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Question#319:   Heretical Article No. 208: 

"Are there no more preachers since the opening of the seals in 1963?"

Answer:Now these seeds were sown over there in the time of the opening of the Seals. People started getting all kinds of ideas. Go back to the great puzzle of the Seals. When you do that you are going to know where these questions and these heresies are arising from. Alright! hear Brother Branham.


Quote: 1106-Q-349 349. "Brother Branham, is it true that no one should preach but you? We have seen you ordain men. We don't believe you would do that if they were not to preach.

Mercy. Brother, sister, ever who told you that nobody's to preach but me, I'd sure be a poor subject to God with all that. No. Every man or that feels a call of God upon his life, get into the ministry and start preaching; we need them. Men of God are anointed all over the world to preach the Gospel. See? I'm just one little pebble on the beach among many big stones…Any man that's called of God needs to preach the Gospel." (Questions & Answers 64-0830m).

Now do you see that spirit? Do you see the seeds of heresies? Do you see these demons that were also loosed around the time of the opening of the Seals, which are insanity spirits? Two million demons from the Euphrates River were loosed; and that was to bring insanity in the religious realm.

People came into the message, they heard the opening of the Seals and these spirits started anointing them, if they were ambitious, if they had a superiority complex. If they came to that place where they always want to excel and be better than their neighbor and better than their brothers, such men have perfect grounds for those demons to come in. They will say, "I will show you that I will get brighter than the preacher that I sit under. I will show you that I could get brighter than the prophet that even brought that message." He wants to excel. Get away from that kind of ambition. If that is in you, that's a bedding ground for insanity!

Around Christianity we are not supposed to have competition! Preachers and believers are not supposed to compete with each other. That is why I don't believe in any kind of quizzing! It's a spirit of pride! It's sports! You cannot take the Word of God and turn it into a game! That's the bedding ground for demon possession.

That is how people get insane; that is how people make doctrines; that is how people make interpretations; that is how they build assemblies, and that is how they deceive people by the thousands and by the millions! It starts from one man's pride, where he just reads the Bible and gets an idea in his head, and begins to think that he was born for a special purpose upon this earth. Yes, to deceive people. And then he passes it on to his wife, and passes it on to his children, passes it on to his neighbor, and he gets a little congregation of ten people following and then a hundred, then a thousand, then a half a million, and the people win so much confidence in him as a servant of God. Then one day, he comes and says, "Let us drink poison." That was Jim Jones, right in Guyana here. Over eight hundred people perished.

Now, that is how those insanity spirits work. It starts from a human being. These things are not natural; these are demons; that man actually believes he is sent of God; he hears a voice; he feels a certain power come over him; he sees a light. Something speaks to the man and says, "Go my servant and do such and such and such." Insanity spirits are loosed. You've got to be careful of every voice that speaks to you, every vision that you see, every dream that you dream, and every sensation, friend. That is why God gave you a shepherd. You don't know this way. Take these supernatural things and run to your shepherd with it. Find out if that is of God. Give it the Word test.

Just as certain as that ministry was loosed at the opening of the Seals with Angels there was also fallen angels that came to the earth. And that is what we are finding today in the name of assemblies, and the message.

This is a fearful thing friend. Hear how the prophet of God is going to answer. This spirit is moving around the opening of the Seals. This man no doubt conceived that the Blood has come off the mercy seat; all is over; and there are no more signs and wonders.


Quote: 1106-Q-349 349. "Brother Branham, is it true that no one should preach but you? We have seen you ordain men. We don't believe you would do that if they were not to preach…"

Hear this humble prophet, giving this answer. Brother Branham said,

"…Mercy. Brother, sister, ever who told you that nobody's to preach but me, I'd sure be a poor subject to God with all that. No. Every man or that feels a call of God upon his life, get into the ministry and start preaching; we need them. Men of God are anointed all over the world to preach the Gospel. See? I'm just one little pebble on the beach among many big stones…Any man that's called of God needs to preach the Gospel." (Questions & Answers 64-0830m).

Do you hear how a humble man speaks? Brothers and sisters, we cannot evaluate the humility of that man. You are talking about that ministry that man had and the humility. And we could go a little further. Look at our Lord who "humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross…" Beloved, and the Bible said that, "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth (Philippians 2:9-11) because he humbled himself as no other man ever humbled himself." And look at that great man, used to open the Seals of God, will speak and say, "I'm only a little pebble upon the beach among many big stones." These men humbled themselves and bowed so low that they left no room for you and me to pass.

Hear the great words of Brother Paul. He said, "I am chief of sinners." I can't pass under that. He left no room for humility for me friend. He said, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief." I can't go higher than the chief. They humbled themselves and look how mightily God used those men.

Beloved, the truth of this is that the opening of the Seals did not stop preachers from preaching around the world and make Brother Branham the only preacher; neither did it close down the five-fold ministry, nor close the church of God. I tell you right here; the opening of the Seals laid the groundwork for a true five-fold ministry to come into existence. This five-fold ministry, we did not have in the Dark Ages, after the apostles and the disciples went to sleep. But the opening of the Seals brought into existence the groundwork for the five-fold ministry to come upon the face of the earth and be the manifested sons of God. They would be preaching what came from the 'Open Book.' So now instead of saying that 'there is no more preachers,' friends, the opening of the Seals opened the way for the world to see preachers just like the early church who came down from the upper room. That is what the Seals done.

Now, do you see how opposite man's thinking is? Man's thinking is that since the Seals were opened, there would be no more preachers. The Seals were opened to bring preachers on the scene.

Question#320:   Heretical Article No. 209: 

"Did evangelism cease at the opening of the seals?"

Answer:Hear Brother Branham again. These seeds are being sown. The devil was sowing his seeds soon after the Seals were opened. A man is asking Brother Branham a question:


Quote: 468-6 {81} 2. "Should evangelists continue on the field? In this hour, of course, what they mean. Certainly, by all means; don't change a thing. If Jesus is coming in the morning, preach today like it was going to be ten years from today, but live like it's going to be at this hour. Don't get scrupled up now…"

The prophet caught that spirit. People were going to get scrupled up; they were going to wind themselves off the beaten track. He saw that spirit there; he knew what was going to happen. He was very precautious in saying what he was saying. He said, "Satan is right here to catch my words, and to make an impersonation. Satan is right here now to misconstrue this thing and he could do great damage." Those spirits were sitting right in the Branham Tabernacle at the opening of the Seals, from the Euphrates River. Later, he was going to expose them as the false anointed ones in the end time. That is why he preached the message called, "False Anointed Ones in the end time." He knew that they were seated right there. He said "These false anointed ones arose immediately after the Seals."

Quote: "…Don't get scrupled up now. That's why I'm trying to warn you about. See? Just don't be odd, peculiar. Don't change nothing, but if you're doing something wrong, or doing evil, repent (See?), come back to God. Continue on your evangelistic service just as you always did. (QA. on the Seals 63-0324M).

Now the prophet had a full knowledge of what was going on, of these spirits there making doctrines. He said, "This is what I have been warning you about. Don't you get scrupled up. Listen to what I am saying. I am the man that the Lord used in the opening of the Seals; you don't know more than me; humble your heart. You are too proud; you are too intellectual; and I don't care about what kind of doctorate you have; that has nothing to do with the opening of the Seals and the message that God gave me. Behave yourself." The prophet warned them over and over. Did they listen to him? No. My brother, immediately all of them got bright. Everybody knew the Seventh Seal, and everybody knew everything. They took it around the world and have the people of God in the biggest mess ever. Now exposition of damnable heresies has gone out, to straighten the mess in the message. They are surprised; they are shocked that something like that could come after so many years, like a dream, and expose from 'captain to cook,' and then bring deliverance to many souls.

So here we are. Evangelism never ceased. No. Hear what Brother Branham said after the Seals in 1965.


Quote: 4 "I was getting pretty old, and I thought, "Will there be another revival, I'll see another time?" And just remember, from the west will come a white horse rider. We'll ride this trail again. That's right. Soon as we get ready. It's a promise." (God's Only Provided Place Of Worship 65-1128m).

And hear what he said in 1963 after the Seals


Quote: 6-3 "Now, I must continue in evangelism, just as I was commissioned first." (Look away to Jesus 63-1229E).

Brother Branham went on in evangelism. Don't forget, he had the goods for it. He met certain people in Africa that did not have the goods. They were trying to evangelize.


Quote: 304-2 "You haven't any business out on the field unless you are filled with the Holy Ghost and preaching the true Gospel in the demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost."(Church ages Book).

So you must be qualified as an evangelist if you are on the field. If you are qualified for evangelism go on and evangelize; don't stop it.

Friends, let me tell you something, the opening of the Seals did not stop evangelism. It opened the doors for end time evangelism, by a true five-fold ministry that will carry the gospel through out the world. It will take about three to six months to cover the entire world. That is how powerful this ministry is going to be, and they would be backed up by the third pull ministry of speak the Word power, signs and wonders. God is going to raise up preachers overnight.

Right now, there are gifted men sitting in India, sitting in China, sitting in Africa and sitting around the world, waiting for that outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Some of them are sitting in darkness and they don't know the truth but when they hear that Word of God, they will come alive, and they will respond. You heard how they support this ministry, even because their gifts came from heaven, and when they heard that truth, they repented. Yes, they say, "We are looking for another outpouring. There is going to be another harvest." You heard all those letters? [Congregation says, "Amen!"] Because they have true gifts.

Anyone who is a bastard born, or seed of the serpent, they cannot humble themselves. Satan could not humble himself to Michael the archangel. He had a jealous devil. Yes. "And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets." (1 Corinthians 14:32). And if you have a superior gift that is ministering the word of God, another gift, it will recognize that, and it will recognize truth. Yes, it would not fight that and it would not be jealous. No, it will confirm the truth and say, "I stand for that likewise." Then you know that is a true gift that came from heaven. These things are sweet. You don't know how much deliverance this is going to bring to God's hungry children around the world. Yes, "a full soul loatheth a honeycomb, but to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet." Yes, and bitter as this Word is, sharp, cutting and corrective, those hungry souls are taking it in. Yes. No matter how bitter the word is, if your soul is hungry, you'll cry for it.

So the seals opened up a door of evangelism, and it loosed the ministry of the Bridegroom, and under the Bridegroom is a five-fold ministry.

Do you know what ministry we are under right now? The ministry of the Bridegroom, the Word of God "Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him." I am preaching under the ministry of the Bridegroom, and in order to preach under that ministry, I must be in contact with the Bridegroom. The ministers here are under the ministry of the Bridegroom. The headship of this ministry is the Bridegroom, Christ the revealed Word.

A while ago, He came in here. The bridegroom came in here. You say, "What is He doing here?" He comes to see the Bride. Yes. I am only a little eunuch trying to dress the Bride, and I have no seed of my own. No friend. I make a way for the Bridegroom to plant His seed. Yes. Do you know that a eunuch don't plant his seed? He was born a eunuch: either castrated or made eunuchs of men, but then the King hires him to dress the Bride. Yes, and the King is the one who plants that seed. Yes, "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God." So it's not a man's interpretation - not a man's idea. It is the seed of the Bridegroom. So we are now under the ministry of the Bridegroom.

If you say you are under the ministry of the Bridegroom, He must come in His Holy presence and visit the congregation; then, when the Bridegroom comes in, the eunuch takes a corner, and asks for an excuse, ("Excuse me sir.") because the Bridegroom has come to meet the Bride. They have love secrets that they are going to talk.

Do you think that when Brother Branham preached that message called, 'The Invisible Union of the Bride and the Bridegroom,' do you think that he was just joking? No friend, it was the uniting of the Christ - the Bridegroom from the seals, who has come in an invisible form, to unite with the spirit of the Bride. "He that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit." (1 Corinthians 6:17).

You say, "Just who are you, Brother Bruce?" I am a little pebble on the beach, friends, who have found grace in the sight of God, to share a part of the ministry of the Bridegroom, among many of God little eunuchs. Around the world. So all that I'm trying to do is to make a way in your hearts, by preaching repentance, sanctification, and faith to you, declaring the ministry, declaring the Word, until the Holy Spirit comes and sow that seed in your hearts. That's your Bridegroom. When He sows that seed in your heart, you wake up and you come to life. If a little eunuch falls down and die, the ministry of the Bridegroom continues. The kingdom still goes on. The ministry of the Bridegroom still goes on until the rapture takes place.

Question#321:   Heretical Article No. 210: 

"Since the opening of the seals and the Parousia coming of Christ, should we discontinue communion and feet washing; 1 Corinthians 11 says that it should be observed until He comes?"

Answer:Do you see these seeds of discrepancy? Do you see these devilish seeds? Now here is a group now; they went a little higher than the people in the normal message who believe that 'all is over.' Now they caught on to what happened at the seals in a certain way. They realized that the Lord descended, in His presence. They are not talking about Jesus now, and we are not talking about Jesus walking on the earth. Basically, fundamentally, they are correct, just like you and I. Now these questions are coming from a different source. This group of people believes that at the opening of the seals there was a great event, and that is, the Bridegroom came in His presence, and He flooded the earth.

They went back to the Greek and they found a word called 'Parousia.' That word means 'presence of the Lord.' So they believe that the Lord came in His presence. Now that is absolutely correct. If the Lord descended from heaven in a shout and a voice, my brother, every stage of it is a greater anointing. The anointing of the shout was great, but the anointing of the voice surpasses that, and the anointing of the trumpet will be greater, insomuch that it will suck the dead from the grave. Power is building up. What you feel in this building is not a theory of the presence of the Lord. No, it's a reality of parousia.

There are people who preach parousia but have never experienced parousia. They have never experienced the presence of the Lord, but basically, fundamentally, theoretically, intellectually, they could look into the scripture and the message, and say that something took place at the opening of the seals. Now friends, the difference with the elected bride of Christ is that she has an experience of the presence of the Lord - parousia. You say, "Do you believe in parousia?" Of course I believe in parousia, but I don't believe in the nonsense that stems out of parousia, and I prefer to say 'presence,' because I'm speaking to English-speaking people. Several groups represent this teaching and made cults and heresies. Some have the right middle line.

Others go back to the Greek and the Hebrew to make it sound spiritual. Sometimes some of these Greek words carry a double meaning. And if the word parousia carries a double meaning, I don't have to come here and speak parousia and parousia to appear to you to be spiritual. I just use the double meaning in the English language. For instance like 'Logos' is a Greek word. Now instead of saying logos, to this congregation all the time, the meaning of logos is both word and Spirit, thought and word, the expression of God. If you say, 'Spirit,' it does not bring out the word 'logos,' and if you say, 'word,' it does not bring out the full meaning. But I could still use the two words and get you to understand what I am saying. Yes. After I get you to understand what I am saying then sometimes I will say, 'logos.'

When the Bible say, "In the beginning was the word." In other words, if you don't understand the double meaning, you could say, "In the beginning was the Bible." The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life. In the beginning was the living word. He was a person; the expression of God. So that brings out the meaning of 'logos.' Other than that, if you just use one part of it and you say, "In the beginning was the Bible, and the Bible was with God, and the Bible was God." No friends. This bible is the letter, and it is the expression of God. It was something living. It was just not the written word.

So now, parousia is the presence of the Lord, and they said that since the Lord came in His parousia, and He is here. Should we continue with feet washing and communion, because the bible said in 1 Corinthian and Mathew 26, that these things should be observed until he comes, and He came?" Now do you see how technical these Euphrates demons could be? So there are assemblies around the world that have discontinued communion.

I spoke to a man about feet washing. He said, "I don't even know what that is." And you belong to the message? He said, "I was thinking to have feet washing for a few years now you know." It's a big, big, big revelation to him. A next person believes that "Since the Lord came, no more communion, no more feet washing. Yes. You don't even have to baptize again in Jesus name. The Millennium started and the rapture is going on right now." So the millennium started and the rapture is going on now? According to their doctrine the millennium is before the rapture. Now, that is mental insanity friends, and that is why we find a lot of mad people around the world today. Insanity spirits are loosed.

I recently wrote a tract on "School violence - cause and cure." All these educators are beating their heads, 'Why the school violence, why the school violence." I brought out on that tract that they're mad. - Children are mad, tutors are mad, police are mad, and the governments are mad. That's the answer to the whole thing. And mad people are trying to correct mad people. So that is what is happening. I highly complimented them for all their great efforts in trying to curb school violence, but then, I went back to the days of Noah and I showed them that violence had filled the earth, and there was a reason why the violence had filled the earth. - It's a sign of pending judgment. And I let them know that there is no cure in the world for drug abuse! There is no cure whatsoever friend, for school rebellion! There is no cure for domestic violence, and there is no cure for all the sins in the world, outside of Jesus Christ! I challenge all the educators. I said, "Curb it if you can. You cannot. And I said, if that doesn't cure it, there is another cure, and that is, God is going to burn everyone of you in a lake of fire, because He sent a prophet called William Branham, and He promised to burn all the proud, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble. (Malachi 4: 1-6) Insanity spirits possessed many around the message.

After God give you mercy and you reject that mercy, there is only one option He's left with, and that is to destroy you! There is only one cure and that is in Christ. If you don't accept that cure, there's another one, and that is to burn you with fire. Yes. Some of those tracts need to go into the schools.

Now friend, 1 Corinthian 11: "Should communion be discontinued?" No! First of all, if you want to go right, after the seals were opened, did Brother Branham serve communion? [Congregation says, "Amen!"] Follow the prophet's example. The last that Brother Branham had, was a meeting called "Communion," in which he served communion, with some of the brethren who we know, and this is what he said:


Quote: 17 "Now, we only have three physical Divine orders left to us: one of them is communion, feet-washing, water baptism. That's the only three things. That's the perfection of the three. See? And that's the only three orders we have… Now, if we would say "the communion should just be taking the Word,"... Now, if we don't need water baptism, why are we baptized? …But we must take the water as a outward emotion that an inwardly work of grace has been done. See? So must we on communion." (Communion 65-1212)

So now, it shows that your understanding, whoever has that doctrine, is not Brother Branham's understanding. Okay, if you get 'dotish' (foolish), by trying to figure out the revelation, well look and see what the prophet done, and how he handled the thing after the seals. He continued to serve communion, by such examples know that your understanding on parousia, the coming of the Lord, is wrong. It was not talking about that coming. It was talking about his appearing in the sky to meet the Bride, because there are different comings.

There are three different physical comings: one, to die on the cross, His physical coming in His second coming, and then His third coming when He comes in judgment. Those are three physical comings. This here at the seals is something different. And I will tell you in these words; this is connection of son of man. All right let me infallibly prove that to you friends

What do the communion and the bread represent? Not the body of Christ, and the blood of Christ? As long as the blood and the body of Christ are on the altar of sacrifice, you have got to serve communion to represent the body and blood of the Lord on the altar of sacrifice. So now this is a seals related heresy, that removed the Blood from the mercy seat, thus, there is no reason to represent it here on earth. They don't understand that parousia coming, they are mixing that with the physical coming of the Lord.

Question#322:   Heretical Article No. 211: 

"Since Christ came in His Parousia (Presence of the Lord), is there no physical return in His second coming?"

Answer:Now that is a doctrine that is now preached in Australia. It's right on the internet, and this man there, preaches that "there is no physical return of the Lord Jesus Christ; He is already here." Could you imagine such?

This is a heresy; it is seals related, and it is a wrong understanding of what happened at the seals. Jesus never came here in his physical body called 'Jesus.' Alright, the first scripture that I will quote is 1 John 3:2. This is speaking of the coming of the Lord

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is."

That's physical, because it gives us an example that we are going to be here upon earth physically. Yes. Although we would have glorified bodies, we will be physical and we would see him in his physical glorified body. "When he appears…" That's the physical coming for the rapture.

Let me give you another scripture that will crown that off. I am quoting Acts 1: 9 -11:

"And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus…" Is that physical? [Congregation says, "Amen!"] "… which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."

So now it's a physical coming, and these people believe that there is no physical return of the Lord. I don't know how many people are following that. It's a terrible thing. Let us hear the prophet on that.


Quote: 13 "God said so. He'll send Jesus Christ the second time. He will come in a physical form." (Patriach Abraham 64-0207).


Quote: "Now, the next thing happens, is when it's all gathered up into that one Person, Jesus Christ, Bride and Body at the physical return of the Lord Jesus." (Christ is revealed in his own word 65-0822M).

Similar quotations (Perseverant 64-0305, Three kind of believers 63-1124E, Hear ye him 57-0310E, Hear ye him 60-0313, Jesus keeps all of his appointments 64-0418e & Sign of the time 58-0520).

Question#323:   Heretical Article No. 212: 

"Did Christ actually arose from the altar of sacrifice and take the Book? Did the blood leave the mercy seat at that time?"

Answer:He did not actually arise from the mercy seat, otherwise you and I would be lost, anytime the High Priest, (Jesus is our High Priest) leaves the mercy seat it becomes a judgment seat, so He is still there tonight any sinner could repent, any person could change around his life. He did not actually leave the mercy seat. Then if He did not actually leave the mercy seat, the blood never went off the mercy seat.

The High Priest is still in the holiest place. The High Priest is still behind the veil. Thank God for His grace. He will remain there until the last elect receives the out pouring of the Holy Spirit, that's what the prophet of God said. He remains there until the last elect is baptized into the Body of Christ. Yes, soon after that is the resurrection of the dead, because that outpouring brings the dead from the grave. He did not actually get up from the mercy seat, no, it was the descending of the Spirit of the Lamb.

Yes, because; preachers around the world in Message do not understand that; they deceive the people with all kinds of heresies. They have the people believing all kinds of heresies, which is; related to the Seals.


Quote: 124-5 {51} "When the Seals completely are broken, the time of redemption is over, because the Lamb left the intercession post to walk out to take His claims. He was a Mediator between that, but when the real revelation happens on the Seals as they begin to break, the Lamb is coming forth from the sanctuary… He's not a Mediator then." (The First Seal 63-0318).


Quote: "God isn't just going to hunt and take for himself a few thousand people of this age. It's the very elected out of every age! And that's the reason Christ has to stay on the Mediatorial seat back there as an intercessor until that last one comes in at the last age." (Seals Book 18-24/3/63 Pg.132).

Similar quotations can be found on: Seals Book 18-24/3/63 Pg.136, Pg.152-153, Pg.166, Pg.233 and Pg.233-234).

Question#324:   Heretical Article No. 213: 

"Is mercy over since the opening of the seals?"


Quote: 1105-Q-348 348. Brother Branham, some say mercy is over and no one can be saved…it seems some are still finding mercy. "Is mercy over?" Don't never think that... Mercy's--the doors are open. See?... Mercy is always open... And now, where I think you get it, is about the finishing of the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals being loosed... God's still got mercy open.…God will do the stopping when it's time to stop." (Questions And Answers 64-0830m).

This is another seals related heresy. Absolutely not! The prophet of God said "No!" right on your Seals book, he said "The, grace period is not over," No! Page 558, "It is not over." Well, how could the prophet of God say that the seals are opened, and the grace period is not over? He had to know something. The prophet of God had to know something, about the descending of the Lord, which he did not explain to the people. Because he did not explain that to the people, forty years of heresies, lead to the seals, and are based upon that puzzle. This is right now in the Message. How we should thank God! How on earth friends, are they ever going the straighten that? They got to humble their hearts.

Question#325:   Heretical Article No. 214: 

"Is the Blood only in the Word now and not on the altar of sacrifice?"

Answer:This is another heresy. When they could not untangle the puzzle, they said; what happened is that: "The Lamb left the mercy seat, but the blood is now on the Word." It sounds nice, doesn't it? I believe that the Blood is in the Word, but, before you could

Yes! You want to tell me that; "Here is a priest, in the Old Testament time, and he has a copy of the Law, the writings of Moses, and the high priest leaves the inside of the veil; and when the priest leaves inside of the veil, this priest over here, would say "Now, by this we have mercy, by this we have atonement, and by this now, the Blood is in this book here now." No sir! "The letter killeth but the Spirit giveth Life." He will be a contrary priest. But if while the High Priest is inside of the inner veil, and this priest is on the outside here, and is pleading "Mercy, mercy, mercy" and telling the people about a great day of grace, he would be correct.

Before you could claim the Blood is on the Word, the Blood has got to be upon the altar of sacrifice. It is true friend that, the Blood runs from the Word of God into the prophet. Now, don't be stumbled friend; the Blood is in the Word, because we are not dealing with the chemistry of the Blood, but we are dealing with the Spirit of the Blood. That Spirit is in the Word, but the Word is in the prophet; you cannot find the Blood until: you come in contact with the prophet. My God! Yes! You cannot come in contact with the Blood until; you come in contact with the message of the prophet. Yes! And then in order for you to find the Blood, you have got to have a man, who has a revelation of the Son of man. When he gets a revelation of the Son of man; he now has the living Word in him, and in that man has the Blood. When you hear that man, and believe that message from that man; you receive the Blood Seed in your heart. Now, the Blood is applied through the Word. Now that is why, Jesus could have told the apostles, He said, "Whosoever sin you remit, they are remitted unto them, and whosoever sin you retain, they are retained unto them." Even because those apostles were carrying the Word of God, with the Spirit of the Blood, and when the people accepted them, and received a revelation, the Blood was applied; and if they rejected them my brother; the blood could not be applied. I know that is deep doctrine, but that's the truth. Alright, so many people pleading the Blood, "We plead the Blood, we plead the Blood, we plead the Blood." Where is the Blood? The Blood of Calvary my friend, dried up at the Cross, and became dung, and it became manure. Where is the Blood? You said, "It is in heaven." Well, apply it and let me see. On the book called Indictment 63-0707, the prophet said: Quote: 18-2 "they confess that they believe the Blood, but they reject the very plan to get to the Blood, the Word."

Tell me you are going to enter into heaven without hearing a Son of God. Plead the Blood, go into your bedroom; read your Bible and plead the Blood. The Blood is in the revelation, and I will tell you what revelation it is in; the revelation of the Son of man. That's the time you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and you drink his Blood; it is when you get a revelation of the Son of man; you eat the message, and you drink the blood, because you receive the Word, and you receive the Spirit. That's the time.

In order for the Blood to be on the Word, the Blood got to be on the altar of sacrifice, that's another explanation they give, about; what happened at the opening of the Seals.


Quote: E-2"There was a request for something, and I'm offering my prayer along with theirs. By faith now we're coming up to the great ivory throne of God. There as we see the Blood of the Lord Jesus laying there upon the altar to make sure that our request is answered." (Greater than Solomon is here now 63-0605).

Similar quotations can be found on: When their eyes were opened 64-0416 and Masterpiece 64-0705.

Question#326:   Heretical Article No. 215: 

"Has the mercy seat become a judgment seat since 1963?"

Answer:Absolutely not! Because the Lamb is still on the Altar of Sacrifice, atoning for your sins and mine, otherwise all of us would be lost. But he is still there and the Lord Himself descended. Isn't He wonderful? (Congregation says Amen) At one time they could not find a sacrifice and the Lord became that sacrifice and He went to Cavalry. The only one that was holy and sinless, was God himself and He came down and spoke a body into the womb of Mary and then a Son was born, then the Lord jumped into that Son and He went to Calvary and was crucified. When our sins came upon Jesus, God jumped out because He is a sinless God. And when the Lord realized that, He said: "My God, My God why has thou forsaken me". "I forsook you because you became sin and you became the scapegoat bearing the iniquities of the people. That is why I jumped out. I am not associated with sin. But now, what I am going to do here, because you became a sinner and a scapegoat, I am going to send you to hell for the sins of the people." That is why Jesus went to hell, because He became a sinner, all sinners have to go to hell. Don't you realize that children? Jesus, you became a sinner, I am going to send you to hell now. Oh my! The great plan of God.

Alright, "I will go to hell for the peoples' sin." He went down to hell, for the sins of the people and then the Lord looked around, He said now a man went down there for your sins. I am going to take His righteousness and give it to you. The Bible said: "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." (2 Corinthians 5:21). Isn't that a wonderful thing? It's a wonderful thing. When did He become sin? He became sin at Calvary. Yes, when He became the scapegoat and He was to go to a far away destination carrying away the iniquity of Israel and the sins of the people and that far away destination was in hell a strange region, but even in hell He made trouble. Oh my God! Even in hell He was the Son of Prosperity, yes, and like Joseph in prison, that while he was in prison God prospered him. So our Lord visited the prisons of Satan and the Lord prospered Him even in the prison, way down there and because of His intervention, He delivered the Butler and left the Baker in prison. So those people that were disobedient in the days of Noah were the Baker. The Butler was set free and stood before the king. Oh my God! God is good.


Quote: 332-3 {394}"While I believe, with all my heart, the seat's still open. I believe He's still on the throne of God, but soon He's going to rise …then intercession is over. He's off the throne. There's no more Blood on the mercy seat, and then what is it? Judgment seat." (The fourth seal 63-0321).

Quote: 92 "Now, is the day of mercy…And the reason today that there is mercy, is because the mercy seat is sprinkled with an atonement: Blood…But when the church is raptured, the mercy seat becomes a judgment seat. (Rev.Chap.4.Pt.3.Throne.Mercy 61-0108).

Question#327:   Heretical Article No. 216: 

"Did the Lamb leave the mercy seat, and after opening the seals, return to it?"

Answer:No! That's a big joke. Friends, He could not do that. It is quite contrary to the scriptures. Yes, and this doctrine belong to a man in North, Trinidad and that's a mad prophet, "initiating the third pull," crowing like a cock, and prophesying falsely.


Quote: "Therefore as long as there was one name that had never yet been declared in earth, Christ had to stay on as an intercessor to take care of that name. But as soon as that final name has been splashed in that Clorox bleachthen His intercessory days were over." (Seals Pg. 126)

Question#328:   Heretical Article No. 217: 

"Are these "eighth messengers" now God's mercy seat, since the Blood left the mercy seat at the opening of the seals?"

Answer:Now you see these doctrines friends. All are Seals related. Now, there are men who arose around the world trying to explain and to untangle that puzzle. What did they say? They said: "The Lamb did leave the Mercy Seat, but the Blood is on the Word, since the Blood is on the Word, it is given to me - the Eighth Messenger and now I am the Altar of Sacrifice, now the atonement belongs in me." That is Vin Dayal's doctrine and many other false prophets like him around the world who claim to be the Mercy Seat of God and in one instance people said that He is the Spotless Lamb. It's blasphemy.No man is the Spotless Lamb; the Spotless Lamb is on the Altar of Sacrifice, right tonight, making atonement for our sins. We thank God for His mercies. We thank God, friends. Where would we have been if the Blood had left the Mercy Seat in 1963? We would all be going to hell. Yes, but thank God for His grace to us; our names were on the Lamb's Book of life, and the Lamb had to stay right there, and He said: "Brother, so, and so, did not come in yet. Sister so and so did not come in yet.That next Brother did not come in. That Pentecostal Preacher did not come in yet. That person who is smoking marijuana did not come in yet. That certain fellow did not come in yet. I got to stay right here. Their names are on the Lamb's Book of Life." And the Bible said: "He is the good Shepherd and He knoweth His sheep by name."

While He is there on the Altar of Sacrifice, He knows exactly the number that came in and He knows who has to come in yet. He said: All that the Father has given me, will come to me, no man can pluck them out of my hand. He is waiting right there, while we are getting hurry. He said there is another million to come in; I have to send out a great Ministry through an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and when it goes out there, It is going to wake up those other people. They are too stooped in sin. They are bound by marijuana, cocaine; some of them are dying with Aids. I have to go out and get them; they are so bound by the devil, even like Legion. It demands my personal attention.

I am telling you that and this is going to be the Lord himself inside of the Bride here. He is coming to glorify Himself. There have to be these kinds of cases for the Lord to glorify Himself. How many would like to see a thousand Aids patients healed [Congregation rejoices] I want to see that. All Aids patients are not adulterers and fornicators they are victim of circumstances. …The iniquities of the fathers have fallen up the children. Fifteen million children in certain parts of Africa alone are born from Aids, friends, God is concerned about them. This Ministry is getting ready to go out, it is going out and the Lord will glorify Himself.

There are people crying, they are thirsty, they are waiting, they want to see something real, and the Lord is sending this thing out. He will break the Seventh Seal to the public. When this Seventh Seal goes out to the public, the Lord is going to confirm that William Branham was truly Elijah the Prophet, and He would confirm that the Lord did come in 1963, and He did descend from heaven.

Question#329:   Heretical Article No. 218: 

"Some teach that Jesus could not be upon the altar of sacrifice, if the seals are opened. What is the true understanding of this subject?"

Answer:Now beloved, the people who teach and believe this doctrine knows about Leviticus 16. They are looking at the idea that if the High Priest is inside of this Holiest place and he leaves then it means that there is no blood on the Mercy Seat and the Mercy Seat becomes a Judgment Seat. Lawfully they are correct, by reason, they are right, because as long as the high priest is inside of there with the blood, there is mercy. When he comes out, there is judgment. Thus, if the Seals are opened, it means that the High Priest, Jesus, The Lamb, left the Holiest place, came out and took the book and revealed the Seals. In their thinking, it is either we have the opening of the seals and Jesus left the Mercy Seat, or that the Seals are not opened and Jesus is still there as our mediator. What makes this thing so puzzling is that the prophet of God in the Seals pages 97…99 dramatized where the Lamb, left the mercy seat came forward took the Book, opened the seals and revealed them. Then at the end of every message, he made an alter call and he said, "Far as I know the Lamb is still on the mercy seat tonight." He said, "Repent while the blood is still there." Now, this is a case to be pitied, because here is the same Prophet on the same seal book, saying and dramatizing about how the Lamb came from the inner veil and opened the seals, the mediatorial work is finished, the blood went off the mercy seat. The same Prophet right down to the end of the book, has a dozen quotations telling you that the blood is still on the mercy seat, he continued to preach from that time on until he died, making altar calls saying that Christ is on the altar of sacrifice and called people to repentance while the blood is on the mercy seat. Now Brothers and Sisters the puzzle is right in the message, the Angel of the Lord told him to say things in such a way that it will cause some to ponder, and for others to leave.

How do we sort out this thing? Right at the opening of the seals they started figuring it out. One fellow say after the seals grace will be over. Their thinking was justified as far as natural reason is concern. Do you know that puzzle in the seals became the greatest stumbling block to the followers of Malachi four, for the past forty years? Upon that lack of revelation most of the heresies are made! To try to figure out how the seals could be opened, and at the same time the Lamb is on the mercy seat, now, this misunderstanding and lack of revelation concerning that subject gave rise to most of the heresies that are related to the seals. In the message there is a puzzle, that was not explained by Brother Branham. You say, "The Prophet should have explained that." Tell God about it; because Jesus went to the public and he preached all those parables and never told them nothing about them. I am saying, this here is a puzzle in the message and forms the basis for most seals related heresies, which has come to full maturity within forty years. Heresies like the millennium already started, rapture already took place, blood is off the mercy seat, the grace age is over, and the resurrection is past. Hymenaeus and Philetus! Do you see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen!"]

People actually believe that the rapture is taking place. They actually believe that the millennium started. They actually believe that Branham was the coming of Christ! Yes! And how are you going to figure this out? It is placed there in such a way, to scatter everything that is not elected.

Beloved if this revelation had not come to me by another servant of God, and if I had not brought that revelation to you, we would be reasonably believing that the blood is off the mercy seat, and maybe the rapture has already started, and there is no mercy for anybody again. We would be a mad bunch of people, but let me answer this question, which I could not answer in time past.

How on earth the seals could be opened and the blood is still on the mercy seat? How? People try to figure that out, and some of them went into the insane asylum, some made themselves antichrist, by all kinds of doctrine. Those are the kinds of heresies and questions we are dealing with, to show you the heresies that are related to the seals and a lack of revelation, of how the seals came opened and the Lamb is still on the mercy seat.

How do you unravel the tangle? The connecting link is the Son of Man: "except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you": the revealing of the Son of Man, the connecting link is the ministry of the Son of Man, when you start understanding about the Son of Man, then it will unravel that tangle that is in the message. Outside of that you will figure out with your head, many things. One fellow said that the Lamb left the mercy seat, ran outside, opened the book and ran back inside. But then you have got to let it run in the scriptures, Hebrews nine said that He entered once into the Holy place and He don't have to enter two and three times like the high priest used to come in every year. But after Jesus made one sacrifice He went in there and made the atonement He doesn't have to go in back there. So now that disarms that interpretation. Now the connecting link is the Son of Man. The mystery of that puzzle is wrapped up in the descending of the Lord in a shout and in a voice. And it is solidly based upon the scripture which says and the Lord himself, not the Lamb; the Lord himself shall descend from heaven, friends if the Lord himself descended from heaven, then Jesus is still on the altar of sacrifice. The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and the voice of the archangel, and the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet him, Jesus in the air. The Lord himself descended in a shout and in a voice and a trumpet and the dead in Christ shall rise before we see Jesus appear in the heaven.

The plan of God is sweet and great. If He descended from heaven himself, then there was another part of him that remained wherever it was supposed to remain. That is so wonderful. You know one time the Lord borrowed the body of a certain man's wife, though she was already engaged to a man? It would have looked real bad and brought a lot of reproach upon the woman, her family and the husband, though it pleased the Lord to have borrowed that body to bring forth the first coming of the Lord.

Now the Lord, Brother, He is creator of heaven and the earth and He does some borrowing. One time, He wanted a donkey to make His coming fit the scripture, and He sent His disciples and He said, "Go across there and borrow that donkey, and if any man ask you why are you loosing the donkey, then tell him that the Lord hath need of him." But that was to fulfill the actual coming of the Lord; and it was recorded in scripture that "He was going to come on a donkey and a young donkey following." So the Lord does some borrowing at times. Yes, great is our God.

When the Lord descended from heaven He left that next part of Himself upon the altar. What is the use of the Lord descending to redeem the bride, get her born again, give her the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, bring the dead from the grave unless there is a blood sacrifice atoning there for full redemption? Redemption is by the Blood. The Blood has got to remain there to save the people from their sins. The blood has got to remain there until the outpouring comes, the Blood has got to remain there friends until Israel is saved, a hundred and forty-four thousand, and the Blood has got to remain there until the dead come from the grave, because we are redeemed by the Blood, and the redemption of the body is the final stage of redemption, so, it is wrapped up in that mystery. And then there is a greater mystery on the earth since the opening of the seals, that only belongs to the elect, see? It's wonderful! It's glorious; it is hidden under the seventh seal.

"Preacher you are still not coming to the point of how the seals got opened, because the Lamb have to leave the mercy seat, he has to come out and take the book and open up the seal. We want to hear that. Don't dodge us." I don't dodge. No! I'm straight to the point. It's glorious. Only if the people had known this when the seals were opened, they would not be in the mess that they are in today.

Beloved, the truth of this is that the Lamb knew what was in those seals before it was actually opened. God knew what was in those seals before it was actually opened. He knew it before the foundation of the world. But man did not know that. William Branham did not know that, and when the Spirit of the Lord descended from heaven, the Spirit of the Lord had that knowledge and He gave it to His prophet. And the prophet broadcast it unto us. The truth of this matter, it was not Jesus who descended but it was the Spirit of the Lamb. And the Spirit of the Lamb anointed a man called William Branham and he preached the seals. He stopped at the last one and he said, "I cannot go any further, this has to do with the coming of the Lord."

Now that coming of the Lord is the thing that really made it a puzzle, and the only way they would ever understand about that great puzzle in the seals is when the seventh seal is broken to the public.

Then it would become clear to them, it is not the Lamb, the man Jesus but it is the spirit that dwelt in the Lamb, which was God himself. And the Bible said that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, which means redemption, reconciling, buying back, bringing back. That God who was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, descended from the heaven in a shout and with the voice of the archangel, and the work of reconciliation is still going on up to now. The bible said, "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first." So that puzzle tied up in the descending of the Lord. Let the whole world know, that at the opening of the seven seals, the Lord Himself descended from heaven. Now when He descended from heaven more of His presence came to the earth. Friends, anywhere the true revelation of the seals is being preached you will find that presence of the Lord.

There are other connections with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God, but that is not our subject. This is the truth of the matter. Do we now understand the Day of Atonement with the connection of the seals? Do we now understand this great puzzle in the message, of how He could be on the altar, and yet the seals are opened? It is the seals foretold, before that great dramatic thing that we read about in the 4th and 5th chapter of the book of Revelation. Now when that dramatic thing goes on there, it is about time that the rapture takes place. Jesus walks out of the Holiest place, comes to claim what He purchased and He appears in the heaven. That is how plain it is. When He walks out of that Holiest place, He used His authority as the redeemer and appears in the clouds. By that time the Lord who descended already took care of the bride and brought her to perfection by a five-fold ministry.

Unless you come to a recognition of the Lord here upon earth, you will never see Jesus in the heavens

Question#330:   Heretical Article No. 219: 

"The Angel of Revelation 10:1 who appeared at the seals, is He going to the Jews in a gentile messenger?"

Answer:No! The Jews only receive their people. The Jews will receive the Jews.


Quote: 67 "Revelations 11 appears right there…two witnesses, Moses and Elias, prophets; which the Jews only believe their prophets".(Recognizing Your Day 64-0726m).

Alright let me get those little quotations. It takes a lot of time when you read those little quotations, but I want to anchor you on the word. I want you to know that these are not my thoughts friend. It is the truth of God's word that this is the message of the Lord that Brother Branham preached. It may be strange to those who were never exposed to some of these things, but you are a people well taught.


Quote: 72-1 {29} "Revelations 10 ... I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow... upon his head,...If you notice that's…He's directly coming to the Jews now, for the Church… has been raptured, or fixing to be raptured. He comes for His Church." (The Breach 63-0317E).

Revelation 10:1 stood upon land and sea and He is going to the Jews. "Is this fellow altogether a man?" No! He is an angel, Oh my Lord! How many knows that the angel of the covenant led the children of Israel out of Egypt land? [Congregation says, "Amen!"] How many know that it was an angel? And to show you the difference, that Revelation 10:1 is not a man, Joshua looked over Jordan and seen the Angel standing there, and he went over to fight the Angel. And he ran across there and said, "Are you on our side or the enemy's side?" And he drew his sword. But then this man had a drawn sword in his hand (a little book opened in his hand). Revelation 10:1 standing there, He said, "But nay, as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come." Revelation 10:1 is captain of the host friends, and you cannot fight him.

He is not going to go in a gentile messenger. No! Moses and Elias will be Jews.


Quote: "512-5 33. "God sends always to His own people. See?... When God's dealing with the Gentiles, there's no Jewish prophets. When God turns back to the Jews, there'll be no Gentile prophets. See? See what I mean? (Q/A. On The Seals 63-0324m).

Alright, if you want to find this Angel here who we are speaking about going to Israel, that is the 7th chapter of the book of Revelation. "And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God." Is that right? That's the same one.

Question#331:   Heretical Article No. 220: 

"Revelation 10:1, a rainbow was over the head of the mighty angel; what is the meaning of this? Some place this Angel at the White Throne Judgment."



Quote: 26-2 "he saw this Angel come down, put his foot on the land and on the sea (That was Christ.)…He had a rainbow over His head yet; that's a covenant. He was a Covenant Angel, which was Christ, made a little lower than the Angels to suffer. (Souls in prison now 63-1110M).

Alright, Revelation 10:1; somebody places it at the White Throne Judgment. Now it looks very well that way, because it is so majestic: one foot standing upon the land and one upon the sea. And it makes it look like something gigantic, but God always fool men, that when they look for something great, big and intellectual, and think that if this message of Brother Branham was true, it would cover the world, and everybody would know about it. That is man thoughts.

Christ and John the Baptist came to the world and only a handful of people, in one Nation, knew it. So the whole world doesn't have to know it. The elect is going to know it. God comes to the elect; not to convince all these Gentile dogs who rejected the Word of God. Jesus Christ came, and He went down to Samaria and told His disciples, not to go and evangelize anywhere. There was one people to receive it. So all these kind of fantastic things about putting it on the radio, send it throughout the world, through the television, and collect millions of dollars is not the plan of God! A servant of God must be led to do anything like that, and when it is done the Lord will bless it.

So it is not the judgment throne. It is confirmed that Revelation10:1 is here now upon the face of the earth, at the opening of the Seals because He has the Seals Book in His hand. That is not the book of judgment that the Lord is going to open up with the names over there and all these things. This here is the Seals Book, and is not going to be at the white throne judgment there. This is now. From all the quotations and the scriptures, it is now; but He is in a judgment attire, and He is getting ready to judge the world for the rejection of the message of Malachi 4. That is why He came down in a judgment attire; in order to judge the world for the rejection of the message of the hour.

Question#332:   Heretical Article No. 221: 

"Does that rainbow have to do with the opening of the seven seals? How important is it? Eighth messengers claim that ministry and profess to have their pictures taken with the rainbow?"

Answer:Yes, we have one in Trinidad, by the name of Vin Dayal, who claims to have a picture with the rainbow. My friends, he is an impersonator. It's a devil's rainbow! That is what it is, a devil's rainbow! You could have whatever rainbow you have and pervert the Word of God, you are possessed of one of these fellows from Euphrates. Preach the doctrine that he preaches, claiming that he is a dove led eagle. He is lead by Satan himself. Yes! Pervert the holiness message, pervert the dressing, and pervert all the holiness standards of the message. You are an incarnated devil from hell! You say, "Preacher, where do you preach like that?" Right here, and some places around the world now, and the elect of God loves it.

"Does the rainbow have to do with the opening of the Seals; how important it is? Some people claim to have the rainbow and have their picture taken out with the rainbow." Friends, the rainbow at the opening of the Seals has to do with a covenant, because we are dealing with a covenant Angel. The Bride of Christ is now supposed to be under the ministry of the covenant Angel. He is Christ, not Santiago. He is not Vin Dayal. He is not a man. A thousand men could fall down and die, the Angel of the covenant is waiting over the Jordan for us to take the Promise Land.

Every night He comes in here friends, He comes to inspect you to see if you are ready for that outpouring. He wants to know if you are fed up with this world, and with the things of this world. Fed up with your job, fed up with the school, fed up with the public, fed up with the neighborhood, and inside of you is praying to get out of here. And He's going to put a mark upon all those that sigh and cry for the abomination that is done in the city! We are tired of this sin cursed world. The Angel of the Lord comes by and He wants to bring that outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon you.

"How important is this rainbow in connection with the Seals?" Most important. Every believer of the message who does not come under the rainbow-covenant today, is tribulation bound. You have got to come under this rainbow-covenant ministry of Christ! Yes, and then under that rainbow covenant friend, He will reveal the seven thunders, because that is where the thunders proceed from, the covenant Angel, who is Christ,

Question#333:   Heretical Article No. 222: 

"What is time no longer at the opening of the seals? Does it mean Revelation 10:1 is fulfilled after the thousand years reign?"

Answer:Well, this is a smart question. If an Angel came down and swore that there is time no longer, this is smart enough to understand that the thousand years reign is still time. Does this mean "at the end of the thousand years that this Angel of Revelation 10:1 is going to come down and swear that there is time no longer?" No, it does not mean that. All that this means is that when that Angel comes down upon the earth and swear that time is no longer, he is swearing away gentile time. Now let me show you how perfect that is. Brother Branham said that Revelation 10:1 comes to the Jews, and He is actually going to the Jews. According to the Bible, God don't deal with the gentiles and the Jews at the same time. So now, that is why this mighty Angel has to swear away time. What is He swearing away? He is swearing away the time that is given to the gentiles, which is seven church ages.


Quote: 76-2 {54} "Notice--this Book is not revealed until the church ages and denominational ages has run out, and there's time no more. See it? It's only revealed after church ages and denominational ages has run out." (The Breach 63-0317E).

The period of repentance for the gentiles is getting ready to be closed and shut off at that time, and Daniel seventieth week is getting ready to start. I believe that there are seven more years left for the Jews, and it starts when the blood leaves the mercy seat. Not many people believe that. There is an old man here, Brother Narinesingh. The first time I met him he said, "What do you believe about Daniel's seventy weeks?" He said, "I believe that it is seven years left." I said, "I believe the same thing." He said, "I believe in an outpouring of the Holy Ghost." I said, "I believe the same thing." Definitely! And that's the truth.

Daniel seventieth week starts immediately when the gospel is turned over to the Jews. Now hear the grace of God to us. Do you know that Angel of Revelation 10:1 belongs to Israel? Beloved, the Lord loaned us this angel because of Israel's backslidings, and He is going to work amongst the gentiles until the gentile's times are finished. And around that time, "And out of Zion…" which is always the Bride, "…shall come forth the deliverer and turn ungodliness away from Jacob", which is Israel. Now do you see how lovely it is? Isn't the scripture sweet like honey? The Word of the Lord is sweeter than the honey in the honey comb. Yes my brother, it's sweet. To think of this revelation; it's perfect.

You shouldn't have any doubts, you shouldn't have any fears. I am telling you that the Word of the Lord is precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little. And when you see that Word line up precept upon precept like that, we are expecting another outpouring of the Holy Spirit. According to Isaiah 28, when you see the Word come together like that, and fit together, precept upon precept, here a little there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept, he said what is going to happen is that the Lord will send forth the rest, which is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. He said, "And about that time, people shall go and fall backwards and they will even deny the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

In such a time and such an hour, God has loaned us this Angel. I think He is just beautiful. He loaned us this Angel. So when the time is completed with the gentiles, the Lord gave a warning that he is going to swear away this time. Now, out of Zion shall come forth the deliverer. Who is that deliverer? Michael the Archangel. Twelfth chapter of the Book of Daniel: "And Michael the Prince shall stand up for His people, and there shall be a time of trouble as never was since the earth began, nor ever shall be." Michael is that deliverer, and He is coming now to Israel. He is that same sealing Angel from Revelation 7, now flying to Israel when He gets done with the gentiles. He will seal 144000. The gentiles could cry how much they want, there will be no mercy given them, but they will be getting the plagues from Moses and Elias for three and one half years. Plagues will fall, throughout the world, upon this proud gentile world. Yes, my beloved. Let every soul under the hearing of my voice, "Repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins."

Oh my Lord, my God, I believe it. I accept it my Lord, I believe it. Yes! Friends, that swearing away of time, I tell you, we are getting away by the skin of our teeth, that the Lord has called us as the eleventh hour gentile workers, into the vineyard. The eleventh hour gentile worker was called in and received the same pay; my God! They received the same penny like those who worked from the morning. Yes, it's the same outpouring like those that receive it on the day of Pentecost; the eleventh hour gentile worker received the same outpouring in the last day. Glory to God! Yes my friends.


Quote: 37 "Now, the seventh angel's Message is to open the mystery of the Seals, calling the eleventh hour Gentile workers to receive the same pay that the first hour workers got…It's so perfectly, how the first hour messengers with the Word, with the Gospel, with the Truth, they came in at the day of Pentecost… And then there is to be an evening time Message, and to receive the same thing that they did at the beginning. The evening time Message is to restore back again, to bring back that same thing again." (Recognizing your day 64-0726M).

Question#334:   Heretical Article No. 223: 

"Are there fourteen seals: Seven within the Book and seven on the backside of the Book?"

Answer:This heresy of 14 seals, is based upon an assumption of the prophet on his message, "Sirs is this the time?" The very title indicates an enquiry into the subject of the loosing of the seals. From careful study of this message, which preceded the Seals, it is evident that Brother Branham himself was not certain about his mission in Arizona USA. He even assumed that he maybe killed by a blast. It turned out differently. Likewise, the prophet assumed that there were 7 seals within the Redemption book and 7 at the back of the book. He understood better after the loosing of the seals, and corrected that misunderstanding and never mentioned it again on none of his messages. He said later in correction that, he thought that it was that way, but it was not.


Quote: 30-1 "The seven seals that we're trying to speak of when I come this time, is the seven written seals…But there are seven other seals that's on the back side of the Book…outside the Bible. (Is This The Sign Of The End Sir 62-1230).


Quote: 83 "I always thought it was sealed on the back of the Book and it'd be something wasn't wrote in the Book; but it turned out that it was made known that He cannot do that. It isn't something that's written in the Book." (Spiritual food in due season 65-0718E).

"And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals". (Revelation 5:1).

Some have established this opinion of the prophet as a major doctrine, relating it to the coming of the Lord, the seventh seal and seven thunders. For the basis of their doctrine revelation 5:1 is quoted. If we would casually examine the scripture, the Bible did not say that there are seven seals within the book and seven on the back of the book. It simply states that the book was written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals. This is the scripture, that the prophet used later to correct himself about seven seals instead of fourteen. This doctrine has no scriptural basis, but is ignorantly and erroneously built upon a few quotations. The prophet was sent to call us back to the Word, and he said that if he said anything contrary to the Word that we should stay with the word. People who establish major doctrines on quotations of the prophet, without a revelation, will wind themselves off the beaten track. Though they maybe sincere in trying to believe and say what the prophet say. But it is a total impossibility, to say what the prophet say, without a divine revelation of the Word and the message. One error leads to the next. "A little leaven, leaventh the whole lump." When we try to rely on a quotation to prove a doctrine, we will go completely off the Scripture and get off on the deep end. If we do not quickly correct ourselves.

Nobody, no matter how intelligent, should take a prophet's mistake, which he corrected, and formulate a heresy. Nathan gave his opinion to King David. When David enquired about building a temple for the Lord, saying; "Go and do all that is in thy heart". He was wrong, and corrected that later when the Lord told him that David should not build a temple for him. Anyone who built a doctrine on Nathan's opinion was wrong, because they would be taking a prophet's mistake to formulate a heresy, for which Nathan could not be held responsible. Likewise, when people take the opinion of Brother Branham, which he corrected and established them as major doctrines, they become heretics and are responsible for such heresies, though they maybe sincere, honest and striving with all good intentions to stay with the message. These same people always preach to others, advising them to say what the prophet say, but they do not say all. As in this case they need to say that the prophet corrected his misunderstandings. Evident by saying no more about it to the end of his life. In like manner, he preached the seven seals before 1963 and they were wrong.

There is a Brother from South Africa, who communicated with me a few times who has a book in circulation, which I read, entitled "The coming of the Lord", in which he tied in fourteen seals, seven revealed in 1963 and seven are yet to be revealed at the coming of the Lord for the rapture. His letter of August 2002, states as follows: That his overall picture of the seventh seal/seven thunders is different from both schools of thought, but basically he is of the first school, which states that the seven thunders is not revealed: Revelation 5:6 to 8:1 has not been fulfilled in March 1963. About the seven thunders, what are they? They are the revelation of Jesus Christ in its entirety. The revelation starts for each individual and increases constantly: The seven thunders are yet to utter their voices in Heaven, at the judgement seat of Christ behind the curtain of time, after, Jesus has left the mercy seat on the day of redemption.

In his book the "coming of the Lord", he tried to establish the three-fold mystery of Christ's coming{seven thunders}; two openings of fourteen seals, seven written seals revealed in 1963, and seven unwritten seals to be revealed in heaven before the rapture, after the bride gathers. The living saints are supposed to have an out of body experience and meet Christ who comes to the sixth place, to judge all and give rewards, after which the first resurrection follows. The Bride then gets the full baptism of the Holy Ghost.

This interpretation may sound very acceptable to an intellectual mind, especially to people who do not understand how Christ is on the mercy seat and the seals are loosed. This brother is trying to unravel the great puzzle of the seals. However, his teachings contradict the message and major Scriptures in the Bible. He claims to have a special revelation of the second coming of the Lord, held in the seventh seal/seven thunders, which came to the prophet in an unknown language, and he could not interpret. My objections to this heresy are: by what authority he received that revelation? Who interpreted the unknown language? Is he a prophet, and even one greater than Elijah the prophet? Amos 3:7 states that God reveals his secrets to the prophet.


Quote: 17-3 "And Seven Thunders uttered their voices…the coming of the Lord. That's one thing He hasn't revealed yet, of how He will come, and when He will come." (Christ is the mystery 63-0728).

There is no scriptural evidence for the Bride having an out of body experience to enter the sixth place to meet Christ for her judgement before her translation. She is raptured once, when she is caught up to meet the Lord in the air. (2 Thessalonians 4:16-17) All that he is resting his interpretation upon, is the experience of Brother Branham beyond the curtain of time. And he has it all misplaced to suit his fancies, and has forgotten the written Word. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes upon the Bride before the resurrection. His interpretation sounds like that of Hubert W. Armstrong, who taught that the Bride is born again at the second resurrection. This is strictly nonsensical, since it takes the fullness of the power of the Holy Ghost to bring the resurrection of the saints. And long before the resurrection, the church return to the power of Pentecost, when she receives the Headstone, and becomes a super church. The sons of God are placed, and manifested (Romans 8: 7), and Christ is glorified in his Bride by His second coming in power, and judgement begins at the House of God by Christ and His mighty angels (2 Thessalonians).


Quote: 116 "But when that Head and Body unites together the full power of the Holy Ghost would raise Her up... Even the dead, that's dead in Christ for hundreds of years ago, will rise." (What shall I do with Jesus 63-1124).


Quote: 128 "The cap's coming on the pyramid; and it's the end time, when the Christ and His Church is so much alike till it's going to call the dead…and there'll be a resurrection." (Elijah and the meal offering 60-0310).


Quote: 38-2 "Look where the voices was in the thunders, not in heaven, on earth. The thunders never uttered from the heavens; they uttered from the earth." (Is this the sign of the end sir62-1230E).

I was not willing to expose this brother as a heretic, since I found in him a sincere attitude to his beliefs. I consider him as a misled soul, and was not willing to be argumentative with him. However, I observed this doctrine being debated on a popular forum and that some are becoming entangled with this heresy, from different quarters; also he now has a website to propagate this major seals related heresy. Therefore, I feel obliged to expose his teachings along with all who propagate such damnable heresy. I wrote him a letter as follows:


In all humility sincerity and honesty, I state the following with a true conviction of heart concerning your projections of the second coming of the Lord. I firmly believe that it is a total secret that was not revealed by the prophet Brother Branham, since the seventh seal or the seven thunders could not be interpreted. I do not believe that I have the prophetic ability to reveal it, nor do I believe that you have it. Therefore on the basis of Amos 3:7 I cannot accept your interpretation, which you have projected. Though your quotations are put together to say that there are seven other seals to be revealed.

I can take your projections and run it through the message and the Word of God and show many errors, but I do not think that it is necessary, since the foundation of receiving such a revelation is incorrect. I will close this topic with a statement of Brother Branham where he said "I always thought it was sealed on the back of the Book and it'd be something wasn't wrote in the Book; but it turned out that it was made known that He cannot do that. It isn't something that's written in the Book..." I refer you to chapter 5 of Revelation, where it says that the book was written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals, even because it was a scroll, not a square book like we have today. Nowhere in that chapter spoke of 14 seals, seven inside and seven outside, and if you will notice Brother Branham after 1963 and at the opening of the seals never made mention about seven other seals to be revealed. He made those comments before the book was opened and when these things was not clear to him, and corrected some of those statements after the opening of the seals.

If your revelation is right, which I believe it is wrong, then you are the first one with a handful that follow, who are right, and the rest of the message world is wrong. Then that will make you the only leader of the bride today. Though you may not claim that, as good as your interpretation sounds to you, my precious brother, I think you should look it over honestly and sincerely in the word of God and try to understand that the seventh seal/seven thunders needs prophetic ability for its revelation. I do not claim to be that prophet, but have committed that into the hands of the Lord.

I must say goodbye for now, as I close this most delicate subject, which I know is dear to your heart, and do understand that you can only walk true to your convictions, and I feel the same way about my convictions. So all the best to you. May the Love of Christ abide in your heart bringing into your souls, the peace that passeth all understanding. Your Servant Brother Bruce

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