abundant, and the blood of Jesus Christ is able to
cleanse her of adultery or fornication or whatever sin. There is only one sin
that cannot be forgiven and it is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 12:31 <All manner of sin and blasphemy
shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not
be forgiven unto men.>)
É and this
sister has not committed blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, so her sins can be forgiven,
and the Lord can give her strength to live a strong Christian life.
Question # 771:
ÒHow do I know that my sins
are forgiven and I am out of the danger and not a lost soul? Will you please
comfort me by your words and by the quotations of WMB and from the Bible?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: My name is Aldwyn Chandler. I am from Trinidad, West
Indies, a believer of the message of Brother Branham and also E.O.D.H. I want
to just use a few quotations first of all taken from Perfect Strength.
Quote W.M.B.: 284 It's the simplicity of the Gospel
that staggers the people. They try to make it a great intellectual something
another, when it's the simpleness. But God takes the very tool of humility and
weakness and simplicity to work His works with. That's only a tool in God's
hand.> (Perfect Strength 61-1119).
Quote: E-8 We--the people today make the Gospel too
complicated for people. See? That's always been the reason it goes over the
head of the common people. And the Gospel was sent for all, but it's usually
the common people that hears it. Luke said, "The common people heard Jesus
gladly," the common people.
And so God makes it so simple He said in
Isaiah, "Even a fool shouldn't err in the way." So we never want to
make it complicated. It's simple, the simplicity of believing it, just having
faith. Don't move from it. Stay right with it, and God takes care of the rest. (We Would See Jesus 62-0712).
Quote: E-82 Our
heavenly Father, we now bring to Thee these people. The revival is closing, or
my part of it. God, never let this revival close. May it continue on, and may
men and women stick their heads back into the Bible and go to praying. May
pastors be filled and re-lit again by the power of the Holy Spirit.
May teachers rise, Lord, not teaching
perverse things, but back to the old Bible, back to the old plan of salvation:
Jesus Christ, God's provided Lamb. May they come back to that simple faith once
again. Grant it, Lord, before the coming of the Just One. (Jehovah
Jireh 57-0326).
Salvation is by faith.
Salvation is not of works but it is of grace through faith, and it will take
faith for you to believe that the Lord has forgiven your sins. It is written,
John 3:16 <For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life. >
It also goes on to say,
John 3:18 <Éhe that believeth not is
condemned alreadyÉ>
So, this person here is
worried and they want to know how they can know that their sins are forgiven? You have to
believe it. How do you come by this belief?
Romans 10:17 <É faith cometh by
hearing, and hearing by the word of God. >
So that when the Word of God
is preached, the person must believe the simple Word of God, the simplicity of
the Gospel.
John 3:16 <For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
If you donÕt have that faith,
if you canÕt believe then you will always remain condemned, but you will have
to believe for the salvation of your soul.
Acts 16:31<ÉBelieve on the Lord Jesus
Christ, and thou shalt be saved.>
That is the foundation; you
must come to that place. For the Scripture say,
Romans 10:10 <For with the heart man believeth
unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.>
So you believe with the heart
for your justification that Jesus Christ, (as the Prophet was bringing out) the
Lamb of God died to take away the sin of the world. This is what you have to believe, this is how you come to
the Lord, this is how you receive your forgiveness, because He is the Lamb of
God that taketh away the sin of the world.
there is where your deliverance from Hell is. God is not going to send anybody
to Hell because they committed adultery or things like that. You are going to
Hell because you did not believe in whom God has sent which is His Son, the
Lord Jesus Christ, to take away the sin of the world. It is manÕs unbelief that
will take him to Hell. It is just not a question of you fell short here, you
sinned here or you committed adultery. You may be an adulterer, but you hear
the preaching of the Word, and you believe, you repent, you believe in the Lord
Jesus Christ, you are baptized for the remission of sins, the Scripture said
you shall be saved. He that believeth and is baptized the same shall be saved.
So here is what you have to do: release your faith, put your whole trust,
commit your whole life, your whole soul into the hands of God, and if you stand
on those grounds you will be saved and you cannot be lost.
Question # 772: ÒThere are some brothers under the message who
justify themselves, saying that if they do not attend the church, they will be
in the rapture. They claim that there is no church right, under the message of
Malachi 4:5&6. Are they led by spirit of the devil?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: My name is Brother Bruce. Now they may be justified in their thinking if the churches around them are preaching contrary to the Message of Brother Branham and they donÕt have another church that compares with the Message, so they are caught up in their little world, in their little district or whatever and thinking that is the whole message world to them. And they might be justified in saying that they are not going to church because nobody in this village or district is preaching the Message.
Now, I encountered a couple
things like that from questions. Certain wonderful and sincere brethren living
in Ghana and nobody around them was preaching an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
and doing things right and they had to make a terrific decision. ÒWhat should I
do Brother Bruce? Right around in my district such and such thing is
happening.Ó So, the answer to that brother, I said, ÒIf those churches around preach heresies,
it would be better off staying with your books, the tapes, and with E.O.D.H.
tapes until you can find another church that preaches the Truth. So eventually, one pulled out and the
Lord opened up a way for him and he did find a church. It was a little way off,
but he found a man preaching the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, standing for
E.O.D.H. one hundred percent, and he is all settled, and he is an ardent
believer of E.O.D.H.
Now, this may not be the case
of this small group, but an interpretation could be involved here. Sometimes people get it all up in their skulls and they
believe that they are brighter than everybody and they donÕt want to listen to
anybody, they donÕt want to come under a pastor. Now look how contrary this is. Now we will put it in the
category of a Ôstaying
home spiritÕ. Now there are
people in all churches who have a staying home spirit. Number one: Laodicea overcame them, and
second: they are rebellious and want to have their own way. They want to be their own pastor and
their own sheep at the same time.
So we have these kinds of people in almost every assembly: swellheaded
and they would condemn everybody in the church, everybody around them and think
that they alone are right. Now
that is in a different category. They could claim that they alone are going in
the Rapture. But there are so many
odds in order to show these people that they are wrong. Like I asked one
preacher who did that. I asked him ÒWhat about your communion service? Do you take communion? Do you do feet washing?Ó Well you have no part with Christ. Absolutely, you have no part with Christ. Who do you pay your tithes to?
So, there are a lot of things
that are involved. Brother Branham
said to find a church home. Where is your church home? Who do you pay your tithes to? Who washes your feet? Who serves you communion? Are you obeying the Scripture where the
Bible said, Ôneglect not the assembling of yourselves together?Õ Such people are swellheaded and think that they are
intellectual, and want to show everybody that they are right and everybody else
is wrong. Now thatÕs a spirit, and
you can see itÕs a spirit of disobedience that is not keeping all the Word of
God because the things I named out they cannot fulfill them. Most of the times,
this is a real contrary spirit, and we have that and we will continue to have
that. It was in the days of Paul. He said,
Hebrews 10:25 <Not forsaking the
assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is. >
So there were people like
that, self-righteous people, in the days of Brother Paul.
Question # 773: ÒHair cutting: should a Christian cut the hair
of the female child? According to the message of WMB, at what age should one
stop cutting the hairs of a female child? Please answer us, we are ignorant of
E.O.D.H. Contribution: Hear the Prophet. This question was asked Brother Branham: ÒShould the hair be cut in front?Ó In
the United States they call it ÔbangsÕ, out here in Trinidad they call it
Ôdonkey maneÓ. So they asked the Prophet if they could cut the childÕs hair,
not a woman now, but the childÕs hair in front because it gets down to the eyes
and different things. Now Brother Branham got pretty confused and this is on
Questions & Answers 1964 and the person asked: ÒBrother Branham, when you
cut the hair in front, is it still long?
Do you still consider that as long hair?Ó Brother Branham answered by saying:
Quote W.M.B.: 1101-Q-343 "Is it long hair any longer when they
cut it in front?" Not any longer; they've cut it off. See? But like the
man that had the trousers cut them off three times and still too short. What
say? Brother Branham has conversation with someone in audience--Ed.] Oh, that's
what they're talking about. As I tease my little girl, she said... The
"booms" I call them, you know, bangs, or whatever it is, you know, across the
front here.
Well, I imagine those kids that's
cutting their hair in front... maybe your mother could tell you about that (See?), if
she wants you to do that way. I think it'd look kinda--kinda a little bit like
a woman was looking through the rear view if she passed about twenty-five years
old and wanted to cut them off in front like that, look like some little kid.
Look on out here where you're going, sis, not where you've been. See?
And now, but cutting the hair, I'll tell you this. I
ain't got no Scripture to say that you can cut so much of it and can't do the other. I
haven't got no Scripture for that; I couldn't tell you that, sister, or
brother, ever who it is.
I say one thing... Now, I know my kids has
done that too, Rebekah and Sarah, I seen when they cut their hair off here in
front, and plait it back here in the back, and make these things across the
front, like this... Now, not holding them. See? No, sir. To me, I wished they
didn't even put a scissors on their hair at all. But when they got all
long, hanging down like this, and just cut the front of it out of their eyes,
little kids maybe. I wouldn't know whether that'd be wrong; I wouldn't think so. See? But when
you get... for you sisters, I'd just let it the way the Lord made it. See? (Questions And Answers 64-0830m).
Now brethren, to have this
thing straightened out, the Prophet said, well I donÕt think that I would mind
that. Now, people catch on to certain words if they have a compromising spirit
and they have a nature that they want to break the Word, and when the prophet starts
speaking they will catch on to the negative part of it, and they will close
their ear to the part that he really emphasize because somebody wants to do
that in any case. They will actually hear the negative part of it. Now, the
Prophet said, number one, I have no scripture to tell you that you could cut
off a little bit and leave it so long or trim off a little bit. He said my
daughters do that, they take off in front here. He said I wish that a scissors never came upon
their hair at all. Now that settles it for me. The way that I believe this
Message, the way that I view this Message, if that is the prophetÕs opinion, that is enough for
me. He does not have to find a scripture to tell me that a child should not cut
her hair. If that is his wish, my brother, that is fine for me. He was the most
spiritual man on earth, and if that is the prophetÕs desire I am walking
according to the prophetÕs desire, if that was his desire for Becky and Sarah
it is the desire for my daughters. I have never allowed it for my children; I
have never allowed it for your children, I make it an issue whenever that
happens to a child.
So the answer to that question
is a big
ÒNO!Ó And all who are doing
that, they are
contrary to the will and desire of the Prophet. And he says that there are no
scriptures whatsoever to allow any such thing. How many agree with that? [The brethren
say, ÒAmen!Ó]. So, all those who are in the wrong and have taken out these
little statements here from the Prophet, the Prophet was just trying to be
honest and saying, ÒWell I do not think that I will mind that.Ó But what about
what he said afterward?
You see, Brother Braham was a
man who never pushed people to do things. He laid down the Word and if you are
spiritual enough you will catch it, if you are not spiritual, well go on and
Brother Braham will associate with those same people and donÕt fuss and fight
and quarrel. He would say, ÔYou believe it that way brother, you believe in
three gods?Ó I will draw the example there of Doctor Vayle. I would say look
how much he appreciated Doctor Vayle. Now, Doctor Vayle believed that the
church was going through the Tribulation and Brother Branham could prove from
the scripture that the Church is not going through the Tribulation. This is not
a matter of suggestion now. He could prove that from the scripture.
Brother Braham let Brother
Vayle go on with his opinion, believing what he wants and Brother Branham still
treated him like a minister and a brother and he will speak nice things about
Vayle, but when coming to that part of the Word, Vayle would sit down right
there and he will say,
Quote W.M.B.: 194 Brother Lee Vayle, if you get ahold of this, here
it is. That's the only question we disagree on; he believes the church will go
through the judgment. I don't see it. I don't believe it. (Oneness 62-0211).
Now you see, Brother Branham
never set the example to fight down a man. Now, just the same here, if you believe that you
should cut your child hair in front, I do not believe that because there is no
scripture. Now I am not going to fight you down for that, but then I will tell
you something: secretly in my heart I know that you have a disobedient spirit. So now I am not
going to address bangs and hair. I am going to deal with you from a different
point of view and I am going to deal with you on the point of disobedience,
that if you are disobedient to the will of GodÕs Prophet and you will question
GodÕs Prophet because he said not to do certain things for which you cannot
find a concrete scripture and you would emphasize that ÔI am still going to do
that because the prophet never showed me a positive scriptureÕ, you have a disobedient
attitude. Now, do you understand my point? [The brethren say, ÒAmenÓ].
Now I would leave that right
there, I would not fight with you because you want to leave that childÕs hair
cut in front here. I will not fuss; I will know when that disobedient spirit
leaves you. I will continue to preach the Word about obedience and respect to
the messenger and respect to the prophet, knowing that Jesus came there and
here was the law, and Jesus said, ÒYe hear them of old time say, but I say unto
you.Ó And you could not find in the law the things that Jesus was preaching.
DonÕt forget we had a Son Of Man ministry today and that is the same one that
was revealed through Malachi 4:5&6; that was the Son of Man. And if Brother
Branham laid down certain things there that I cannot find a scripture for, he is right
and I am wrong, because he was the most spiritual man on earth. And if Brother
Braham over here says, ÔI wish that a scissor never came upon my daughtersÕ
hairÕ, I stand the very same way and I preach that way.
So now you see there are some
things involved. You see a man may disagree with this little thing but watch
something, in the case of Doctor Vayle, to me that was a proud spirit. I cannot
come to terms with how Doctor Vayle could disagree with a major prophet. It
goes to show that something is wrong with his understanding on Malachi 4:
5&6. So, it goes down deeper than just saying, ÔWell, he believes a little
different from me, and I believe thisÕ. In other words, Malachi 4 believed the
Word and Doctor Vayle did not believe the Word. That is how I envision it and
something was wrong with Doctor VayleÕs experience, and that same disobedience
came around and injected things into the Church Age book that are not supposed
to be there, saying that Ôthe seven thunders was revealed and it is contained
in the seven seals. To me that is disobedience, and he has mixed up thousands
of people around the world in the message today and blinded them like that
because of that disobedient spirit.
I could never agree with a man
that will disagree with a major prophet. How on earth could I disagree with
Brother Braham because I know who he is. That is Malachi 4. That is the
anointed immortal Elijah. God sent him to me. I was a dead man, dumb, deaf, blind Laodicean and God sent
him to me. He said do not do this, do not do that. That settles it for me. That
is the way that I know this Gospel.
That is the way that I preach. Yes. So the answer to this question is a
big ÒNO!Ó
It is a lack of common sense
in a man. DonÕt you know that when you start chipping that childÕs hair in
front they grow
up with that spirit, and after a certain time they reach twelve, you cannot
tell them not to chip their hair. And when they reach fourteen they will kick you
too, and when they reach sixteen they will want to cut off the back of it. How
are you going to tell them to stop cutting it now? Man, look, let us have some
sense in our heads, and even though the prophet was so humble and did not
commit himself, read between the lines.
Why should you be looking for the loopholes in the statements of the
prophet and why should you try to live by the loopholes instead of the statements
that he made there to obey the Word of God? Listen, if Brother Braham will come
concerning that question and say, ÔBrethren, I donÕt have any scripture but my
opinion is that you should not cut it,Ó that becomes a law for me. And do not
tell me that I am a fanatic because there were no scriptures for Paul to answer
in 1 Corinthians 7, and he said:
I Corinthians 7:25 <Now concerning
virgins I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment, as one that
hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful.>
That became law in the Bible
for the Christian Church.
Question # 774: ÒIf a ministerÕs wife wears CHURIDHAR (like hybrid pant),
should he be allowed to preach from the pulpit? In India many of the ministersÕ
wives are in CHURIDHARS. What should be done, as it is menÕs wear? The Bible
says it is an abomination to the Lord. Please answer us with the quotations?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: I am Brother Sookdeo Ramnarine. This question
concerns a ministerÕs wife wearing immoral clothing. What they are referring to
here is two kinds of clothing that we came across in India. One is called the
ÔchuridharÕ and the other is the ÔsareeÕ where it is worn with body parts
exposed, the belly and so forth.
Now those questions had been
thoroughly answered and I believe that the answer was given by the Spirit of
God, using the quotations from the message and from the scriptures with a
wisdom that can only come from God. And it was also sanctioned one hundred
percent by all the E.O.D.H. ministers that were gathered. We are totally in
agreement with that answer, that those garments are unscriptural and should not
be worn by believers, and much more that should not be worn by a ministerÕs wife. And
so at the time of our ignorance God winked at. But when this thing is come to
light and exposed in the scriptures and we have no doubt now, it is imperative
first of all that all ministers declare that they believe that too and start
the example back in their homes. They must declare that in the home church or
wherever they go, to show that they are truly believers of E.O.D.H. This will
show whether you truly support and believe E.O.D.H. or not.
If a man will not go on to put
that in order in his house and make sure his wife obeys the answer given
concerning the churidhar
and concerning the saree with body parts exposure, then that will tell to the
congregation, to the believers and to everybody around whether he truly
believes E.O.D.H. or not, and then if he fails to do that, then he has to step
down. It shows that he is not in control of his house. And if he is not in
control of his house he has disqualified himself and so he cannot continue to minister
until he puts that in order. It is either he steps down or he separates himself
from that house. He has got to make a stand. All these answers are not going to
stay here locally. It is going to be put in a book and will go internationally,
and wherever you go people will know how much of a believer you are, what part
you believe and what part you do not believe. And if you do not believe in that
part, then right away you fall under the class of heretics. Right there is
where you identify yourself that, ÒI do not believe part of the message and I
do not believe part of E.O.D.H.Ó
So you have got to realize that this is not a time where you could hide
any longer, or anybody could hide any longer, or because of ignorance. No, it
is out in the open.
Now, the minister must,
wherever he is and he comes in contact with this answer and seen it proven in
the Bible and in the message, obey that Word of God or step down.
Question # 775: ÒIf a ministerÕs wife wears a SAREE with belly & back
exposure, should he be allowed to preach from the pulpit, as its looks like in
the western world, showing their bellies with pants down?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: I am Brother Sookdeo Ramnarine. Well, of course, this was answered: that a sari with the belly and the back exposed is contrary and should not be worn. Not even a young sister should be allowed to do that, much more an older sister and a ministerÕs wife. That should be stopped immediately. As soon as a minister hears that from the Word of God, I donÕt care where he is, that must be put in place, it must not be allowed in the house, it must not be allowed in the open, must not be allowed in the church. ThatÕs the end of that, and then he will show that he is a man, that he really believes this message and that he is truly a believer of E.O.D.H.
Question # 776: ÒHere some of the ministers under the message of Malachi 4:5-6
strictly asked the sisters to remove their gold necklaces and wedding rings and
rings. They say it is not according to the Word of God. Is this scriptural? I
read from Brother BranhamÕs life story that Brother BranhamÕs wife herself
saved money for a necklace. Is it right to do? Please answer us from the
quotations of WMB?Ó
Contribution: My name is Phillip Ramkumar; Bethel, Trinidad. I want to read
two scriptures here.
1 Timothy 2: 9-10 <In like manner
also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and
sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
But (which becometh women professing
godliness ) with good works.>
I Peter 3:1-4 <Likewise, ye wives, be
in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also
may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
While they behold your chaste
conversation coupled with fear.
Whose adorning let it not be that
outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on
of apparel;
But let it be the hidden man of the
heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet
spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.>
Now, the purpose of reading
these two scriptures is to show that the scripture is saying that we should not
make a worldly show or an open show. Like in Trinidad you have the Hindu women
and they would plaster their hands with a set of bangles, and they would wear
chains, and you can see it all down their arms and they have big earrings and
all these kind of jewels. It is worldliness.
And the scripture is saying
that the Christian woman should not be looking flashy, like a woman that is
having all the tinsel of the world and looks like the world. But she should be
adorning herself with the ornament of a meek and a quiet spirit and it is of
great price in the sight of God. Now that should be the motive of a Christian
woman, that she should strive to possess that ornament instead of the ornaments
of the world: outward adorning. Why? Because, you donÕt look any different from
the women of the world.
Like in Trinidad theyÕll ask
why donÕt you wear gold and why donÕt you do this and why donÕt you do that?
They have questions on it because they see that you look different from them.
Quote W.M.B.: 1007-Q-283 Brother Branham: Questions: Should a
Christian woman wear simple jewelry, as necklaces or pearls?
Well, sister, I know this means a lot to
you, and it means a lot for me for you to place your confidence I'd tell you
the truth. Now remember, the Bible said, "When you adorn, do not adorn
with costly jewels, and pearls, and all kinds of wearing of jewelry, but let
that be the adorning of a peace, and quiet, and meek spirit (which I just
quoted), which is a great price before the Lord."
Now, I don't mean by that, sister, that
if you had a pin... Now, this is me, not the Lord. If you had a pin that
you wanted to wear, or a little necklace your husband give you, or maybe
something like that that you wore, now, to me, I don't think that's bad. Now,
that's just me. Now remember, I make myself clear; that's my opinion. But I
think it's the approach to it; it's the way you do it. See? It's the motive
behind it. And when you see it's getting ahold of you, then leave the thing
alone. But I think if you wore your wedding ring...
Now, I know you Nazarene people, it used
to be that you wouldn't even baptize a woman with a wedding ring on. See? I
don't believe that as necessary. In the Bible they wore wedding rings, only it
was a tablet they called it, around their head, nine pieces of coin in it, but
I--to show they were married. Now, I think that's all right. If women want to dress and
make themselves look decent, and clean, ladylike, why, I think there's not a
thing to that, to me. But when you get to going to put that thing into making
it a little pride, then you're wrong. It's your attitude. (Questions And Answers 64-0823e).
The prophet of God said that
if your boyfriend gives you a ring, a chain or necklace then wear it with
dignity. But then we see that some, even at Bethel, they wear it and then they
drop their neckline and they want it to be seen. The scriptures said, let it be
of the hidden man. If you are wearing that, wear it with dignity and wear it in
such a way that it is for you and the person that gave it to you in memory, in
gratitude or in respect to what this person have given to you. But if someone
gives you that, you should wear it and that should not unchristianize that
sister if she is wearing a chain or a wedding ring. You are wearing it with
dignity, you are wearing it with respect and it carries a symbol in a sense
that the ring is a sign of your marriage, life long union. Also in the
spiritual it represents eternal life. And the necklace is worn with that
symbol; it is cherished because this person has given it to you. It would be
from your husband or someone like that. And I donÕt think that we should really
condemn a sister for wearing that ring or that necklace.
Question # 777: ÒA brother recently came out from the sinful world and committed
himself to the Lord. He repented and wants to be a born again Christian. He
often gets calls from his old friends and they want to pull him again to the
same kind of life. What must this brother do to avoid his old friends? Should
he leave his place and settle somewhere else? Or should he wait upon the Lord?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: My name is Anthony Trotman of Bethel, the House of God,
Trinidad, West Indies. Jesus said,
Mark 8:38 <Whosoever
therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful
generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the
glory of his Father with the holy angels.>
And except you
forsake mother and father and brethren and wife and all these things, you
cannot be His disciples. (Luke 14:26). As a young Christian it is very important to
separate. It is extremely important to separate.
Matthew 5:29-30 <And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck
it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy
members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it
from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish,
and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.>
Christianity has to do with
separation, as a matter of fact, separating from the things of the world and
separating from ungodliness. And so as a young Christian, this brother might
not realize the working of the devil, and that the devil comes through your
friends; that is the white horse rider. This friendship affair is the devil
coming for your soul. And for you to gain strength you must separate; absolutely!
ÒShould he leave the area and go elsewhere in order to avoid these friends?Ó If
it comes to it, he needs to and stay in contact with his shepherd, stay in the
Word, stay in prayer, stay in fasting, and if you need to move, for the sake of
your soul, then do so. If you need to come out of the house that you are living
in, even if it is your parentsÕ, then leave that house. The scriptures said in James 4: 4:
<Éthe friendship of the world is
enmity with God?> And verse 7
said: <Submit
yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.>
So you need to submit yourself
to God. You need to realize that is the devil coming after your soul, so
therefore you need to resist the devil. Submit yourself to God and allow
yourself to grow in the Word of God by prayer and fasting.
Question # 778: ÒWhy am I always getting fear of death though I
am a Christian? Is it that my soul is in danger of hell if I die now? Please
Pastor, answer me?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: My name is Brother Philmore Duncan from St. Vincent. I
represent the church at Byra Village, St. Vincent. Death is the greatest enemy
to man. The Bible said that <The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.> (1
Corinthians 15:26). But what Brother Branham said is that to us death is
the best thing that could happen to a man, and it is GodÕs horse and buggy to
take us into the presence of the Lord.
Quote W.M.B.: E-5 The only
thing I know that God did to death, He harnessed it to a buggy. The only thing he can do is pull
a believer right in the Presence of God. So what's he going to do, he can't hurt us. So we
haven't got nothing to worry about, have we? (Speak To This Rock 53-1115).
But in Romans 6:23 it said,
<For the wages of sin is death; but
the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.>
brings death naturally and spiritually. You know the account of the story that
took place in Genesis when man disobeyed. Eve disobeyed the Word of God and
committed such an act with the serpent and man fell. And from that time on it
was appointed unto man to die, then after death is the judgment. But we as
Christians should not really fear death. I remember when Stephen was stoned,
the Bible said that he fell asleep and he even said,
Acts 7:60 <Lord, lay not this sin to their charge>, and he was carried
into the presence of the Lord by the angels. But a person who has not been
regenerated or have not been forgiven of their sins, it is hard for them to
face death; it is very difficult.
is the enemy of man. No one wants to die. Our Lord Jesus died for the sins of
Hebrews 5:7 <Who in the days of his
flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and
tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he
Remember, our Lord Jesus when
the sins of the world came down upon Him he cried out:
Matthew 27:46 <My God, my God, why
hast thou forsaken me?>
And here now the scripture is
saying that he was crying in tears unto Him that was able to save Him from
death. But He came to die for man. But then to go through death, as Brother
Bruce preached a message that Jesus prayed through death in the Garden of
Gethsemane, and that is why He could have died; give up the Ghost freely. But
death is an enemy. It has a sting, and our Lord Jesus faced death, took on
death to take the stinger out of death.
ThatÕs why brother Paul when they were about to kill him he said,
I Corinthians 15:55 <O death, where
is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?>
For death is swallowed into
victory. So Paul was not afraid to die. Death brings fear because sin brings
Question # 779: ÒHow do I know whether I am in the Lord or I am
in danger of hell?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: I am Brother Philmore Duncan from St. Vincent. A
Christian person will know where he falls from. If he is spiritual and he
starts committing sin, he will know within himself that he is not in right
standing with Almighty God, and if he is about to die and finds himself in
danger, he will be concerned and afraid and then he will know that he has to
repent. ItÕs the same with an
unsaved man; he will have to repent for his sin because he has a conscience and
he has to give account for the sins he committed in this body and how would he
meet God. If he has a conviction in his soul he will be concerned, and then he
will make his life right.
a person does not make their life right, the fear of death will give them a
horrible time and condemnation.
The Lord Jesus came to save man from sin and the condemnation of death
and there is an eternal separation from God which is to be eternally cut off.
That person will also end up in hell if he does not repent for his sins.
am Brother Bruce. This person fears death, and they want to know if that fear of death indicates
that their soul is in danger of hell because of this fear, and they want to
know, if they die now if they are going to hell? The simple answer to this question is, ÔNoÕ. Not because you fear death it means
that your soul is in danger of hell.
How many knows that the Prophet was afraid of death?
Quote W.M.B.: E-8 I always was afraid to die. Not afraid that I'd be lost,
but I didn't want to be a spirit... That Scripture had never occurred to me
before, that if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already
waiting. (Accepting God's Provided
Way 63-0115).
Quote: E-16 I always
wanted to live to see Jesus come, because I never wanted to be a spirit. And I
was always afraid of spooks, and I didn't want to die, and become a little
cloud. And like a little white cloud floating around somewhere and see my
brethren, say, "There they are. Wished I could shake their hand, but they
haven't got no hand to shake. It's dead. And they're in the grave."
And then was made alive that Scripture, "If this earthly
tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." Oh, just move out
of here right into that one. Oh, I tell you, that gives us great hopes. No
matter what the world thinks, and how unsecured the world is, when we can think
on those things all fear leaves.
(Uncertain Sound 61-0429e).
Brother Branham was
afraid of death, but that doesnÕt mean to say that his soul was in danger of
hell. Some people naturally suffer with certain fears. The prophet of God feared anything like
a sword or a knife, and it was a big thing when the Sword fell into his
Quote W.M.B.: 68-6
{11} I was standing there in prayer, andÉ something fell in my handÉand
when I looked, it was a swordÉand I thought, "But you know, I always afraid of a
sword." I was kind of glad that I lived out of the days that they used
them, because I'm afraid of a knife.Ó
(The Breach 63-0317e).
Not because people
suffer from certain fears of certain things it means that something is wrong
with them. They could be suffering from some kind of childhood fear because of
certain things that they suffered. And not because this person suffers a fear
of death it is a sign or signal that his soul is in danger.
So whoever asked this:
ÒNo, your soul
is not in danger. You are just suffering from certain fears, just like
people fear heights or fear the ocean, fear a crowd or fear to stand behind the
pulpit and give a testimony or something like that. ÒHow would I know that I am
in the Lord or I am in danger of hell?Ó Well, because you believe the Word you
are of the Lord.
John 5:24 <Verily, verily, I say unto
you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath
everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from
death unto life.>
now because of this natural fear, probably, you question whether you are with
the Lord or whether the Lord received you or accepts you, because this question
is not clear in your mind, why you should be afraid of death, and then the
enemy will come and batter your mind and torment you with all kinds of doubts
and fears because of misunderstanding.
Question # 780: ÒWho can save my soul from the danger of hell? I am following
this message of Malachi 4:5-6 for many years, but yet I am not sure that I am
of the Lord or of Satan, because sometimes I am anointed by the devil to do
evil in my life. Please help me?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: My name is
Brother Kenneth Bynoe and I am here at Bethel Tabernacle, Trinidad. Brother
Bruce, I want to believe that this question is coming from an honest and
sincere heart, and it is a very sad condition for a person that really loves
God and wants to be saved, and he is tormented to the place where he cannot
have faith enough to accept salvation, and is doing wrong things.
Now I believe that
there can be three things that are involved here. One: There could be a lacking
of faith. There could be a spirit
of fear involved here, and another possibility is that this person could have a
weak mind. It could be any one of
these conditions or it could be all of them. A person like this lives in torment.
And I could go back in my own personal life. I had previously fallen away from
the prophetÕs message and when I came here at Bethel, it took me a number of
years before I could have that faith to believe, that I could be saved after
having fallen away from the prophetÕs message and believing that I had
committed the unpardonable sin.
But one day the Lord revealed a certain scripture to me, and that is,
II Peter 3:9 <The Lord is not slack
concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to
us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to
That meant so much to
me. Whereas before I thought that I was serving a God who was very quick to
come down and condemn you and cast you into hell, but I found out much to my
joy and my faith and my confidence and assurance in the Lord that I was serving
a God that is not willing that I should perish, and this helped me. From that
time on I was able to walk with a certain amount of faith, confidence and
assurance, and with that my love for the Lord grew, and this brings to mind the
scripture that says,
II Timothy 1:7 <For God hath not
given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound
Lord does not torment
his children. Fear is of the devil; the devil torments. He could torment a sincere brother, a
loving brother, an honest brother with so much fear and so much unbelief
concerning his salvation, that, that brother cannot grasp enough faith to be
able to stand against that devil and resist the devil. Salvation is by grace through faith,
and our righteousness is by faith.
Romans 4:3 <For what saith the
scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for
That righteousness
comes by a divine Revelation and there is probably a lacking of divine
revelation in his life.
James 1:5
<If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all [men]
liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given himÉ>
Brother, you need to
ask. The scripture said:
Matthew 7:7 <Ask, and it shall be
given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.>
Ask God for faith,
beg Him, plead with Him. I believe if you ask, you shall receive.
James 1:6-7 <But let him ask in
faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven
with the wind and tossed.
For let not that man think that he shall
receive any thing of the Lord.>
believe that this brother needs to get before the Lord, consecrate his life, seek the face of
the Lord, come to the House of God, listen to the tapes, stay with his shepherd
and stay around people that will build his faith. If I were a person like that
I will stay near my shepherd as much as possible.
The other condition
of a person having a weak mind is something physical and he will have to live
with that for the rest of his life because it is something physical. There is
something wrong with his mind. He probably is on medication, he probably was a
former drug addict like myself or probably he was just born with a weak mind.
The other brethren that are strong <ought to bear the infirmities of the weak..>
(Romans 15:1).
So get down,
consecrate your life, seek the face of the Lord and simply ask and you shall
receive faith to believe, and receiving this faith, the Lord will give you
grace, because you have access into grace by faith (Romans 5:2), and He will give you grace
to do the things that you cannot do in yourself.
Question # 781: ÒA brother who was earlier a minister of righteousness, backslid
from the Lord and is continuously drinking alcohol. If he dies where will his
soul go?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: I am Brother
Sam Jones from Bethel the House of God, Trinidad. The Bible says,
Proverbs 20:1 <Wine is a mocker,
strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.>
Galatians 5:20 <Idolatry, witchcraft,
hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings,
murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you
before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things
shall not inherit the kingdom of God.>
I Corinthians 6:9-10 <Know ye not
that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived:
neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers
of themselves with mankind,
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor
drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of
I believe that if a man is a
believer or a Christian, and he falls away there is hope if he would repent.
The Bible says,
Luke 13:3 <Éexcept ye repent, ye
shall all likewise perish.>
It went on to say,
I John 1:9 <If we confess our sins,
he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all
But I donÕt believe if a man
is a minister and he continues to go on in sin and is continuously drinking, I
believe that if he dies he would not enter the kingdom of God; he would not go
to heaven.
Hebrews 6:4-8 <For it is impossible
for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and
were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
And have tasted the good word of God,
and the powers of the world to come,
If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance;
seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open
shame. For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and
bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing
from God: But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh
unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.>
If he would acknowledge his
sin, if he would repent, God would forgive him of his sins. The Bible says,
I John 1:9 <If we confess our sins,
he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all
But we must not continue in
sin. Now this is a condition here of a minister knowing the truth, tasting of
the good Word of God. If he should continue in sin, the Bible says that under
those conditions we shall not inherit GodÕs kingdom.
Revelation 22:12 <And, behold, I come
quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work
shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the
last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to
the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without
are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and
whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.>
I believe that this man falls
in this category if he fails to repent.
Brother Bruce: How many agree with these answers? [All ministers
and elders put their hands up and say, ÒAmen!Ó] I agree and sanction all of
these answers. [Ed. Question #
27 to # 32 answered by Brother Bruce.]
Question # 782: ÒI am your sheep Brother Bruce. I donÕt want to
identify myself to you, but I love your message and love your co-ministers. I
am the worst man. I did all kinds of deadly sins until now, but I heard your
OUTPOURING MESSAGE and I want to be one of them. Please tell me, will my soul
be saved from the danger of hell? I am hated by all the ministers here. Will I
be forgiven by you?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: This is a pitiful case that this man feels so unworthy
and so sinful, that he does not even want to identify himself. He committed all
kind of sins he says, but then he heard about the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit. He wants to be a part of this and he wants to know if his soul could be
saved from the dangers of hell. Besides that he is hated by all the ministers.
ÒWill I be forgiven?Ó
All manner of sins and
blasphemies shall be forgiven men, except the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. And
I believe that this applies to this person here. A man could do a lot of wrong
things and go the wrong way, especially with a weak pulpit, and without enough
So a man could do so many
wrong things until he is hated by all the ministers, and hated by Christian
people, which is not the right attitude to manifest towards any human being. You
hate what they do and despise what they do, but to say you hate this man, as
ministers, this could contribute to the manÕs fears and doubts, whether he
could be saved, because he is reading between the lines as if there is no
forgiveness for him, not even from the ministers. Why would he ask that
question: ÒWould you forgive me Brother Bruce? Are you identified with the other ministers that make me
feel that there is no hope for me?Ó Well, under those conditions I will forgive
you or forgive
anybody, with all my heart, knowing that the Lord died for you and you have not
committed the unpardonable sin. So if that would help you I forgive you. I
donÕt know what you have done, and you have to know the sins that are in your
heart. If you were inspired by an
outpouring message and you want to be a part of that, you could be a part of
I remember a quotation that
the prophet of God said, anytime that you think that you are worthy of healing
or salvation, you canÕt receive it, but if you know that you are not worthy,
thatÕs the time you will receive it.
Quote W.M.B.: E-56 "Well, I'll tell you, Brother Branham, I'm
not worthy of healing." I've just got through telling you; it's nothing
you done; it's what He done. You keep thinking you're unworthy. (Abraham And His Seed 61-0416).
Quote: E-53 I don't
care what you got against you. You may have cancer; you may be sin-sick. You
may have demon possession. I don't care what you got; I've got a Message here
for you, screaming across this pulpit as hard as I can: there's pardoning;
there's grace; there's healing; there's forgiveness; there's love; there's joy;
there's peace.
You say, "Why are you so enthused
about it, Brother Branham?" It's written, "Thou your sins be as
scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Come, let us reason together." But
you say, "I'm unworthy." I know you are, but Jesus died for youÉ don't care
what you've done, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they'll be white like
wool; though they be red like crimson, they shall be white like snow." (Conferences 60-0228).
And this man is right in prime
for salvation,
because he finds himself so unworthy, because of what he had done. It spells
out repentance; it spells out sorrow in the heart for living the life that he
lived. The man is under conviction.
I remember that the Lord went to a seashore and said,
Luke 5:3 <thrust out a little from
the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.>
And after that He wanted to
give him a little gift. He said,
Luke 5:7 <Launch out into the deep,
and let down your nets for a draught.>
And when they pulled the net they
had a great multitude of fishes. And then Peter fell under conviction when he
had seen that. He said,
Luke 5:8 <Depart from me; for I am a sinful
man, O Lord.>
Now that manÕs heart was right
in prime to receive salvation from the almighty. The Lord did not depart, but He gave him the keys to the
kingdom, not many days after, because the man found himself unworthy, and that
is the only way to come to God for healing or salvation, is to come down there
and believe that I am not worthy and I do not deserve that. Anytime a man thinks that he deserves
that he is self-righteous.
So now this person can be
forgiven, and nobody should treat this man with scorn because he is a sinner
and must have done a lot of things. And if we are to adopt that kind of principle
then we would condemn Brother Paul, and he was the mightiest apostle of all
times, but he did a lot of things. He consented to the death of Stephen and put
the brethren in prison. And we
could develop a certain attitude because of the wrongs of a man, that when he
pleads for salvation, then you say, ÒNo, you are too sinfulÓ, but that is
Matthew 12:31 <Wherefore I say unto
you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the
blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.>
That is when a man comes to solid Truth and
turns down the Word of God.
Question # 783: ÒServices are conducted in different ways in different
countries. Should we introduce BethelÕs way or concentrate only on the messages
of E.O.D.H. in preaching?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: We cannot change the whole world, men with different
customs, different tastes, different desires and the way that they conducted
there services for years, you cannot change them overnight. The effort is not to make everybody
adopt the same principles like Bethel, as far as policies are concerned. But everybody should adjust to
scriptural order, not E.O.D.H.
I think it is better that we
hang off from saying E.O.D.H., because sooner or later it will give the idea
that it is a new cult or new idea. We could use the word but sparingly. And I
will prefer that when I write, to the brethren, I will say the purity of the
message, or the revelation of the message. Of course I know and we are positive
that we have the revelation of the message on E.O.D.H. And it is easy to say
E.O.D.H, but sooner or later it could become a byword for persecution. So it
would be better to say Òthe message, the truth of the message, the revelation
of the message or the purity of the message.Ó Yes, let us address it that way.
So, we cannot change people
around the world, but then they must apply scriptures. Instead of saying to
bring them to Bethel patterns, I would say that they must adopt church order
as laid down by Malachi 4:5&6. Every message believer must adopt church
order as laid down by the prophet in ÒGod in simplicityÓ.
There is a big reason for
church order and that is to have the free flow of the Spirit. That is the whole
effort, not a custom, not a certain way, but that is to keep out interruptions
from the service that the Spirit of the Lord will flow.
For instance, a lot of people
who keep services in India, I notice them sitting on the floor: musicians,
women and men sit on the floor. Now I could not change that policy and tell
them to adopt Bethel principles and sit down on chairs. No, that would be going too far.
If that is their custom and they feel comfortable that way and they take off
their shoes by the door and then walk in there for their service, I am in full
agreement, and if I go there, I will take off my shoes and I will sit on the
floor also. There are certain things that you cannot re-adjust.
You go to India and
they would be playing certain instruments, and they would be beating a piece of
iron with another piece of iron. Now you just cannot go in there and tell them
not to do that. You would have to change that whole system. Now I will go there
and if I have to emphasize church order, I will try to take enough of the
principles of the prophet and Bible to get the Spirit of the Lord flowing in
the church. I preached in places where I had to move the dog. A big, strong dog
came and was jamming me. I watched it. I am not going to criticize it. After
awhile when I think that they seen the message, I said, ÒSet this church in
order! Get these dogs out of here!Ó And they straightened it up.
So you just cannot change
everything, but yet you have to implement everything that the prophet said in
order to woo
the Spirit of the Lord. Yes. You cannot have people just getting up and
walking out, right in front of the preacher, somebody feeding a child out there
and somebody eating food out there. All those things are unscriptural. They
have to wean out the unscriptural things that hinder the Spirit. You see, you
just cannot change and say, take Bethel custom. That becomes cultish, and from
the time people hear that you have to be like Trinidad. No, that does not sound
right. Now, you are going to be like Trinidad as far as the Word standard is concerned,
if you want the Holy Spirit in your midst, and you want an Outpouring of the
Holy Ghost, you have to get the presence of the Lord in the church. You must
get the presence of the Lord, because out of that presence of the Lord comes
forth the refreshing.
And you must cut certain things to standard, and the guideline is the prophetÕs
message. Now Bethel principles are based on the prophetÕs message, throughout.
So sometimes, you even have to
let certain things go until people catch a vision of that outpouring. Now you
go to a certain place, and you want to bend things here and bend things there,
before the people see the Word. You are going to get into trouble. Let the people see the
Outpouring. Let them see what you are saying, and then they would see the need
to adjust.
Bethel standards and policies and the flowing of the Spirit did not happen in a
day. It took some time. It took several years (if this is not saying too much),
that it wooed the Spirit of the Lord and we have a little heaven on earth here,
where the Holy Spirit comes and fellowships with us, and those that come and
those that see the streaming and the video, wonder how we can have a church
like that, that people hardly get up, to go to spit outside and sit down there
for three hours. It took the guidance of the Lord. It takes a little time to do
ÒShould we just go on and
preach E.O.D.H.Ó Yes, go on and preach the Truth. You have to cut that thing
and bring it in order if you want the Holy Spirit in there. So you got to
balance this thing.
Question # 784:
ÒThe prophet said as Gabriel brought the message in His first coming, so
Gabriel will bring the message in His second coming. Please explain how Gabriel
will bring the message?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution:
Quote W.M.B.: E-32 Now, these minor Angels comes, perhaps, it's
Angels with us, or comes to your--your humble servant. And that's probably a
minor Angel. But when Gabriel comes, brother, there's something really on the
road, something major going to happen. May... Gabriel announced the first
coming of the Lord Jesus, and Gabriel will announce the second coming of the
Lord Jesus. Amen. (About Jesus
The prophet of God said
perhaps it is those minor angels that come to me. Now I do not believe that.
Now that is the humility of the prophet and it is very simple to understand. He
said Gabriel
announced the first coming of the Lord; he will announce the second coming
of the Lord. Who is the man that announced the second coming of the Lord? Was
it not William Branham? The angel said you will forerun the second coming of
the Lord. Was not Gabriel associated with John the Baptist? Well then Gabriel
was associated with Brother Branham, who announced the second coming of the
Quote W.M.B.: E-31 Notice.
Now, when anything's going to happen on the earth, first, God sends a messenger.
And that messenger is anointed by an Angel. Now, sometimes minor Angels comes. There's
minor Angels and major Angels. Now, this Angel that came was Gabriel, Who
stands in the Presence of God. That was something major. And He came down. And
when Gabriel comes from heaven, remember, something's going to happen. Gabriel
announced the first coming of Jesus, Gabriel will announce the second coming of
Jesus. (Believest Thou This? 50-0716).
Something major is about to happen and that is the coming of the
Lord, and Gabriel was with Brother Branham, and he had many other angels with him.
some never heard this. But Brother Branham was in a certain room, and he was
talking to the angel, that always visited him, and his wife held the doorknob
to open the door. Something said that she cannot go in there right now, he is
speaking.Ó Yes, the angels of God encamp around those that fear his name.
Quote W.M.B. E-59 And
I looked up, and here came another Angel. This One standing by my side was the
same Man that always talks. And here come another One from heaven, and He had
great oscillating Light turned onÉHe said, "There's three hundred thousand
of those in that Branham meeting." And I pitched forward in the floorÉAt
that time, I had came to, and I heard somebody knocked on the door; it was my
wife setting thereÉshe said, "Can I come in?" Oh, I thought,
"That's strange. My wife asking me to come in." I said,
"Yes." She said, "I started in here three o'clock this
morning."ÉShe said, "There's Something told me not to go in there,
there was a vision going on." (Africa
Trip Report 53-1109).
firmly believe that, that was Gabriel who came to the earth and was with the
prophet, and Brother Branham had many other angels with him. You remember seven
of them picked him up at the event of the seals and took him up into the sky?
Question # 785: ÒThe seventieth week starts right after the Rapture.
So within that one week/seven years, what is the BrideÕs part in the midst of
the sky? In Armageddon war do they fight with blood and flesh? One of the
shepherdÕs messages says, they will fight. Tell me how?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: Now brother, the Bride passed the sky. They are not in
the sky. They are up in the seventh heaven, before the throne of God.
Revelation 7:14-15 <And I said unto
him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of
great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the
blood of the Lamb.
Therefore are they before the throne of
God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the
throne shall dwell among them.>
They are caught up into the
seventh heaven, and they are worshipping the Lord and going through different
things: planning the war of Armageddon and different love secrets, and all kinds of
different things and the Lord is revealing secrets to them, concerning this
Armageddon war.
they are comfortable, they are happy, and they are making plans, just like a
war general, will draw out all kind of war strategies and different things.
Tell them how to face the enemy and different things like that. Another reason
why they went up to heaven is to escape the wrath of God.
The Armageddon war, would it be a flesh and blood battle?Ó Not
altogether. It refers to one of my messages which says that they will fight.
Yes. ÒTell me how?Ó When the Lord comes back in the Armageddon battle, that is
Revelation 19, we are spirit beings, we already received our redeemed bodies
and our theophanies, and we are coming back to the earth for war, to fight
against flesh and blood, because the people here on earth are all mortals, but
they are a great army that is coming to attack Israel, and Daniel 12:1 says,
<And at that time shall Michael stand
up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there
shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation [even]
to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one
that shall be found written in the book.>
So now that is the time, because they are going to conquer
Israel, and Israel has no hope. God always stood for Israel when there was no
hope for them in the Old Testament. So here the skies open up, a big hole opens
up in the sky and then an army rides, coming to save Israel from this great
destruction, and fear fills the earth.
Òhow will we be fighting?Ó Look and see how our captain fought. Our captain
fought in a certain way.
Revelation 19:15, 21 <And out of his
mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations:
ÉAnd the remnant were slain with the
sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth:
and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.>
So now if that is how the captainÕs sword
is going to be used, then that is how the army is going to fight. Do not forget
that we have already received the spoken word, third pull ministry here.
that is not coming to an end after the rapture. No, we go into heaven and come
back down with the third pull, and that third pull goes through the millennium
and possibly through eternity, because Adam had that power to control nature by
the spoken word. Even after the rapture, in the millennium, we have these
manifested sons of God, and the spoken word is our power. So now the same way
that our LordÕs sword went out of his mouth, is the same way the spoken word
ministry will operate, to slay our enemies, and they will be conquered.
Question # 786: ÒThe prophet preached a message called ÔSuper signÕ.
It speaks about three curtains: iron curtain, bamboo curtain and purple
curtain. The iron curtain is Russia, the bamboo is China and the purple curtain
is Rome. In what way is China the bamboo curtain?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution:
Quote W.M.B.: E-39 There's three curtainsÉOne of them's called the
iron curtain, one of them the bamboo curtain (China and so forth, eastern). And
then there's a purple curtain. Don't fear the bamboo curtain or the iron
curtain; but be careful of that purple one. Better be careful. The antichrist
shall be so close to deceive the very elected. (Take On The Whole Armor Of God 62-0701).
Quote W.M.B. 177 As I've told you many years ago, "Watch
Russia."... There's three curtains; remember this. There is the iron
curtain. There is the bamboo curtain (Red China and so). And there's a purple
curtain; you watch that curtain; that's the deceiver. (Pergamean Church Age 60-1207).
Quote: E-62 I predict three
curtains. In the Name of the Lord, there's one called the Iron Curtain, which
will be Russia. Watch Red China. That'll be the Bamboo Curtain. They're horrible,
but watch that Purple Curtain that's rising in the United States and over the
world, the Roman Empire, the cruelest of all of them.
Remember in the Name of the Lord. Get
away from it. Come away from anything that's attached to it. Flee to the Rock.
The coming of the Lord is at hand. We need a conference. I need a conference to
talk these things over with God. The church is at the end of her road. Let us
pray. (Conference 60-1125).
the brother knows that Russia is the Iron Curtain and Rome the Purple Curtain,
but could not associate why Brother Branham would say that China has the Bamboo
Curtain. Now he was not speaking of all China, but Red China, which Red China
is also Communism. Watch Communism in Russia. An angel of the Lord told him in
Quote W.M.B.: 44 But the
Lord showed me a vision of the great powerful woman, in '33, 1933, it's on
paperÉAnd how that then the three isms (Nazism, Fascism, and Communism) would
all wind up in Communism. And how many in here remembers me just keep having
you stand, and say it over like that, "Watch Russia. Watch Russia, the
king of the northÉSee, what he would do, for all those isms will heap up into
Russia." (Laodicean Church Age
So you find that the worst out
of all of them is Rome. So when he said, ÒChina, Bamboo CurtainÓ, he is talking
about Communism
in China, because he specified and Red China. Red China has to do with
Question # 787: ÒWhat is the difference between Millennium life and
New Jerusalem city dwelling life?Ó
E.O.D.H. Contribution: In the millennium there are mortals that are living
outside of Jerusalem. There are mortals that did not die from the fires of God.
One third of the earth will be burnt, and there are mortals that will be spared
and likely it would be China and Russia, because they are the ones that burn
the earth, and burn Rome, and different things like that.
there will be people in GodÕs economy, that will be spared, and that will be two
thirds of the earth, and then JerusalemÕs area will be cleansed and sanctified
with fire, and then the New Jerusalem would not be in the millennium. It is
what you call the camp of the saints.
Revelation 20:7-9 <And when the
thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
And shall go out to deceive the nations
which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them
together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
And they went up on the breadth of the
earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down
from God out of heaven, and devoured them.>
Not New Jerusalem. They came
at the camp. So there is a camp of the saints, that the saints are going to set
up, in the millennium, and they will have a temple there, just like the Old
Testament temple, and they spend the millennium for a thousand years and we
will build houses and inhabit them (Isaiah 65:21).
Isaiah 65:19-20 < And I will rejoice
in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more
heard in her, nor the voice of crying.
There shall be no more thence an infant
of daysÉ>
That means that a
child would not die.
<É nor an old man that hath not filled
his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an
hundred years old shall be accursed.>
The sinners are going to die,
but not under a hundred years old. So men will go back and start living for
five, six, eight hundred, nine hundred years, nine hundred and ninety-nine
years, but they cannot fulfill the thousand years. So now it is going to be
restored like that, and outside of the city there is death, there are burials,
and there is sin. Now if that is not so then tell me where those people came
from, as the sand of the sea, with the same intention to destroy the saints?
Wicked enough, to come up there now. They had to live under the law.
was loosed after the thousand years, and went out to gather his subjects, from Gog
and Magog, as the sand of the sea, and then they formed this great army and
came up to destroy these eternal people, and fire came down from God out of heaven, and
devoured them.> (Revelation 20:9).
So now it will be a wonderful
time in the millennium. Now that is the millennium. The New Jerusalem did not
come down as yet. Read ÔFuture HomeÕ. At the end of the thousand years, then
comes down New Jerusalem and then that is the full cleansing of the earth
before New Jerusalem comes; the full cleansing of all sinners and the two
thirds of the earth is burnt, and then after that, the New Jerusalem that Jesus
went to prepare for us, now adorned as a bride for her husband, slowly descends
upon the earth. By that time the volcanic eruptions and everything will send up
something like a cone pyramid and then it eases down, maybe one inch in twenty
four hours, and keeps coming down. If it only shake it will break. And after it
sits upon this coned shaped mountain, it is going to be an eternal pyramid. No
more breaking. No more shaking, and every one of us in the Bride has a part in
that pyramid, and we live in the city, but the foolish virgins live outside the
city along with and all those that are redeemed. And the Jews will live outside
of the city, but near Jerusalem. They will also be in the millennium, with King
David (Christ) ruling in the millennium. So their promise is fulfilled.
Quote W.M.B.: 4-3 Now, I'm
speaking this morning on the "Future Home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and
the Earthly Bride": where they're going to live. (Future Home 64-0802).
Quote: 42-3 And in the
new earth, there is a new CitÉ Jesus said in John 14É I'm going to prepare a
place for you. In My Father's house is many mansions. In My Father's Kingdom is
many palaces." Christ is there under the construction of this New
Jerusalem nowÉChrist is in heaven today preparing the New JerusalemÉAnd Christ
is gone and is preparing a place (that's been on its construction for many,
many thousands of years), preparing a place. "And if I go and prepare a
place, I will come again, and receive you, that wherever I am, there you may be
also." Notice, the Redeemer and the redeemed. (Future Home 64-0802).
Quote: 43-4 Now,
the Divine Architect has designed a new City where He will live with His Bride,
just to Her touch. (Future Home
Quote: 58-1 Truly,
this is the City that Abraham was looking for. See? Being a prophet he knowed
that City was somewhere; the Bible said so. And he forsook the city he lived,
and he went over--and look where he went. Exactly where it will be. See? He was
looking for a City whose Builder and Maker was God, (see?) being a prophetÉ John saw it coming down, but Abraham thought it must be on earth right
then. Why? He met Melchizedek, the King of ItÉ and they took communion (Amen.) right on the
literal spot where the City will be raised up, the holy mountain of the Lord
where the redeemed'll live ... There will be streets of transparent gold, avenues, and houses, and
parks. (Future Home 64-0802).
Quote: 68-3 The
future home of the Groom and Bride, He's coming back...
[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... me to the wedding supper, it's going to be three
and a half days. Then return again in the millennium on our honeymoon, and then
He's going to bring the City into view, like the Bridegroom taking the Bride to
Her surprise. How the little Bride stands there in awe as She looks at Her
future home. And by faith today, Lord, we see it yonder. It'll be right here on
this earth. (Future Home 64-0802).
Quote: 56-4 The
City, it's not just a flat cube like this (See?), but it leans up so it can be
seen. And upon this holy mountain of the Lord, the Lord shall descend upon top
of His mountain. Here He is. That's the reason the Capstone wasn't put on by Enoch.
See? That's the reason the Capstone has to come now. And the mountain will be pushed up and
it'll be the mount of the Lord and in here will dwell the redeemed.
These avenues, and big freeways, as it
was, parks, and the River of Life will flow, run right through it. And every
house will be made of transparent gold, and the streets will be made of gold,
and the Trees of Life will be there and will bear twelve manners of fruit. (Future Home 64-0802).